@Atheist/agnostic slayer The burden of proof is on you. Prove to me there is a God.
It's so amusing when atheists always say this same burden script, hilarious.
Anyways ... Let's do this
P1-A: Some things are in motion.
P2-A: If some things are in motion, then they are put in motion by another.
C-A: Therefore, they are put in motion by another.
P1-B: If they are put in motion by another, then either this goes on to infinity or it is necessary to arrive at a first mover, put in motion by no other.
P2-B: They are put in motion by another. C-B: Therefore, either this goes on to infinity or it is necessary to arrive at a first mover, put in motion by no other
P1-C: Either this goes on to infinity or it is necessary to arrive at a first mover, put in motion by no other
P2-C: But this cannot go on to infinity.
C-C: Therefore it is necessary to arrive at a first mover, put in motion by no other.
Superlatively proven:
Premise 1: Amongst existences, there are certain beings that are greater/lesser in respects of being (hot, cold, funny).
Premise 2: Greater and lesser are terms that necessitate superlatives.
Premise 3: Superlatives of the respects are the cause of the gradations of being in said respect (heat energy would be ultimately responsible for the gradation of heat in all things that are hot/cold).
Premise 4: If superlatives do not exist, then there is no objective referent for these degrees. Premise 5: Statements without an objective referent are non-cognitive.
Conclusion 1: Therefore the superlatives of these respects of being objectively exist.
Premise 6: Degrees of certain respects resemble the superlative of that respect. (PPC).
Premise 7: Transcendentals have gradation. (Truth, Goodness, existence, reality, unity)
Conclusion 2: The superlatives of these gradations exist (From P5 and C1)
Premise 8: Existence, Truth, Goodness and unity itself have gradation. (Transcendentals)
Conclusion 3: There is a superlative existence and reality which is the necessary foundation for all other grades of existence, goodness, truth and unity. (P3 and P6)
Conclusion 4: The necessary superlative existence is what is known as God.
If you want the predicate notation tell me, otherwise list the premise which you disagree with and explain why