Originally posted by Tenax Propositi
Are you Indian smegger?
What inspired your interest in India?
nope, not indian. i just have a strange infactuation with the country...why? because:
i find the culture so interesting, in particular the religions. in year 11 i went on an sor excursion in which we visted all these different place of worship.i was just in awe when i walked into some of them, namely the sri venkateswara temple, the auburn gallipoli mosque, the nan tien temple...anyway all these places have isnpired me to go experience more and learn more about the respective religions...um also the diversity in culture i find interesting...and just the foreigness, it's so different to me. i love bollywoods, especially music. i love monsoonal climates...i think the people are beautiful...and i know that it's a place which needs a lot of help. so, there's what inspired my interest
