Australia MIGHT go into a recession (2 Viewers)

Tony Stark

Jan 22, 2025
Ok so people are just gonna be ignorant to the fact that land was stolen by the British, Whilst immigrants other than those British have to wait years to be accepted? Australia was built on slavery and colonisation.

Not this yada yada about nothing existing here before the british. Aboriginal people are the true owners of this land.
European immigrants and their descendants are the ones who built this country out of nothing
the people who were conscripted to risk their lives fighting for Australia in three different wars
Also, key-word here is conscripted. The reason they fought in the war was because they were legally obliged to. Now we have consent, and people do not have to do something they do not want to do.

Have you forgotten that most immigrants come from war-torn countries? And that a lot of these countries, Australia fought against?

You are ignoring so much in your little rant about british superiority and immigrant arrogance.
The arrogance of non-western immigrants today is truly incredible, when they come from populations who have accomplished so very little
Also when you are saying this, do you mean refugees or immigrants in general? Becuase immigrants come from many countries, some more developed than others. The generalisation in your argument is astounding to say the least.

I think its stupid to be complaining about how the NAPLAN shouldnt be on during Ramadan
Have you actually heard any Muslim person complaining about NAPLAN? Are Muslim people the only people that complain about NAPLAN, because I hear plenty of trash-talk coming from other kids. Stop confusing religion with culture, because they are too different things. And what do you say about Lent? That religious tradition also includes fasting.

same nonsense from overseas (sexism, racism, sectarianism, homophobia etc).
I just can not understand how un-educated some people are. Sexism, racism, sectarianism, homophobia, e.t.c are not just practiced by immigrants. Only in 1968 were Aboriginal people properly allowed to vote in all of Australia, and only in through the Crimes (Sexual Assault) Amendment Act (1981) NSW were women in a marriage legally empowered to sue their spouse because of rape.

Again, you are pretending the 'people who bult this country out of nothing' weren't convicts that were literlally sent to Australia as punishment for comitting acts of racism, sexism, e.t.c. If they deserved to come here, than so do refugees and immigrants.


Feb 11, 2011
Mare Crisium
Have you actually heard any Muslim person complaining about NAPLAN? Are Muslim people the only people that complain about NAPLAN, because I hear plenty of trash-talk coming from other kids. Stop confusing religion with culture, because they are too different things. And what do you say about Lent? That religious tradition also includes fasting. Christians don't complain about lent being during NAPLAN season. Even if they did, there should be no special treatment (given that NAPLAN is during Lent this year, Id say they arent getting any).

I just can not understand how un-educated some people are. Sexism, racism, sectarianism, homophobia, e.t.c are not just practiced by immigrants. Only in 1968 were Aboriginal people properly allowed to vote in all of Australia, and only in through the Crimes (Sexual Assault) Amendment Act (1981) NSW were women in a marriage legally empowered to sue their spouse because of rape.
Australia is far less sexist, racist, sectarian and homophobic compared to other nations. Do we want to compare our laws on those issues to countries like Pakistan, Indian, China or even some Eastern European countries? You will find Australia far more "Liberal" on that front. All Im saying is when you come here, an effort should be made to integrate and adopt our values. It's basic courtesy, it shouldnt be controversial.

Tony Stark

Jan 22, 2025
I don't think the biggest problem of a refugee is 'fitting in with the cool guys'. Life is not high school where everyone worries about fitting in; A job, home, and food and water are far more important. Also, I did not say that Muslim people fasting for Ramadan should get special treatment. The people in the quoted media article do not represent the Muslim demographic of Australia. They represent themselves as people, not a religion.

If we are to shame people for acting different, believing in different things, or practicing different religious traditions (in case you were wondering, sexism, racism, sectarianism, homophobia, e.t.c are not part of Islam), Australian people should be doing more to accept those who have experienced displacement from their home-country. Because Australia certainly isn't warm enough to respect these traditions.

I am not justifying sexism, racism, sectarianism, homophobia, e.t.c., I am saying that these issues exist in Australia regardless of the refugee intake.

Australia is far less sexist, racist, sectarian and homophobic compared to other nations.
I agree.
It is an individual's morals that should be judged, not where they come from. Or what they look like. Or what they believe in religiously. Or what traditions they practice. Or the language they speak.

Prejudice will get us nowhere; you are confusing the laws of a country versus the morals of a person. Laws often reflect the morals of politicians, especially in countries with more power imbalance. So do not judge a person's morals based on the laws of the country they come from.


Sep 7, 2022
smelling cadavers


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2024
Chase Atlantic’s rarri
I mean w a simple good search u can see that about 1 million muslims actively fast for ramadan IN AUSTRALIA ONLY unlike christians who fast for lent

u cant even pinpoint an estimate as to how many christian fast lent let alone teenagers (14+)
from those muslims i would say ~20% (not sure - dont quote me) are teenagers (yrs 7 and 9 naplan - not so many yr 7 but quite good)

n as its ace said u cant compare lent to ramadan, fasting in islam is from sunrise to sunset which is about 14 hrs of no eating or drinking compared to lent with is much more lenient (pun intended)

anyways i think that argument is quite useless


Just Bee Yourself 🐝
Nov 26, 2008
Ok so people are just gonna be ignorant to the fact that land was stolen by the British, Whilst immigrants other than those British have to wait years to be accepted? Australia was built on slavery and colonisation.
Vast swathes of the world have a history of violent conquest - the idea that everywhere outside of the west is just indigenous peoples living on their ancient homeland is complete horseshit.

When are you going to cry that China doesn't allow many immigrants? Or that almost all of its powerful institutions are almost completely staffed by Han Chinese men and none of the dozens of minority groups who are part of china because of China's history of imperialism?

Or how about Indians playing race victims while having a caste system and even engaging in caste discrimination in western countries!

Not this yada yada about nothing existing here before the british. Aboriginal people are the true owners of this land.
If Australia had been conolised by non-europeans, the aboriginals probably wouldn't have existed any more. And if Europeans didn't colonise Australia, someone else would have. There is no world in which e.g. China or Japan would have just left it alone forever.

Also, talking about Europeans "stealing aboriginal land" is obviously just opportunistic bullshit.

If you actually cared about this, you would not support immigration.

You did not get permission to come here, and every single immigrant that comes here makes aboriginals a smaller and smaller minority and dilutes their political power.

People like you ONLY ever talk about this shit to justify immigration.

It's like I'm illegally squatting in someone's house that they still live in, and then you come in and start squatting too saying how wrong squatting is and that this house belongs to the rightful owners.

If you actually meant a single word of what you are saying, you would be furiously anti-immigration. But this is just you advancing the interests of your ethnic ingroup, it has nothing to do with aboriginal people.

Also, key-word here is conscripted. The reason they fought in the war was because they were legally obliged to. Now we have consent, and people do not have to do something they do not want to do.
If young indian, african and chinese Australians were conscripted today they would be screeching hysterically about being oppressed. They would go back to India or China or africa to avoid it and would never, ever make a sacrifice for this country.

Hell, in a war against China, many Chinese Australians WOULD SUPPORT CHINA.

That's how pathetically ungrateful these people are. ScoMo called for an investigation into the origins of covid and his support among Chinese Australians tanked. Because these people have ZERO loyalty to the country that allowed them to have a better life, they still support China and are only here because its a nicer place to live than China. They have no gratitude, no allegiance and no loyalty. They take take take and never give, and then expect more.

Have you forgotten that most immigrants come from war-torn countries? And that a lot of these countries, Australia fought against?
Absolute horseshit.

The overwhelming majority of immigrants to Australia do not come from war-torn countries.

The top non-western countries of origin are China, India, Philippines, Vietnam, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Polynesia

Almost none of the people from these countries are fleeing war.

So-called "refugees" from countries like South Sudan are not fleeing a war Australia is involved in.

And even in cases where these is kind of true like Afghanistan, consider what you're saying: People WANT to live in the country of the people they think is destroying their own country?

This completely obliterates racial victimisation narratives.

At no other point in history have people tried to get CLOSER to the people they think are oppressing them.

Fleeing oppression has ALWAYS meant getting AWAY from your "oppressors". If you genuinely thought Australia is oppressing you and is run by racist white people, why would you want to live directly under the rule of these people?

The answer is that they don't actually think this and will use whatever excuse they can to live in a safe prosperous western country that will give them government benefits.

These muslims hold demonstrations in which they talk about how much they hate australia and white people - what non-western country on earth would let disgusting worms like this live in their country?

China cracks down HARD on muslims - and they aren't even foreigners! And yet people like you don't care, you are and always will be more upset that non enough Australian CEOs or politicians are Chinese (or whatever bullshit) than you ever will be about the actuall oppression perpetrated by non-western countries.

You are ignoring so much in your little rant about british superiority and immigrant arrogance.
This is not an argument. Either tell me what I'm ignoring or shut up.

Also when you are saying this, do you mean refugees or immigrants in general? Becuase immigrants come from many countries, some more developed than others. The generalisation in your argument is astounding to say the least.
The fact that they're less developed is the entire point!

You're talking about economic development as if it's some natural fact about a country like its climate or geography.

It's not. It's a product of it's people.

Countries that are undeveloped today are undeveloped because the people there are incapable of successfully running a country.

The British travelled all over the world, and wherever they became a majority, they built good countries. This includes the in freezing cold of canada and the scorching heat of Australia. This includes countries across the Atlatnic from Europe (the US) and countries on the absolute opposite side of the world (New Zealand.).

Virtually all of their industry was invented and developed from scratch. Isaac Newton in the 17th century single-handedly advanced science more than most entire COUNTRIES have in their entire history.

Today, countries don't need to invent or discover anything to develop. Europeans already invented and discovered everything they need. And countries today have massive advantages over industrial era Britain, because the internet exists, all scientific and technological facts are available in seconds, the best experts consultants and advisors are a phone call or email away, and global logistics networks are insanely well developed now meaning equipment and technological machinery can be moved around the globe in a matter of days.

And yet with all these advantages, so many of these countries are still poorer than much of Europe was a century ago.

Heck, Ancient Greece and Rome, 2-3 thousand years ago, had more sophisticated and functional countries than much of the world today.

This is simply incompatible with an egalitarian worldview. You can only explain this away with an endless series of just so stories that have no predictive validity.

And you also have to believe it has nothing to do with culture either, otherwise, why are you supporting the importation of people with an inderior culture?

Have you actually heard any Muslim person complaining about NAPLAN? Are Muslim people the only people that complain about NAPLAN, because I hear plenty of trash-talk coming from other kids. Stop confusing religion with culture, because they are too different things. And what do you say about Lent? That religious tradition also includes fasting.
I have heard non-stop muslim complaints about the entire western world not reconfiguring their societies to suit the needs of Muslim culture and religious practice, while they come from and support countries where other religions are often not even allowed!

I just can not understand how un-educated some people are. Sexism, racism, sectarianism, homophobia, e.t.c are not just practiced by immigrants. Only in 1968 were Aboriginal people properly allowed to vote in all of Australia, and only in through the Crimes (Sexual Assault) Amendment Act (1981) NSW were women in a marriage legally empowered to sue their spouse because of rape.
So what you're saying is that Australia fixed a problem half a century ago that most muslims countries STILL haven't today?


While we're at it, let's look at LGBT stuff too


Yep, just what I thought.

Again, you are pretending the 'people who bult this country out of nothing' weren't convicts that were literlally sent to Australia as punishment for comitting acts of racism, sexism, e.t.c. If they deserved to come here, than so do refugees and immigrants.

Convicts were not sent to Australia because they "committed acts of racism sexism etc"

This is the most wildly stupid thing I've ever read in my life, and yet you still have the gall to call other people "ignorant".

And Europeans DID build this country out of nothing. They didn't come here and use government benefits and physical/social infrastructure built by other people.


Just Bee Yourself 🐝
Nov 26, 2008
If we are to shame people for acting different, believing in different things, or practicing different religious traditions (in case you were wondering, sexism, racism, sectarianism, homophobia, e.t.c are not part of Islam), Australian people should be doing more to accept those who have experienced displacement from their home-country. Because Australia certainly isn't warm enough to respect these traditions.
Australia is "warmer" than any non-western country.

There's numerous muslim majority countries where other religions LITERALLY AREN'T EVEN ALLOWED, and yet you people sit here and cry that white people aren't bending over backwards enough for muslims.

And why should Australia accept these traditions? These people are choosing to come to another country, they should respect the culture of the country they're moving to.

After all, the culture of European countries built a better country in two centuries than any of these cultures built after THOUSANDS OF YEARS.

That's the thing with these immigrant groups - they move somewhere else, then try and make that place more like the shithole countries they left in the first place.

I am not justifying sexism, racism, sectarianism, homophobia, e.t.c., I am saying that these issues exist in Australia regardless of the refugee intake.
They exist orders of magnitude more among minority groups than they do white Australians.

I agree.
It is an individual's morals that should be judged, not where they come from. Or what they look like. Or what they believe in religiously. Or what traditions they practice. Or the language they speak.

The overwhelming majority of muslims around the world de facto disagree with this.

Prejudice will get us nowhere; you are confusing the laws of a country versus the morals of a person. Laws often reflect the morals of politicians, especially in countries with more power imbalance. So do not judge a person's morals based on the laws of the country they come from.
Muslims commit huge amounts of crime, consume huge amounts of government benefits, practice homophobia, sexism and religious intolerance and demand that Australians change their country to acccomodate foreign religious beliefs.

It is the most rational thing in the world to not want immigrants from muslim countries.

But again, you will ALWAYS be more outraged over white people not being accomodating doormats than you will about muslim countries executing people for "blasphemy" or for being gay, because the only REAL principle you have in advancing the interests of your religious/ethnic ingroup.


Just Bee Yourself 🐝
Nov 26, 2008
Part of the reasons muslims are so mad is extreme insecurity.

They HATE HATE HATE the fact that white christian people in australia built a better country in a few centuries than muslims ever did in thousands of years. And it's why despite their history of the most vicious, brutal conquest and oppression of other peoples, today they've styled themselves as oppressed indigenous people who deserve access to white people's money, so that way they get to feel like they're not responsible for their own failures. It's fucking embarrassing.

And I mean, saying "australia was built on slavery" is just insane when muslims have a longer and more substantial history of slavery than almost anyone. They were literally responsible for more of the african slave trade than euopeans were, and have they ever so much as apologized for it? Even pretended to feel bad about it? OF COURSE NOT! They're more likely to use slavery to attack europeans than to ever even pretend to feel guilty for their own crimes. Pathetic.


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2024
Also, talking about Europeans "stealing aboriginal land" is obviously just opportunistic bullshit.

If you actually cared about this, you would not support immigration.

You did not get permission to come here, and every single immigrant that comes here makes aboriginals a smaller and smaller minority and dilutes their political power.

People like you ONLY ever talk about this shit to justify immigration.

It's like I'm illegally squatting in someone's house that they still live in, and then you come in and start squatting too saying how wrong squatting is and that this house belongs to the rightful owners.

If you actually meant a single word of what you are saying, you would be furiously anti-immigration. But this is just you advancing the interests of your ethnic ingroup, it has nothing to do with aboriginal people.
hrm this is the only part that i am not violently repulsed by...


Feb 11, 2011
Mare Crisium
While we're at it, let's look at LGBT stuff too

View attachment 47088

Yep, just what I thought.
One thing Ill never understand is "Trans/LGBT people for Palestine". Like why on earth would you support a people who would literally kill you for being who you area (especially over a country that does support LGBT people). I just cant understand it (to be clear, I support neither Palestine or Israel).


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2024
Beach...flashing ma 6 pack 😏
One thing Ill never understand is "Trans/LGBT people for Palestine". Like why on earth would you support a people who would literally kill you for being who you area (especially over a country that does support LGBT people). I just cant understand it (to be clear, I support neither Palestine or Israel).
you sound like a conventional Israeli supporter my guy


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2024
Beach...flashing ma 6 pack 😏
Vast swathes of the world have a history of violent conquest - the idea that everywhere outside of the west is just indigenous peoples living on their ancient homeland is complete horseshit.

When are you going to cry that China doesn't allow many immigrants? Or that almost all of its powerful institutions are almost completely staffed by Han Chinese men and none of the dozens of minority groups who are part of china because of China's history of imperialism?

Or how about Indians playing race victims while having a caste system and even engaging in caste discrimination in western countries!

If Australia had been conolised by non-europeans, the aboriginals probably wouldn't have existed any more. And if Europeans didn't colonise Australia, someone else would have. There is no world in which e.g. China or Japan would have just left it alone forever.

Also, talking about Europeans "stealing aboriginal land" is obviously just opportunistic bullshit.

If you actually cared about this, you would not support immigration.

You did not get permission to come here, and every single immigrant that comes here makes aboriginals a smaller and smaller minority and dilutes their political power.

People like you ONLY ever talk about this shit to justify immigration.

It's like I'm illegally squatting in someone's house that they still live in, and then you come in and start squatting too saying how wrong squatting is and that this house belongs to the rightful owners.

If you actually meant a single word of what you are saying, you would be furiously anti-immigration. But this is just you advancing the interests of your ethnic ingroup, it has nothing to do with aboriginal people.

If young indian, african and chinese Australians were conscripted today they would be screeching hysterically about being oppressed. They would go back to India or China or africa to avoid it and would never, ever make a sacrifice for this country.

Hell, in a war against China, many Chinese Australians WOULD SUPPORT CHINA.

That's how pathetically ungrateful these people are. ScoMo called for an investigation into the origins of covid and his support among Chinese Australians tanked. Because these people have ZERO loyalty to the country that allowed them to have a better life, they still support China and are only here because its a nicer place to live than China. They have no gratitude, no allegiance and no loyalty. They take take take and never give, and then expect more.

Absolute horseshit.

The overwhelming majority of immigrants to Australia do not come from war-torn countries.

The top non-western countries of origin are China, India, Philippines, Vietnam, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Polynesia

Almost none of the people from these countries are fleeing war.

So-called "refugees" from countries like South Sudan are not fleeing a war Australia is involved in.

And even in cases where these is kind of true like Afghanistan, consider what you're saying: People WANT to live in the country of the people they think is destroying their own country?

This completely obliterates racial victimisation narratives.

At no other point in history have people tried to get CLOSER to the people they think are oppressing them.

Fleeing oppression has ALWAYS meant getting AWAY from your "oppressors". If you genuinely thought Australia is oppressing you and is run by racist white people, why would you want to live directly under the rule of these people?

The answer is that they don't actually think this and will use whatever excuse they can to live in a safe prosperous western country that will give them government benefits.

These muslims hold demonstrations in which they talk about how much they hate australia and white people - what non-western country on earth would let disgusting worms like this live in their country?

China cracks down HARD on muslims - and they aren't even foreigners! And yet people like you don't care, you are and always will be more upset that non enough Australian CEOs or politicians are Chinese (or whatever bullshit) than you ever will be about the actuall oppression perpetrated by non-western countries.

This is not an argument. Either tell me what I'm ignoring or shut up.

The fact that they're less developed is the entire point!

You're talking about economic development as if it's some natural fact about a country like its climate or geography.

It's not. It's a product of it's people.

Countries that are undeveloped today are undeveloped because the people there are incapable of successfully running a country.

The British travelled all over the world, and wherever they became a majority, they built good countries. This includes the in freezing cold of canada and the scorching heat of Australia. This includes countries across the Atlatnic from Europe (the US) and countries on the absolute opposite side of the world (New Zealand.).

Virtually all of their industry was invented and developed from scratch. Isaac Newton in the 17th century single-handedly advanced science more than most entire COUNTRIES have in their entire history.

Today, countries don't need to invent or discover anything to develop. Europeans already invented and discovered everything they need. And countries today have massive advantages over industrial era Britain, because the internet exists, all scientific and technological facts are available in seconds, the best experts consultants and advisors are a phone call or email away, and global logistics networks are insanely well developed now meaning equipment and technological machinery can be moved around the globe in a matter of days.

And yet with all these advantages, so many of these countries are still poorer than much of Europe was a century ago.

Heck, Ancient Greece and Rome, 2-3 thousand years ago, had more sophisticated and functional countries than much of the world today.

This is simply incompatible with an egalitarian worldview. You can only explain this away with an endless series of just so stories that have no predictive validity.

And you also have to believe it has nothing to do with culture either, otherwise, why are you supporting the importation of people with an inderior culture?

I have heard non-stop muslim complaints about the entire western world not reconfiguring their societies to suit the needs of Muslim culture and religious practice, while they come from and support countries where other religions are often not even allowed!

So what you're saying is that Australia fixed a problem half a century ago that most muslims countries STILL haven't today?

View attachment 47087

While we're at it, let's look at LGBT stuff too

View attachment 47088

Yep, just what I thought.


Convicts were not sent to Australia because they "committed acts of racism sexism etc"

This is the most wildly stupid thing I've ever read in my life, and yet you still have the gall to call other people "ignorant".

And Europeans DID build this country out of nothing. They didn't come here and use government benefits and physical/social infrastructure built by other people.
You are in desperate need of a job, or a return to geo class in high school because wtf is this.


Feb 11, 2011
Mare Crisium
you sound like a conventional Israeli supporter my guy
Both sides are equally awful. I know it sounds heartless, but people killing each other in the Middle East isnt something I particularly care about, it's just another day in that part of the world.

what drugs are you smoking to claim that LMAO
Comparison, not absolute. I didnt say Australia doesnt have those things, Im saying relative to other countries we do quite well.

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