Easy multiple choice.
The short answer questions were straight out of the 'learn to' statements in the syllabus, easy.
The crime 15 marker was good, I incorporated the stimulus pretty good, and I addressed the question.
The consumer and family questions were very generic. No question was specifically based on contemporary issues, hmm...
Btw, did anyone notice that section one, at the top it said, "Section I - Law and Society", Lol goes to show the lazy legal examiners use the same template year in, year out!
My teacher marks really hard (highest mark in last year's CSSA was 78/100, and in the HSC our highest mark was 97, and that wasn't even the guy who came first in CSSA), so I'm hoping to beat last year's highest, because this exam was a breeze compared with last year's CSSA. Unusually easy CSSA's this year - English, Math, Legal. But Ancient was a bit out there, it's unusual there not too bad this year!
Hopefully Extension Math and Extension History will be easy too! ZOMG Can't believe trials almost over