yeah i do the B Com (liberal studies) degree and choose it over doing strait commerce/law even when I had a dodgy backdoor way into a HECS place, hey i did just miss the cut off anyway....
the degree abreviation is B Com (Liberal Studies) by the way
Nick yeah basically at the moment one of my majors is going to be government as well with finance and minor in accounting
its a good degree in so much that you have unlimited choice of subjects basically with no compulsorary commerce pre reqs like stats, accounting 1a and B, micro macro and info systems like a normal commy deg so there is more freedom, even though I've done or am doing most of the pre reqs....
As for wanting to do government and international rels under a com/law degree the problem is that in the first year of ur degree you have no elective units, and you will have to make up the junior govt. credit points from year 2 before you can get onto year 2 senior govt subjects to go make up your major in the subject...if u dont get this email me....
as for what is more interesting you can throw in psycology, mix in some maths, science, history, english, anything with my degree while the combined law is a bit more restrictive.... look up the degree structure for the B Economics and Social Sciences (can be doubled with law) because that is a lot more flexible than the straight B Com...