sor_jay said:
Okay, question for the ladies
How do you feel about your bf (or guy friends) watching porno? Disgusted? Degraded? Curious? or don't mind at all?
It seems to me that guys who do tend to pick up the chicks more easily (i could be wrong)
My girlfriend doesn't mind, last week during uh, the 5th inning when my penis decided to randomly give out on me while changing position and didn't wanna come out and play any more she looks at me with her cute face an says "maybe we should watch porn?".
But it's okay, took a bit of explaining but now she understands how the penis works
I think she just assumed like a female we could keep having orgasms a few minutes a part all day long.
I'm quite certain she thinks I have a little migity penis too, cause most of the porn she's watched before was blackie porn with giant half metre long dongs.
Either way, I don't watch porn to fantasize about other chicks, I watch porn so that I don't have to stare at my penis while masterbating.