so i decided to come here again...
hello pigs, mic, flyin', newbie, nancyboo et alii...
(for those who don't know) sorry i've been jacked off the matrix, friggin motherboard exploded killing comp in process so frigid not online for the last friggin three weeks (arghhh, the withdrawal symptoms)...
in the past few weeks i've been lamenting over my poor UAI (.10 - thank god i'm not saying this in UAI forum otherwise get bashed), not gonna get into usyd or even unsw law now (*cries on timmi's shoulder)... ohhh and i've read many books and continued my job at the cinema and gotten half a grand during xmas week coz of double pay

will be joining you guys very soon (well hopefully when the computer shops open again)... this is sounding too much like a blog
i miss someone dammit.
see everyone on jan 5th at the unis or something... poor friggey's gonna end up at uts law fac, behind marketcity, checking out them hot salesgirls (*cough*colourmix*cough*), crying over what uni he coulda went to if only he worked a bit harder in maths...
hello pigs, mic, flyin', newbie, nancyboo et alii...
(for those who don't know) sorry i've been jacked off the matrix, friggin motherboard exploded killing comp in process so frigid not online for the last friggin three weeks (arghhh, the withdrawal symptoms)...
in the past few weeks i've been lamenting over my poor UAI (.10 - thank god i'm not saying this in UAI forum otherwise get bashed), not gonna get into usyd or even unsw law now (*cries on timmi's shoulder)... ohhh and i've read many books and continued my job at the cinema and gotten half a grand during xmas week coz of double pay
will be joining you guys very soon (well hopefully when the computer shops open again)... this is sounding too much like a blog
see everyone on jan 5th at the unis or something... poor friggey's gonna end up at uts law fac, behind marketcity, checking out them hot salesgirls (*cough*colourmix*cough*), crying over what uni he coulda went to if only he worked a bit harder in maths...