AlleyCat said:
what about having a train every 5 minutes ON FUCKING TIME in peak hour.
i dont understand how that couldn't work.
AlleyCat said:
can you explain it to me then?
The CityRail signalling system is very old. IIRC, it's based on technology from before 1950 or something. I could be wrong on the date, so don't quote me on that one.
So obviously compared to newer technology, a further distance needs to be kept between each train, and this causes limitations.
I think on the City Circle trains can be closer apart than other parts of the network, although congestion is still an issue there (3 lines merging to one in each direction).
But trains being delayed on peak hour is mainly due to huge dwell times at stations, because of the double decker design, whereas on single decker trains people can unload/load faster.
Also, there are follow on effects due to the design of the lines. For example, if a train is delayed on the Bankstown Line, then there will be delays on the Inner West Line, as those two lines are basically the same (Bankstown Line goes around City Circle and becomes Inner West Line, and vice versa). The clearways project is designed to reduce this. I think there's going to be a turnback at Lidcombe or something to facilitate for the seperation of these lines. This will result in some stations getting no direct service to the city, but at least it seperates the two lines. The turnback is nearly completed I think.
I think there's also going to be a turnback at Revesby to seperate the East Hills line from the South Line (As East Hills line goes around CC and becomes South Line). I don't know if this is going to proceed, but it was planned.
Oh and I wouldn't trust SMH fully, they don't even know the difference between a K set and S set.