Hmm i didn't count pages, just the number of booklets i used.
I did:
a) 2 booklets
b) 2 booklets
c) 3 booklets
I will admit my writing is pretty large but and its extremely messy!
How did everyone approach question 3? I said how by focusing on different veiw points, the individuals journey will vary, however they will gain knowlege and growth throughout.
So for colerdgie i said its veiw points is on its ability to provide an exit from reality where personal growrh and knowlege is developed. Is that addressing the question enough? I did that like differnet purpose (veiw point) for each text but im not sure if i addressed it write at all!
For the final question in section one i did text 3 and spoke about his two contrasting journeys and the differing emotions they leave. The imaginative journey is negative, yet his physical journey outsid ehis house created a vivid outlook. I hope that was write.
Short story i didnt change much. I did mine about migration and the only reference i made was 'while for me the move was torture, to my parents it was a move to a lnad of oppurtunity'. Think thats enough?
Ps- Rhysie Jack? are you related to Garry Jack? He has 2 sons and one is Kieran i no that much, but apparently he has another one that is a bit of a cast out....?