bfmv said:
Hey guys,
im interested in getting into asset management or some sort of risk management field. Im just wanting anyones opinion on what course (out of the above)/majors to do?. I have already recieved an offer to BComm at UNSW and deffered it.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated
There are two main advantages of doing the double (I'm doing Eco/Commerce at UWA):
1) Allows you to do several majors. I'm doing 4 or 5, which is possible due to overlapping units. This is beneficial in terms of recruitment as it gives you a broader range of knowledge (for example, I'll be graduating with knowledge in economics, finance, management theory, marketing and international business whereas someone doing a single degree would have to just choose two of those). I couldn't tell you whether this would make a big difference with risk or asset management but I know that it's been quite beneficial in management consulting for me (helped me land an internship) but that may be because consulting is an area that values broad business knowledge.
2) It gives you more time to get pre-graduation experience under your belt before you go for grad positions. Single degree people are able to fit in 1 or 2 internships, while double degree people can fit in a few more depending on how they play their cards. There's also more time for things like part time jobs, society involvement and so on. This could let you build your employability before you try and get a grad job.
The obvious disadvantages are that it takes longer and costs more.
I'm doing it because of those 2 advantages and because I really enjoy the subject material and have no idea how I'd choose only 2 out of my 5 majors