I used to do nightfill... god that sucked. It was worse when I was asked to do recovery, though.
apparently they can kylie.. i asked for 3 weeks off because i have to go into hospital for minor surgery and it got denied.. and barbara went off her nut at me..modelzsuck said:Yeah well i asked for 23 and 24th of december off so i could work in my mums shop(where i get $13/hour not $9) and they said no because it is the xmas period. Its fucking bullshit, i mean im casual, can they really do that?
Well, ultimately, because you're a casual, your obligations to them are basically the same as their obligations to you. i.e. nothing.modelzsuck said:Yeah well i asked for 23 and 24th of december off so i could work in my mums shop(where i get $13/hour not $9) and they said no because it is the xmas period. Its fucking bullshit, i mean im casual, can they really do that?
In short, no, they can't do that.modelzsuck said:Yeah well i asked for 23 and 24th of december off so i could work in my mums shop(where i get $13/hour not $9) and they said no because it is the xmas period. Its fucking bullshit, i mean im casual, can they really do that?
oolovell said:Isnt it called like, sympathetic leave or something if you have to go into hopital/funeral e.t.c
hey natstar i want to transfer to woolies aftyer i finish my traineeship in about a years time but im scared that since im only trained at checkouts (and i think they have the same system at bigw and woolies) that i will have to work at registers @ wolllies and scan trollies and trollies worth of stuff...natstar said:Hey im at woolies ...(
woolies isnt that bad..i work there_Bushra_ said:hey natstar i want to transfer to woolies aftyer i finish my traineeship in about a years time but im scared that since im only trained at checkouts (and i think they have the same system at bigw and woolies) that i will have to work at registers @ wolllies and scan trollies and trollies worth of stuff...
is that true? do ppl come through the registers with shitloads of stuff that you have to scan then your back aches etc etc?
at big w of course you have some ppl with heaps of stuff but usually they usually dont buy that much stuff. its usually clothes too
*sigh* isnt there any nice bludgy jobs around where you get paid for nothing?
yeah i did the same thing.. now barbara hates me cause i swore when i was told my leave was declined. pff god i hate her.modelzsuck said:yeah well i put my unavailability form in five weeks before(they ask for three) and they still said no, they havent even done the rosters yet so i really dont see what the fucking problem is.
yeah but we got barcodes for them and the bags of soil and the things of water..natstar said:those big coke can packs are soo heavy tho
We have those keyring things as well. But it takes too long to find the thing you want so I just use the hand scanner. Much quicker.soha said:yeah but we got barcodes for them and the bags of soil and the things of water..
its like a barcode keyring you just scan it and they leave it in the trolly
except for the stupid customers who put like all their coke and that on the conveyer belt then its heavy to carry
lol thats funnynatstar said:yeah same at woolies. My woolies had renovations done to it and hadent put the light up at express that said 12 items or less. And this lady came to the express with a big trolley full of stuff, and she thought express meant the checkout operators were fast ones, not that u can only bring 12 or less items. I mean its common sense tho.
Ur kidding?! We arent allowed to say anything to the customers that bring thru a huge trolleyfull of items, if we do and they complain, we get i heaps of shit... we just put up wit it and if the next customer whinges we put up wit that too!!!_Bushra_ said:yeah same at my bigw! im usually on the express and these customers come through and i have to tell them to go away or the manager starts to yell at me not to mention other customers behind that customer.