Cronulla Beach Incident (3 Viewers)


Juno 15/4/08 :)
Nov 6, 2004
Liverpool, NSW
well im gonna go manly today, lets see how it goes...
I dont think it'll spread as far north as manly, but hey theres always the northern beaches if all goes wrong


Retired. Gone fishing.
Sep 26, 2004
= Jennifer = said:
lol lol
and it's even funnier cause i know where all these places are and they are very multicultural and it is very rare to see a full aussie

A 'full aussie'. WTF is a full auzzie?


Premium Member
Jul 14, 2004
A man wearing a wifebeater, stubbies, thongs, nursing a case of VB in one hand and a meat pie in the other.


Retired. Gone fishing.
Sep 26, 2004

Race riots spread to suburbs

Riotous assembly … a mob assaults a man with beer bottles at North Cronulla yesterday. By last night, youths of Middle Eastern background were out for revenge, which included vandalising more than 100 cars at Maroubra.

Riotous assembly … a mob assaults a man with beer bottles at North Cronulla yesterday. By last night, youths of Middle Eastern background were out for revenge, which included vandalising more than 100 cars at Maroubra.

By Les Kennedy, Damien Murphy, Malcolm Brown and Tim Colquhoun
December 12, 2005

RACIAL violence erupted in several Sydney suburbs last night in retaliation for a rampage by thousands of young residents through Cronulla that turned the seaside suburb into a battlefield.

Political, community and religious leaders joined stunned locals to condemn an afternoon of violence by a crowd that turned on people of Middle Eastern appearance and those trying to protect them, with police and ambulance officers also attacked.

As the violence spread, police cars raced through Sydney streets from Cronulla to Miranda, Brighton-le-Sands, Rockdale, Maroubra, Woolooware and Tempe. Police said they had received reports of firearms being "flashed" threateningly but not discharged. "So far we have had no one shot," an officer said.

A 23-year-old man was in St George Hospital in a serious condition after a fight in Woolooware about 10.25pm. A radio report said he had a knife embedded in his back. Police said the man was with friends when he had an altercation outside a golf club with a "group of males of Mediterranean or Middle Eastern appearance".

In Brighton-le-Sands a group of people were reported to have taken down the Australian flag at the Brighton RSL Club and burnt it in the street. Youths were seen at a garage filling bottles with petrol in nearby Monterey.

Police closed Marine Parade, Maroubra, where people converged in vehicles on the beachfront and began fighting with locals including members of the Bra Boys surf gang. Police said 50 carloads of youths smashed more than 100 vehicles with baseball bats and other weapons. In the same suburb a young girl was punched in the face.

In Rockdale police gathered in riot gear following reports of youths armed with crowbars near the train station after 10pm, a car driver trying to run down a police officer, and items being thrown at police cars in Bay Street, Brighton-le-Sands. The street was blocked off.

Around North Cronulla beach and the surrounding streets, drunk teenagers communicated with each other on walkie-talkies about rumoured sightings of Lebanese gangs.

Commanders from the Bankstown and Campsie patrols were on alert amid fears of outbreaks of violence. Shortly before midnight police received reports of a convoy of up to 40 carloads of youths heading from Punchbowl Oval to the eastern suburbs.

By 12.30am today there were reports of 20 cars with men of Middle Eastern appearance at a BP petrol station in Cronulla, throwing rocks.

At least 13 people were injured during the earlier violence in Cronulla - including five police - and 12 people had been arrested last night.

The Premier, Morris Iemma, led a chorus of condemnation of the Cronulla attacks. "These hooligans have brought shame upon themselves," he said. "Some today tried to hide behind the Australian flag. The Australia that I know, and intend to preserve as Premier, does not support the sort of behaviour that we saw today."

The Police Commissioner, Ken Moroney, said the rioters - many of them carrying the flag and even singing the anthem - were "clearly un-Australian". "I'm ashamed as a man and as the Commissioner of Police," he said. "Never have I seen a mob turn like they have today, particularly on … women and … the NSW Ambulance Service. That has brought a higher level of shame to those involved."

There had "clearly … been a level of racial vilification … and those who are found to behave this way will be prosecuted".

One bashing victim, 19-year-old Mustafa, said at Sutherland Hospital: "They threw bottles, broken bottles, food, anything they could get their hands on. And what were we doing? We were there for a swim."

Another victim, who gave his name only as Moot, said: "We are going to have the last laugh. I got beaten up by 50 people. I am half Lebanese, part-Aboriginal. I am more Australian than the Anglos."

The Assistant Commissioner, Mark Goodwin, who co-ordinated the riot response, said a taskforce would review video footage.

The violence followed a week of simmering tension after an attack the previous Sunday on two lifesavers. Appeals by text message for "Aussies" to descend on the beach to reclaim it drew a crowd estimated at 5000 people, but a carnival atmosphere in the morning gave way to an ugly mood as a hard core of about 200 turned violent. Thousands chanted them on.

The trouble began with scuffles about midday. As the crowd moved along the beach and foreshore area, a man on the back of a utility began to shout "No more Lebs" - a chant picked up by the group around him. Others in the crowd yelled "Aussie, Aussie, Aussie … Oi, Oi, Oi". Members of the mob set upon their prey with fists, feet, flags and beer bottles. Two paramedics were injured as they tried to get victims out of the North Cronulla Surf Life Saving Club, where they had fled to escape the rioters. One of the women had fled into the clubhouse for safety after her headscarf was ripped off.

The crowd broke the windows of the ambulance and kicked its doors as the officers attempted to get the group out. Police, who used capsicum spray and batons in their battle to quell the rioters, were also pelted with beer bottles, and in some cases their cars were swamped and stomped on as they tried to move from one violent flare-up to the next. They sometimes appeared powerless to keep up with the moving mob.

An 18-year-old man who had ventured to the beach for a dip just before 11am was the first to be targeted. He was chased by 200 people to the Northies Hotel, where 20 bouncers joined police in holding back a crowd that swelled to several thousand.

Many people were drinking in a nearby park - some clearly underage. Late yesterday hotels and bottle shops agreed to stop takeaway alcohol sales.

One man was taken by police into Northies, which became a "safe haven". Police also set up a safe house in the North Cronulla clubhouse.

About 7.30pm a young man of Lebanese appearance, arms held out imploringly, sprinted south on a footpath towards the protective shield of the police stationed at Cronulla Beach, hotly pursued by a drunken mob numbering hundreds. He outran the mob and was saved by police, who placed him in the back of a police van, which was then surrounded by the mob.

As the van drove away, one young Caucasian girl laughed and said to a male companion: "That was sick. I've never seen a dumb Leb run so fast. How good was that?"

Earlier a man was cornered in Mitchell Street and had several bottles smashed over his head while he was punched and kicked by dozens of screaming people.

He had been walking with two other men when he was hit by a young man draped in the Australian flag. A bystander tried to stop the assault, saying "He's not a Leb, he's not a Leb".

A lone policeman came to his aid, spraying a canister of capsicum spray to try to disperse the crowd until more support arrived.

Many shopkeepers closed their doors as the crowd converged on Cronulla station. Two men who had just stepped off a train were bashed by about 50 people after they were forced against the carriage. Police said the invasion of the station appeared to have been prompted by a bogus text message saying a trainload of people was due to arrive from Bankstown.

Sarah Id, 17, and her sister Amy, 15, from Sutherland, who were both born in the area and whose parents are Lebanese immigrants, found themselves under the protection of police and transit security guards as they waited for their train while 1000 people stood opposite. The pair had gone to Cronulla Beach, as they had done most weekends as children, "just to get a tan".

"We had to get out because everyone was telling us to go home. Both girls and guys were shouting at us and a woman told us to watch our backs," Sarah said.

"They were saying, 'You don't belong here'. We were born here and went to Jannali High."

Neither the Prime Minister nor the federal Opposition Leader wanted to comment last night.
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I'll stab ya
May 24, 2004
Scanorama said:
If those so called local trouble making dickheads have the guts, they should start a riot at Bankstown, Lakembla, Greenacre.
Oh God no. As a bankstown resident I had hoped there would be no leb retaliation so that nothing would start over here. If they do come here they'll have more than lebs to deal with, despite what people think, lebs arent the worst/most dangerous gangs here.


New Member
Feb 22, 2005
NOT proud to be an aussie today

This is nuts....many wogs and lebs arent muslim and they arent in gangs.
kids who have been brought up in st george and sutho shire been at the beach for years...getting bashed

they talk like an aussie the're champs who act like aussies

give'm a fair go dont point the finger....the mob makes us locals look like damn drunken rascist fools

and quit with the australian flag wearing if u are gonna make us look bad.


Nov 30, 2004
western suburbs
look man i think this has really blown out of proporsion, it started off with a few ppl has now escalated to housands of ppl, wat this bullshit we are going to have riots in sydney like wat happened in paris, and i think the media has played a huge role in it- making it into a huge story and now they are even happier coz its gotten bigger... i was there last week with my cousins and we watched it all happen and there is a huge contrast between wat really happened and wat the media said happened- i nevere thought the media could be so unreliable but after last week i am shocked... and all those ppl yesterday the 'Bra boys' and all these 'aussies' saying they want there beaches back- wat beaches do they even wn to call it theres? it for al autsralians and YES even the the ppl who look middle eastern- they are aussies as well..... im shocked of wat happened yesterday- you watch this is gona get so big its gona be massive the lebos arent gona let yesterday go... u wa6tch man next wek is gona be een worse and over wat? JUST BECAUSE SOME LIFESAVERS- 14-15 YEAR OLDS ASKED THESE LEBOS GUY WAT THEY WERE SAYING IN ARABIC AND THEY SAID NOTHING AND THE BOYS KEPT ON PROVOKING A REACTION- ok maybe they were out numbered but everyone does that as soon as there is a fight they call up there boys and this and that...
but yesterday was crazy- they were attcking the INNOCENT families like come on they werent part of it AND EVEN WOMEN WERE BEING ATTAKED- THE LEBOS ARENT GONA LET THAT GO- MARK MY WORDS

Joe Bloe

Nov 12, 2005
r3v3ng3 said:
no i don't support the actions of what those lebs did (bashing the life gaurds). I too would like to bash who ever ganged up on the life gaurds even though i am Lebanese because it blackens my/my families/and the Lebanese community's name.
Shit cunts like Joe Bloe on the other hand deserved to be ganged up on by lebo's and get the shit kicked out of them.

'Sif im gonna let every member here bad mouth lebos without bad mouthing aussies

Exactly. Because thats the only way the dumb pieces of shit can fight. When they outnumber you by about 5 to 1. Thats why hardly any of the cowardly pieces of crap turned up yesterday, because they knew they would get their arses kicked.


is this australian?

A BARE-CHESTED youth in Quiksilver boardshorts tore the headscarf off the girl's head as she slithered down the Cronulla dune seeking safety on the beach from a thousand-strong baying mob.

Up on the road, Marcus "Carcass" Butcher, 28, a builder from Penrith, wearing workboots, war-camouflage shorts and black singlet bearing the words "Mahommid was a camel f---ing faggot" raised both arms to the sky. "F--- off, Leb," he cried victoriously.


New Member
Dec 1, 2004
reemz said:

Listening to police scanners last night, you could hear whats not being reported in the news of peoepl being spotted and tracked down in cars with guns and knives.

Also speaking to people around the area, those of Middle Eastern descent who have seen this COWARDLY attack on women and men alike, won't let this go, give it a few days, keep calling the Lebs pussies, whatever, but theres going to be retribution, and its not going to be nice.

All in all, race aside, everyone involved is a fucking idiot.

Edit- "slithered" ?? Yeah thats great reporting :rolleyes:


Now You've done it.......
Sep 26, 2003
Hanzo said:
nah nobody ever hated asians.. bcoz we dont act in disgusting behavoiurs towards the aussies..

even when pauline hanson put hate on asians.. not many aussies in sydney supported her bcoz dey know asians didnt hurt aussies... the argument was that they are taking all the jobs.. but that comes down to hard work.. so its said if u put in the hard work.. then u deserve it.... and it doesnt hurt anyone.. all it does is make the aussies work harder to compete!

never heard of n e thing about asians targeted by aussies bcoz of bad behavoiurs..
no way...

Totally wrong , i know that aussies have negative attitudes towards them. And yes i have seen disgusting behaviour towards aussies before from them..

dont try to deflect it, its true its a bloody cycle based on ignorance.


Dec 20, 2004
erawamai said:
As the violence spread, police cars raced through Sydney streets from Cronulla to Miranda, Brighton-le-Sands, Rockdale, Maroubra, Woolooware and Tempe. In Brighton-le-Sands a group of people were reported to have taken down the Australian flag at the Brighton RSL Club and burnt it in the street. Youths were seen at a garage filling bottles with petrol in nearby Monterey.
What the bloody hell? Things go on in my own area and I don't even know about it.


New Member
Feb 22, 2005
Where Is John Howard Amongst All This

Where is john howard??? shouldnt he be commenting and condemning and trying to do his bit to help the situation!!!!!! Is he on holidays or something?

And very true lebs are very protective of their women....

I'm going out with a lebanese guy and i am a white aussie girl.....
He went back to lebanon for christmas thank fucking god i dont want him to have to go through all this shit.....

does this mean i cant even walk down to the beach with him without being a abused???

he has only lived in australia for 3 years and has made the biggest effort to try and fit in....

PLease dont turn your back on all lebs. Just the other day i was watching these little muslim girls with head scarfs swimming in the beach with their mum at cronulla while their dads llooked on...looked pretty harmless to me

Not all muslims are bad...we no this why arent ppl looking at that?
also not all lebs are muslims many come from strict christian families and have never been in gangs...

We cant pick on the lebs or who ever else indiscriminantly


like heaven to touch
Jun 26, 2004
reemz said:
look man i think this has really blown out of proporsion, it started off with a few ppl has now escalated to housands of ppl, wat this bullshit we are going to have riots in sydney like wat happened in paris, and i think the media has played a huge role in it- making it into a huge story and now they are even happier coz its gotten bigger... i was there last week with my cousins and we watched it all happen and there is a huge contrast between wat really happened and wat the media said happened- i nevere thought the media could be so unreliable but after last week i am shocked... and all those ppl yesterday the 'Bra boys' and all these 'aussies' saying they want there beaches back- wat beaches do they even wn to call it theres? it for al autsralians and YES even the the ppl who look middle eastern- they are aussies as well..... im shocked of wat happened yesterday- you watch this is gona get so big its gona be massive the lebos arent gona let yesterday go... u wa6tch man next wek is gona be een worse and over wat? JUST BECAUSE SOME LIFESAVERS- 14-15 YEAR OLDS ASKED THESE LEBOS GUY WAT THEY WERE SAYING IN ARABIC AND THEY SAID NOTHING AND THE BOYS KEPT ON PROVOKING A REACTION- ok maybe they were out numbered but everyone does that as soon as there is a fight they call up there boys and this and that...
but yesterday was crazy- they were attcking the INNOCENT families like come on they werent part of it AND EVEN WOMEN WERE BEING ATTAKED- THE LEBOS ARENT GONA LET THAT GO- MARK MY WORDS
Wow, you're making everyone from the western suburbs look stupid.


like heaven to touch
Jun 26, 2004
nesso said:
Where is john howard??? shouldnt he be commenting and condemning and trying to do his bit to help the situation!!!!!! Is he on holidays or something?

And very true lebs are very protective of their women....

I'm going out with a lebanese guy and i am a white aussie girl.....
He went back to lebanon for christmas thank fucking god i dont want him to have to go through all this shit.....

does this mean i cant even walk down to the beach with him without being a abused???

he has only lived in australia for 3 years and has made the biggest effort to try and fit in....

PLease dont turn your back on all lebs. Just the other day i was watching these little muslim girls with head scarfs swimming in the beach with their mum at cronulla while their dads llooked on...looked pretty harmless to me

Not all muslims are bad...we no this why arent ppl looking at that?
also not all lebs are muslims many come from strict christian families and have never been in gangs...

We cant pick on the lebs or who ever else indiscriminantly
Alot of people commenting on this forum right now don't have the mental capacity to understand that point. The majority of them, like the majority of those who went along to Cronulla yesterday are just jumping on whatever racist bandwagon they can - ie. Stazi.


Designated Hitter
Oct 16, 2002
Yankee Stadium
It was funny watching the channel ten coverage when they crossed live to cronulla and some dude had his head wrapped in a towel and holding a VB.


Active Member
Jan 5, 2005
pam17 said:
Alot of people commenting on this forum right now don't have the mental capacity to understand that point. The majority of them, like the majority of those who went along to Cronulla yesterday are just jumping on whatever racist bandwagon they can - ie. Stazi.
you don't know shit about Staz. not everyone here is being serious. some people are just egging you on for a laugh.


like heaven to touch
Jun 26, 2004
transcendent said:
you don't know shit about Staz. not everyone here is being serious. some people are just egging you on for a laugh.
I don't really care. Should we say that the bashing of the lifegaurd(s) and subsequent events weren't really serious - they were just for laughs?

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