Does anyone ever feel disadvantage? (3 Viewers)


Oct 5, 2005
OP, here's a good reference of places to get help.
Raaaaaachel said:
You suck. I hate people that complain about being disadvantaged and want special treatment. Everyone has problems so deal with them. HSC is hard for every1!!!!!!!!
The OP just needed other people to relate to, if it means doing it over a forum so be it. And yes, everyone does have their own issues to cope with but not everyone is able to deal with them accordingly, that is why counsellors and psychologists exist.
Raaaaaachel said:
Yes but i find ppl like to use obvious disadvantages, like that they're poor or have no parents or wateva. But other people that are disadvantaged in less obvious ways get no support. Thats whats so unfair. Thats why I think everyone should be treated equally.
Yes, it is unfair that people who have much more subtle problems, such as domestic violence or what have you are not being supported like those with more overt disadvantages. And yes, all people should be treated equally but you see, some people need some more help than others just to reach the same point. Take Indigenous kids for example (sweeping comparison, yes). They are much more likely to die from deaths that are from the start preventable. They are twice as likely to die before the age of one. They are more likely to have a life that is 17 shorter than those of non-Indigenous backgrounds.

I do not feel like they should be treated equally because they never have been. I feel that they should be given priority in an effort to help them get to a place that they can be treated equally because they are then able to have the things they need and possibly more.

People, though not everyone use these disadvantages because they need the help but of course, some do use it just because they can. There are ten million threads on here of people getting ranks of 1st, 2nd and 3rd believing they're on the path to depression because their marks aren't excellent enough or that they've suddenly lost all sense of motivation. Those are the people that need a kick up the arse, not at the OP, who genuinely seems to be in a rut.


Oct 5, 2005
I fail to see how someone not doing their HSC this year and living in Bondi, a place that is known to be predominantly populated by the wealthy would understand that there are in fact, people who cannot afford the necessary resources such as paper and pens.


Jul 8, 2007
Van Nuys, CA
m0ofin said:
OP, here's a good reference of places to get help.
The OP just needed other people to relate to, if it means doing it over a forum so be it. And yes, everyone does have their own issues to cope with but not everyone is able to deal with them accordingly, that is why counsellors and psychologists exist.

Yes, it is unfair that people who have much more subtle problems, such as domestic violence or what have you are not being supported like those with more overt disadvantages. And yes, all people should be treated equally but you see, some people need some more help than others just to reach the same point. Take Indigenous kids for example (sweeping comparison, yes). They are much more likely to die from deaths that are from the start preventable. They are twice as likely to die before the age of one. They are more likely to have a life that is 17 shorter than those of non-Indigenous backgrounds.

I do not feel like they should be treated equally because they never have been. I feel that they should be given priority in an effort to help them get to a place that they can be treated equally because they are then able to have the things they need and possibly more.

People, though not everyone use these disadvantages because they need the help but of course, some do use it just because they can. There are ten million threads on here of people getting ranks of 1st, 2nd and 3rd believing they're on the path to depression because their marks aren't excellent enough or that they've suddenly lost all sense of motivation. Those are the people that need a kick up the arse, not at the OP, who genuinely seems to be in a rut.
Ur idea makes no sense. Who is to be the judge of who is genuinely disadvantaged and who is not? Its very idealistic, but its totally impractically. Im not saying dont HELP disadvantaged ppl, give them councelling and support and stuff. I just hate it when they get extra marks or whatever because of their sob stories.


Jul 8, 2007
Van Nuys, CA
m0ofin said:
I fail to see how someone not doing their HSC this year and living in Bondi, a place that is known to be predominantly populated by the wealthy would understand that there are in fact, people who cannot afford the necessary resources such as paper and pens.
Also that is sooooo melodramatic. Who cant afford a $2 pen? And North Bondi is hardly the richest place in Sydney there are lots of normal ppl and I live with a single parent so I could whinge that im disadvantaged.


English / Law
Aug 7, 2005
magpam said:
what about retarted people???

people that are disabled how is that going to benifit them???
What about dyslexic people???

People that are mispelt!! how they benefit from this???


Hands are handy.
Dec 25, 2005
Inner West
Raaaaaachel said:
Also that is sooooo melodramatic. Who cant afford a $2 pen? And North Bondi is hardly the richest place in Sydney there are lots of normal ppl and I live with a single parent so I could whinge that im disadvantaged.
She never said it was the richest place in Sydney nor did she say that North Bondi was chock full of wealthy socialites without any average-earners.


Active Member
May 26, 2005
Cloud 9

obstacles only exist if you acknowledge them.

everyone has their own problems to get through, i know people that have it hell hard, and they pull through well.

you just have to focus on your goal, what YOU want, and go for it.

you might like to watch will smith's 'pursuit of happyness' it's pretty motivating, and stops you feeling sorry for yourself - which is the first thing you need to do to get out of the rutt you're in. :)


Coz I'm Cool Like That ;)
Mar 18, 2006
someone123 said:
I know but the amount of crap i get... UAI points is nothing... sadly hahaha!
You can get like 5 UAI points... that's a HELL of a lot so might as well get them.
And you can get Equity Scholarships.

And if you're really strapped for cash then maybe you should get a job...?

I understand you have to give money to your family but if you can't even afford to buy school supplies then maybe you should cut back? You're never going to be able to move on past this time if you can't get a good education (especially applies for tertiary education)

Btw what do you mean by a crappy household?
Last edited:


Coz I'm Cool Like That ;)
Mar 18, 2006
someone123 said:
thanks.... you know... they stuffed up thing about schizophrenia is that it can be hereditary.... and seeing all of it happen to a love one..... hahaha i cant even explain how much pain that causes... yeah.. im scared to see my children have that as well. Its a hard choice i'd have to make one day. Right now i want them, but i don't know maybe not in the future.

And as for centrelink, my family is poor i give my youth allowance to my parents.

And it wont be over soon, my mums condition for some reason has been getting worse and worse every year, it use to be seasonal happens (once in a while). Not anymore..
Medication should be able to control the schizophrenia. My aunt has it as well as my best friend's mother and they both seem 100% normal because of medication.


Apr 25, 2006
My fucking god!

Cutiebabyforeva - don't be daft. Do you have any idea the variation in severity of schitzophrenia? Come on. Just because someone you know can have their condition controlled with meds doesnt mean everyone can. My brother for example. His used to be relatively well controlled but over recent years it's gotten increasingly worse. To the point where he;s been so convinced that my SEVEN YEAR OLD nephew is evil that he;s been incredibly violent. He's on meds. You have no fucking idea.

Rachel - get a life. Again.. you have no idea! The OP is dealing with the DAILY stress and struggle of not having enough money for things you undoubtedly take for granted - like school supplies. The OP deals with teh daily stress of not being able to come home and feel safe and able to study. Yes. That impacts HUGELy on his ability to do the hsc. Understand this. The EAS scheme was developed so that people suffering from exceptional circumstances during the HSC could still get into the uni courses they want BECAUSE at uni he probably WILL be able to perform well without assistance because he will have moved out of home, have gotten a part time job yadda yadda. it will never be EASY for him, but at least he wont be sitting a huge fucking exam. Get your head out of your arse and understand that you have no idea the struggles other people are faced with. I'm sorry if you're suffering some sort of "unseen" disadvantage, but you have ever right do APPEAL to the BOS. If you don't that's your own fault, don't berate others for discussing their lives and seeking support.

To the OP - I understand what you're going through. Use the library. It is your best friend this year. Set your self goals for every day. It is so easy to get caught up in the every day stress and lose all motivation. Just stick to your goals and work slowly through them. Talk to people. Even if it is just on BoS - feel free to PM me if you want to rant or chat. Talk to your teachers, again, they will be an invaluable source of support this year - let them know what you're dealing with so they can give you a hand.
Take care of yourself, it's only a few more months - you can do this.

yosemite sam

Nov 12, 2006
sleepplease said:
Rachel - get a life. Again.. you have no idea! The OP is dealing with the DAILY stress and struggle of not having enough money for things you undoubtedly take for granted - like school supplies. The OP deals with teh daily stress of not being able to come home and feel safe and able to study. Yes. That impacts HUGELy on his ability to do the hsc. Understand this. The EAS scheme was developed so that people suffering from exceptional circumstances during the HSC could still get into the uni courses they want BECAUSE at uni he probably WILL be able to perform well without assistance because he will have moved out of home, have gotten a part time job yadda yadda. it will never be EASY for him, but at least he wont be sitting a huge fucking exam. Get your head out of your arse and understand that you have no idea the struggles other people are faced with. I'm sorry if you're suffering some sort of "unseen" disadvantage, but you have ever right do APPEAL to the BOS. If you don't that's your own fault, don't berate others for discussing their lives and seeking support.
I totally agree... and also think it should be pointed out that ongoing exceptional circumstances, whether they be family issues or illness or whatever that impact on your ability to prepare for and perform during the hsc often dont qualify for 'extra marks for their sob stories' but special circumstances at school and during exams...the OP asked for people to share their disadvantages, i have chronic fatigue syndrome which means i cant stay awake for more than 5 or 6 hours without a sleep of 2-3 hours, and a stress induced hearing loss that sucks ass while doing a language. because of this, they give me extra time during the exams for me to be able to take a break. and teachers are more considerate of me handing in work late or falling asleep in class. the hardest part for me was putting my hand up and saying 'i cant do this alone' and everyone is more than willing to help. im not looking for extra marks for nothing, and neither is the OP, just someone willing to be considerate and help them. i think what im trying to say is that realistically, no one hands you extra marks on a silver platter and says, 'you say youve got issues, here take these' because thats not what its about. its about helping people to achieve the best hsc they can in the circumstances that have been dealt to them. and thats my feeling sorry for myself moment for the day. :shy:


Apr 25, 2006
yosemitesam - that sounds really tough. I'm glad you got the extra time and things, my brother (I have five :p so this is another) had epilespy, and then surgery - both of which make him prone to "blank out" episodes so he gets extra time in the case that that occurs. I think it's so important that kids talk about this stuff (my brother refuses to) because how else are they going to feel a sense of normalacy and as though all this is ok and that they deserve any support they can get! People saying crap like it;s a "sob story" are causing way more damage than they realise. You take care too! I'm glad you're getting some support with it all though! :)

Anonymous Koala

New Member
Jul 2, 2006
I dont mean to be inconsiderate and all but I dissagree with a lot of the extra marks that can be given as it takes away from what has become the 'competition' of the HSC


Apr 15, 2006
Uni Grad
I am one of the laziest people you will ever know so, i guess i am at a major disadvantage :mad1:

yosemite sam

Nov 12, 2006
Anonymous Koala said:
I dont mean to be inconsiderate and all but I dissagree with a lot of the extra marks that can be given as it takes away from what has become the 'competition' of the HSC
people aren't just given marks. its not like you can hand in a misadventure form because you feel sick today or cos you had a fight with your mum and they'll add 5 marks to your exam result. if you qualify for a misadventure for an assessment task then they take into consideration why your mark might be lower than your normal result - so if you scare a 70 instead of your average 80 - and then how much extra is given to you is an average of your past marks. so if you have a misadventure and you score 70 and your past average is 70 you wont be given extra. special circumstances also dont give you extra marks. they give you special circumstances - extra time, food in the exams, sitting the exam in a separate room, whatever you need for your particular circumstances, so that you can perform to the best of your ability. they arent just handing out marks like they grow on trees.


New Member
Jul 7, 2007
cutiebabyforeva said:
And if you're really strapped for cash then maybe you should get a job...?

I understand you have to give money to your family but if you can't even afford to buy school supplies then maybe you should cut back? You're never going to be able to move on past this time if you can't get a good education (especially applies for tertiary education)

Btw what do you mean by a crappy household?
Nah i can't i need to take care of my mother, my brother's got uni and he works. Yes i do ask for money, but I'm independent, i hate asking.
Crappy house hold is that no one speaks to each other. All we do is go home eat and sleep. Don't get me wrong i love them... but its just we arent the usual family you see.

Anonymous Koala said:
I dont mean to be inconsiderate and all but I dissagree with a lot of the extra marks that can be given as it takes away from what has become the 'competition' of the HSC
how bout the people who cant afford a 2 dolla pen? does that take away competition. I'm a smart ass i tax mine off friends or i go look for freebies =)

Rachel do you have any disadvantages? do you rather me keep it all in and then give up one day in my life? When you have problems do you go to talk to people about it? Alot of people do and i respect that if you don't but don't go saying we sook about it.

Sleep please! Hahahaha =) thanks, My mother is on meds but it still happens everyday. Not as bad though back then i was so scared I'd be paralysed watching her. But now its good so it doesn't affect that badly. Yeah library is a great place to be =) I've met so many friends there, really gets my mind off things plus its free!!! :) Yeap! and i take care of my self! I havent got sick since the start of winter how mad is tat!? Taking in consideration when i go home at 7 -8 its FREEZING COLD!!!


New Member
Jul 7, 2007
yosemite sam said:
I totally agree... and also think it should be pointed out that ongoing exceptional circumstances, whether they be family issues or illness or whatever that impact on your ability to prepare for and perform during the hsc often dont qualify for 'extra marks for their sob stories' but special circumstances at school and during exams...the OP asked for people to share their disadvantages, i have chronic fatigue syndrome which means i cant stay awake for more than 5 or 6 hours without a sleep of 2-3 hours, and a stress induced hearing loss that sucks ass while doing a language. because of this, they give me extra time during the exams for me to be able to take a break. and teachers are more considerate of me handing in work late or falling asleep in class. the hardest part for me was putting my hand up and saying 'i cant do this alone' and everyone is more than willing to help. im not looking for extra marks for nothing, and neither is the OP, just someone willing to be considerate and help them. i think what im trying to say is that realistically, no one hands you extra marks on a silver platter and says, 'you say youve got issues, here take these' because thats not what its about. its about helping people to achieve the best hsc they can in the circumstances that have been dealt to them. and thats my feeling sorry for myself moment for the day. :shy:

Yeah, i admit the hardest part is asking for help........ Once i went up to my teacher for the first time because i couldnt take it anymore. I ended up talking to her for less than a minute saying i got a problem with no money and stress because a family member has a mental illness. Then i went BUT ITS OKAY! IM GREAT! (lying ofcourse....) and i walked back out. How lame.. HAHA

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