Don't try and tell me how much or little I did.
This was my effort over my HSC yr:
English- put a little effort into non-exam assessments, maybe an hour for each. Talked through class (entire class did)
Maths- doing my homework consisted of doing maybe half the assigned exercise and the other half was random working with the answer from the book. Talked through class (entire class did)
IPT- nothing. Played quake and counterstrike every lesson.
Chem- nothing in class, or at home, although went to tutoring (lol, so could have been avoided by doing stuff). Occasionally did homework, mostly stolen off CSU site.
Business- once again, nothing. Talked through class (entire class did)
Stuvac: surfing the net and watching tv
Night before exams: surfing the net and watching tv
Morning of exams: 10 minutes flipping through excel books.