distinction courses (1 Viewer)

bored of sc

Active Member
Nov 10, 2007
kurt.physics said:
that's the mathsy one right? you should cope well since you have a special interest/ability in maths right?


Awesome Member
Mar 18, 2008
Beyond Godlike
the-derivative said:
You can generally do a distinction course if you have accelerated in Maths 2U (provided that you got a band 6).
Awesome, so that means I can do it too?! I wanna do cosmology too!

EDIT: That also means I'm going to have to somehow get my english marks up. :( I know! SPARKNOTES!: :D

EDIT 2: I also need to be good at other subjects right, not just math? And my school report has to be good as well? Does it count as a bad report if it mentions that I sleep in class?
And are they going to care if i'm not so good at english as long as I still get a band 6 in 2U math, because band 6 is just a piece of cake.
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Oct 28, 2007
To everyone who either want to do Cosmology & Philosphy: I recently (i.e. today morning) contacted the Dr David McKinnon who is the general coordinator of the Cosomology course and he kindly told me what the general assumed knowledge is, which is year 10 Mathematics. He also said in his email that most of his students are students who don't even do Physics and kindly calmed me down as I was stressed that I would be disadvantaged since I didn't do Physics. But apparently Physics is not very much associated with Cosmology while Mathematics is quite related to that particular course.

I am not sure about Philosophy, though. I know that only assumed knowledge is like year 10 mathematics. I also looked at the exam paper today and Philosophy looks quite fascinating even though I am very much leaning towards doing Cosmology as I love the mathematical side of Cosmology. Contact Dr Adrian Walsh through this email awalsh@une.edu.au who want to do Philosphy. He is the general coordinator of that course.

Thanks for all your help so far and good luck.

foram said:
Awesome, so that means I can do it too?! I wanna do cosmology too!

EDIT: That also means I'm going to have to somehow get my english marks up. :( I know! SPARKNOTES!: :D

EDIT 2: I also need to be good at other subjects right, not just math? And my school report has to be good as well? Does it count as a bad report if it mentions that I sleep in class?
And are they going to care if i'm not so good at english as long as I still get a band 6 in 2U math, because band 6 is just a piece of cake.
The most important thing that they will be looking is your accelerated subject's result. I think band 6 is the most preferred (of course). Then, they will look at your general reporting on other subjects and you must inform your school that you are interested in undertaking this particular distinction course.

And no. Performing bad in English wouldn't affect so much as long as you perform well generally (well in other subjects and of course, your accelerated subject). To get into this course, you will need recommendation from teacher, headmaster and from the study-coordinator, which you will be able to get as long as you perform well in this HSC.

So don't worry if you are confident that you will band 6 in maths and perform really well in other subjects except few (namely English).
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Awesome Member
Mar 18, 2008
Beyond Godlike
my friend told me you need to read an entire textbook (like 1inch thick), and write a 2000 word essay on it every term for cosmology! :bomb: He said he knew people doing it, and it wasn't worth doing?! I don't know... writting big essays doesn't sound very good.


Oct 28, 2007
foram said:
my friend told me you need to read an entire textbook (like 1inch thick), and write a 2000 word essay on it every term for cosmology! :bomb: He said he knew people doing it, and it wasn't worth doing?! I don't know... writting big essays doesn't sound very good.
Your friend does Cosmology? Or does he know PEOPLE doing it???

I don't know about essays but... may be that's why it has got such a good scaling. It has the 2nd best scaling following Mathematics Extension 2.

I don't know about essay writing, though. But if it's just one essay per term, that's like only 3 essays!
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Oct 28, 2007
Distinction courses will be offered for study in 2008. Distinction courses are challenging university level HSC courses especially designed for high-ability HSC accelerants. These courses consist of 2 units of study that are additional to the 10 units required for the HSC study pattern.

Can anyone tell me what that highlighted line would mean??? Does it mean that I need to have another 10 units apart from Cosmology or what?

Edit: Does anyone here do Distinction course, especially Cosmology? Is it challenging but worthwhile???


Awesome Member
Mar 18, 2008
Beyond Godlike
I think that means that Cosmology doesn't count as part of your minimum 10 units for the HSC, so you need to have 2U Cosmology + 10 Units of other stuff.


Oct 28, 2007
foram said:
I think that means that Cosmology doesn't count as part of your minimum 10 units for the HSC, so you need to have 2U Cosmology + 10 Units of other stuff.
So, I need to have at least 12 units even though Distinction course may count towards my UAI.


Oct 28, 2007
sikhman said:
lol long essays are easier in philosophy.....theres so much to talk about its difficult to keep it under 1500 words...

just to clear up, do you think the distinction courses get scaled....considering the canddidature is generally of high ability and the marks probably won't be distributed normally.....?
Yes and no. Since the candidature is strong, general marks are very high. However, looking at the latest scaling report, the scaling has been very favourable in many cases.

For example, 25th percentile (i.e. bottom 25% of the cohort) achieved around 38/50 but its scaled mark was 36.4/50. That's actually not bad (mind you, I am talking about bottom 25% of the cohort). If you step up a bit from the bottom 25% to 50%, 50% percentile person got 41.5/50 as his/her aligned mark and 40.8 as his/her scaled mark (that's pretty good considering that most of subjects drop from 40/50 to 30/50 when it comes to bottom 50%).

From top 25% (i.e. 25th percentile), the scaling starts to work in favour of you (not many subjects do that, only maths extension 2 & latin extension). 25th percentile kid got 44.5 as an aligned mark and 44.4 as a scaled mark.

In the top 10% (i.e. 10th percentile), someone got 47.5 as an aligned mark and 47.7 as a scaled mark.

So from here, you can see that everyone gets the aligned mark that he/she deserves because if you get certain mark, you are bound to get that mark as your scaled mark. That's what's good about Distinction course (which is the scaling). However, on the other hand, it is quite hard even to get into top 10% or 25% where the scaled mark is astronomical.

Sammi B

Jan 25, 2007
behind u...
lyounamu said:
Thanks guys. You are the nicest people that I have ever come across with. Well, since I got some help, I would like to get more help.

I read all the posts so far and I am now confident that I can do this course (and I really want to do this course). But I am still a bit worried about Physics even though it is not an assumed knowledge as Without Wings said. In Cosmology, I would start from scratch, right??? I am not expected to know anything apart from putting hard-work and everything, right?

I definitely understand that Physics would help but it wouldn't determine how good you are in the course, would it?

I am so sorry for all these questions. But I will really appreciate your help and comments. Thanks heaps, guys!!

You are doing Philosophy? That looks so fascinating. I am interested in that too even though I am leaning towards cosmology. I have got few questions to ask. What subjects would help (or helped) you in philosophy? Do you face any difficulty in it? I am just so curious. I am sorry to bother you but I would appreciate your answer.

P.S. Another question: how often do you have your course?

I actually went to that website and read some stuff but they were not clear and that's why I asked experienced bosers for help.

Thanks for that info, though. They help me heaps!

Anyone with extra info???
Okie doke..there are so many posts and a lil bit of freaking out going on here, so I'm gonna reply to the first question I got since I was last on here and go from there.

OK! so here goes...once again NO ASSUMED KNOWLEDGE needed. I know some people have said this already and I said it before too, but u don't need anything at all for any of the courses (except yr 10 maths for cosmo). But lets be srs...if ur amazing at sciences and maths and just ok at english, ur not gonna go choosing comp. lit. coz u'll spend the next yr of life reading stuff u wont enjoy. So dont stress about assumed knowledge, required stuff etc. Just look at what u enjoy at school and out of school, what ur good at and go from there. I really don't think that having a subject like physics under ur belt already will determine how good u go in the course, because u'll all be learning completely new stuff. U mite have a quicker grasp of some things if u had it, but it still wouldn't be a determining factor, i dont think.

Now for my intimate knowledge of philosophy :p. Ur right it is very interesting. It makes u think about things that u accept in ur daily life like u never would have thought about them before. The only subject that really helps with philosophy is english, because having a good vocabulary and essay skills are a big help. To answer ur other question, yes i do face difficulty in it, but i think its more of a challenge than difficulty. The most important thng in philosophy is independent thought and thats not as tricky as it sounds. U take what other ppl have said and form ur own opinions. I really love it.

I cant speak for the other courses, but the outline of philosophy is like this. There are 4 core modules - time and cause, self-concept, morality religion and happiness and finally reality and credibility. All are very applicable in daily life. Each of these modules has its own course material booklet, with readings from philosophers and exaplanations. U have bout 6 weeks, sometimes longer, to read over the modules a few times. This is all done in ur own time - frees, at home, woteva. Then each of the 4 modules have a 750 word essay which u send to the university by a due date. (The fourth is done at the last residential school like an exam). U get to choose ur question from 4 possible questions. They r extremely flexible with the due dates- if ur having trouble or ur really busy with otehr school work, they will give u an extension as long as u call them. There is an exam in about june which tests all four modules - u hav to write an essay on each one and u choose each question. The exam is done at ur school. There are also 4 option modules after u've done the core modules. Each of the options is based on one of the cores, and u choose 2 of these options to write two 2000 word essays.

There are 3 compulsory residential schools which have been held in chatswood this yr. They are held over w/ends and they are about 3 months apart. The first deals with the first 2 modules, the second with the second 2 and the last with the option modules. U have lectures and discussion groups over the two days. Otherwise, everything is done in ur own time. U need to be kinda organised and make sure u know whats goin on.

Hope that helps again. I just think its nice to hear from someone who actually does it rather than someone who runs the course or whatever.

I'm happy to answer any other questions u can think of if i can.

:D Sam

Just something I want to add. It is totally worth doing this course or any of the others. Like all of ur subjects, there will be times when u regret choosing it, but it is worth it for many reasons. Obviously, scaling is a good reason, but not the only one. It gives u a taste of the more adult life of university with lectures and independent thinking, where everything isnt spoonfed to u. It also allows u to consider things u never usually consider. Also, take the opportunity to have lecturers who are really interested in u - coz once u got to university they most probably just wont give a shit. (excuse my language). I hope I'm helping at least some of u coz i really would have liked someone to explain it like this to me before i chose.

Like i've said, anything else u wanna ask im happy to oblige :)
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Oct 28, 2007
^ Thanks so much. I feel that I am a bit more empowered about myself in regards to Cosmology course.

Are residential house any interesting by the way?

P.S. Do you attend university for your Philosophy course or study by yourself?

Sammi B

Jan 25, 2007
behind u...
lyounamu said:
^ Thanks so much. I feel that I am a bit more empowered about myself in regards to Cosmology course.

Are residential house any interesting by the way?

P.S. Do you attend university for your Philosophy course or study by yourself?
Thats good that ur feeling a lil bit better. Like I said, the layout that I gave in my last post in just for philosophy, I'm not really sure if Cosmology is EXACTLY the same. However, I do know that the residentials for Cosmology are longer - i believe they have two of them, one for bout 3-4 days, the other for close to a week. I think u visit an astronomy centre in the country and visit the Parkes Satellite Dish...remember the one from the movie "The Dish"? But like I said I can't really be entirely sure. I think some ppl I know have done the cosmology course, I mite be able to ask them.

One thing that is common to ALL THREE COURSES is that u study BY YOURSELF - u DO NOT attend university, the only personal contact that u have with lecturers and other course members are at the schools. However, the lecturers are easily contactable by phone and email. So don't worry about that. But yes, u study by yourself.

Residentials are quite useful, sorta interesting, u'll meet lots of different types of ppl. But they are compulsory, so before u say yes to the offer, make sure u can go to them.

Anything else anybody?
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Jun 16, 2007
Do ya have to fill out booklets, for example, your read one chapter then you have this booklet that asks you questions related to the chapter, or, do write an essay on each chapter? Whats the work?


Oct 28, 2007
Sammi B said:
Thats good that ur feeling a lil bit better. Like I said, the layout that I gave in my last post in just for philosophy, I'm not really sure if Cosmology is EXACTLY the same. However, I do know that the residentials for Cosmology are longer - i believe they have two of them, one for bout 3-4 days, the other for close to a week. I think u visit an astronomy centre in the country and visit the Parkes Satellite Dish...remember the one from the movie "The Dish"? But like I said I can't really be entirely sure. I think some ppl I know have done the cosmology course, I mite be able to ask them.

One thing that is common to ALL THREE COURSES is that u study BY YOURSELF - u DO NOT attend university, the only personal contact that u have with lecturers and other course members are at the schools. However, the lecturers are easily contactable by phone and email. So don't worry about that. But yes, u study by yourself.

Residentials are quite useful, sorta interesting, u'll meet lots of different types of ppl. But they are compulsory, so before u say yes to the offer, make sure u can go to them.

Anything else anybody?
I cannot express my gratitude for your impressive information. I wish you every luck in the upcoming HSC exams.


may our bodies remain
Jun 21, 2006
This is coming straight out of another Yr 12 Philosophy student doing the distinction course this year.

The UNE Philosophy Course is extremely taxing- they recommend you study 10hrs per week per section (there are 4 sections per modules).
How have I been finding it? Totally shite, and I am regretting doing it. You just wanna punch the person who wrote first module, (Time and Cause).

Plus the food at the residential was shat.

And have another think about taking it up, because the last residential falls usually within the middle of your trials for HSC. And I am sure that you are aware that distinction courses do NOT count towards the BOS requirements of 10 units. (But they do count to your 10 best units for the UAC determining your UAI).

My friend who does Cosmology is also finding it hard. I went over to his house, and the readings they get measure up about to 30cm in height. (twas delivered in a box).


Oct 28, 2007
simonloo said:
This is coming straight out of another Yr 12 Philosophy student doing the distinction course this year.

The UNE Philosophy Course is extremely taxing- they recommend you study 10hrs per week per section (there are 4 sections per modules).
How have I been finding it? Totally shite, and I am regretting doing it. You just wanna punch the person who wrote first module, (Time and Cause).

Plus the food at the residential was shat.

And have another think about taking it up, because the last residential falls usually within the middle of your trials for HSC. And I am sure that you are aware that distinction courses do NOT count towards the BOS requirements of 10 units. (But they do count to your 10 best units for the UAC determining your UAI).

My friend who does Cosmology is also finding it hard. I went over to his house, and the readings they get measure up about to 30cm in height. (twas delivered in a box).
I truly appreciate your comment.

But I need to admit that your comment was highly unexpected! May be I have been hearing only the positive aspects of the Distinction courses.

But tell me, why do you find it hard? Is there any particular reason to it? By the way, I was aware of that Distinction courses do not count towards the BOS requirement of 10 Units and I think it is pretty wise thing.

Thanks for your comments again.


may our bodies remain
Jun 21, 2006
Why do I find it hard? Try and answer some of the questions they throw in your face
- What are the attractions on the dissolution of self?
- Is changing the past contradictory?
- Can an atheist be moral?

The readings are difficult to comprehend. I have come across single sentences which go on for just about half the page.

That said, the course scales well, and HD is 85+. Residential you will meet some nice people (but some wanks too), and in all, the course itself I find is a load of semantic wank.

Philosophy (Disticntion) is quite different from what you would perceive it. A lot of it is formulating valid premises, and expressing yourself in a CLEAR and logical manner. If you're one of those flowery English Esshay type people- then your bullshit here doesn't work.

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