lolol, so thers alot of people with dota problems HAHAHA, glad to hear ur fucking up ur hsc's cuz im heading to the same direction
well, im kinda "getting" a determination to stop after im aiming for like a 30% in my chem exam, maybe less, LOL, however the determination will prolly die out after the exam anyway, ill prolly leave half the questions blank and get a NSA
not like i wanted to, chemistrys fucking tough shit, i learn the shit, i understand the shit, i cant apply it on the fucking questions
ol im doing the same thing,
i find i can go without withdrawel symptomes if i have one game when i get home from school then study from 5.30-11.
then play 11 til midnight or so then sleep.
so i get a good 4-5 hrs study per night (gotta make time for dinner + olympics)
i suggest you do something much the same,
play ai and use cheats - so you get a quick 15 min game. and get a score 100-0-0
i hope you go well, yet i want a better uai

so dont go too well.
awesome shit here, ill prolly try and do the same, hopefully i can aim higher IN THE HSC EXAM, however i cant do AI, they are just too stupid, or too hard :S (6.38b shit), i never treated assessment ranks highly, most say its an average between HSC and assessment, but i think its more HSC, so good luck in ur exam lol
"ore tachi wa pok gai la!"
Fucking smash that computer into peices! That's what my aunty did to her computer.
mmm, at the rate things going, my computers gonna be permanent, yeah ill prolly hafta live with my dual core failing the HSC so bad HAHA so breaking it isnt the best choice
lol i screwd up half-yearlys due to dota. After that i quit ))
Dont even feel the urge to play again... maybe after HSC..
if only i fucked up my half yearlies too, lol, other then chem i fucking raped my half yearlies, yes im still fucking up in chem, and my urge to stop playing is at the point of almost never