zombie omie jay
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Hey yo, Niggaz does that already, but wez brutal yo, once my home dawg, got a gun and held up a maccas store, he told them to make us two big ass booty hamburgers boi waz that noice. So don't mess with da Niggas coz we do anything to get anything.Then would it not be more along the lines of stealing kfc and/or watermelons?
The solution, quite probably, is a draconian social program that consists of sterilizing the bottom 50% for a menu of selected attributes of the Aboriginal population and encouraging the top 50% to breed. Repeat this for several generations and it is possible that they will be equal with whites within maybe a hundred or so years.
Luckily for them, I don't really care about helping them so let's just give them a portion of Northern Queensland and fuck them off there. They've been moaning about totally autonomous self-determination for a very long time, so let's give it to them. Never let it be said that Caesar was not generous.
Perhaps you're missing my point, or I'm not being concise enough. It is irrelevant how racist the elites are, and I'd agree that they are more likely more racially-egalitarian than others. However, you don't have to agree with something to perpetuate a lie about it. It is quite clear that the elite have a vested interest in spreading veiled and sometimes overt racist fear-mongering and stereotyping. This is evident in the media especially, which is owned primarily by extremely rich white capitalists. The government and the elite are not the same entity, which explains the difference between the somewhat pro-racially harmonious education system and the rhetoric spewed out by the rich. The government merely protects the capitalist system.cosmo kramer said:No, you're way off. The wealthier you are, the more educated you tend to be. And the more educated you tend to be, the more exposure you have most likely had to the educational system, which from cradle to the grave (especially in the United States) bombards you with racial-egalitarianism, the idea that we're "all one people" and that we're all marching off into some post-racial utopia where human differences will be made not to matter. This is sustained ultimately by perverting and silencing the sciences that discuss human biological differences. There is a robust debate going on concerning intrinsic racial characteristics within these scientific fields, but they take place in interstices and dark spaces away from the prying eyes of the humanities, the public and the press.
I beg to differ. Take one look at a publication like the Herald Sun or a television show like ACA, TT or 60 minutes. Racial intolerance is perpetuated by these mediums, and the lower your income (thus the lower your education level) the more likely you are to swallow that crap down.cosmo kramer said:The wealthy have a vested interest in getting everybody to accept there are no racial differences, not the other way round. Elites in business are sustained by racial orthodoxy; it provides credence to continued third-world immigration, which drags down wages by increasing the supply of labor. This was true as far back as 1924, when the American Immigration Bill was opposed by big business, but not by the public and academia, which worked together to decisively halt immigration.
Racism and cover-up pervade response to deaths in custody
Suvendrini Perera
Aborigines, Sudanese and asylum seekers are subject to brutality.
Only openness will defeat racism in the police
There is no place for racism in the police.
Decisive action is needed to enhance tolerance among law enforcers.
The Age
No place in the police for racism
Only a week ago, Victoria's Chief Commissioner, Simon Overland, conceded there have been substantiated cases of racism within the police force.
What does racism actually mean?
A lot has been said about racism in Australia in recent times, particularly in response to the stabbing murder of Nitin Garg in the inner Melbourne suburb of West Footscray.
'Yellow peril' racism rears its ugly head
Marilyn Lake
Chinese were once vilified in Australia, a travesty we'd do well not to repeat.
Indian students, racism and a debate spiralling out of control
Paul Austin
John Brumby has lost control of the violence-against-Indians debate. That's scary for a premier who likes to be in control. Scarier still that it's happening in an election year.
Jail appeal over race killing
had been influenced by "racism and antagonism" towards Aborigines. Mr Goldflam said Kloeden's sentence…
'In denial' on Indian racist attacks
has branded this as racism with the Indian government calling on Australia to do more to ensure the safety…
A recent past of shame
There is still racism in America, as we are reminded again and again -- most recently, during Obama's campaign…
Churchill inspired Malthouse silence
We all know that racism and religious vilification is completely unacceptable and, quite rightly, will…
Overhaul needed over police racism claims
while nearly 20 claims of racism over the past three years have never been investigated, the report says…
Overland this week admitted there was racism in the force but he was working hard to stamp…
Cops' racist emails 'too offensive to show'
of Police Integrity, confirmed last week that it had also launched an investigation into racism in the force…
that said police suffered from a culture of racism.…
Campbell 'fights racism' in fashion world
BRITISH supermodel Naomi Campbell has lashed out at what she sees as latent racism in the fashion industry, which she said gives preference to "blonde, blue-eyed models" over black women.
Right-wing US militias on the rise
Ideologically driven by racism and a virulent anti-government, anti-immigrant agenda, the homegrown…
Human rights 'being trampled in Australia'
had "significant pockets of racism", "crude and nasty" populism and nationalism. "There are a lot of good things…
inequalities remain, as do not insignificant pockets of racism." Although Victoria and the ACT…
Southern Cross 'becoming like swastika'
WARWICK Thornton says he's deeply concerned that the Southern Cross is becoming a symbol of racism for some Australians.
Racism 'does exist in Australia'
had the potential to hurt the student markets as well as other trade. "We need to recognise that racism does…
that is some of the stupidest dribble i have ever heardnot really
if whites made up 5% of the population group of a society that was about 95% black then for that society to be at least a quarter way decent you had better make sure they were the only people who could vote or you would end up with something akin to current south africa which since the end of apartheid is now converging with the rest of africa; that's an example where special privileges based on race would be sensible
white people don't really seem to understand the rest of the world doesn't really care about their ideas of fairness and equality and just want to screw over every other group for their own benefit and if white people dont start doing it too they'll just be destroyed
whenever you hear a minority group clamouring for equality and fairness be very wary and consider the possibility that their agitation has the ultimate objective of screwing over some other group for their own benefit
the civil rights movement in the u.s switched instantly from equality and fair treatment to "give my group money and benefits NOW"
well if that isn't you assumption then what isThat isn't my assumption at all. You really need to base your arguments on what other people say rather than what you think they are saying. It would be prudent for you in future to ask questions rather than to jump right in with a pigheaded statement based on a percieved and implicit message rather than a directly stated assertion.
your hatred of freedom disturbs meIt depends on what perspective you are basing this hypothetical policy on. From a black perspective, yes, it can be positive, because it will ultimately allow your population group to procure complete political power within the nation in question and thus, allow you to do all sorts of nasty things to the white minority and give your group discriminatory benefits of every possible kind. In South Africa, for instance, work places tend to be organized in an unofficial three-tiered system, with untalented, lazy blacks at the top, who have obtained their high-positions through government mandated 'leg-up' programs, cleverer whites doing the serious, intellectually demanding technical work in the middle, and a sea of blacks at the bottom. Anybody who was not expecting any sort of arrangement like this after the fall of Apartheid was being a moron; it was inevitable. Rape, violence and corruption in that country are now rampant, GDP was contracting in the midst of a commodity boom, rolling blackouts are common, Air South Africa, once an award-winning airline and one of the finest in the world has been reduced to an absolute joke, and whites are fleeing en-masse.
Making voting a privilege to certain populations in certain situations can be perfectly judicious as policy; it can prevent total disasters from befalling not only your group, but in many cases, unenfranchised groups as well.
that or u can just admit that all blacks are not all dumber then white people and just accept that fact that there are smart black people out there.Do you really want me to make a very long response to that?