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English is a waste of life. (1 Viewer)


Vamos Rojas
Sep 9, 2007
Concordia glacier
You will realize the importance of English wehn it comes to the interviews.

Most employers want their employees to have studied English at school


Middle Management
Jan 21, 2008
Cull the English.

They really are a waste of life those damn warm-beer-drinking-stiff-upper-lipped-double-decker-bussing-Cricket-weather-watching-Morris-dancing poms.


New Member
Mar 23, 2008
i agree that english is a waste of life, and you dont have to be failing in the subject to thinkso

i hate how the teachers tell us that the texts we study are "open to our interpretation" well no they're f****ing not! we have to think a certain way about what we read/ see, and make farfetchd suggestions about the techniques used. GRrRrRRRR! i just keep telling myself- just half a year to go, just half a year to go

yay my first post :p


Kim Jong-Il
Aug 7, 2007
The Shire
sf_diegoxrock said:
you could say the same for Maths then. why do we both to learn concepts beyond the simple + and - ? who cares about parabolas and algebra? (Engineers, Scientists...)

English challenges you to be more open to texts which reflect certain contexts. It compels you to view the world of the text in a different light - you will learning something that you textbooks and tests won't necessarily teach you.

Ultimately, English is about you. Texts are a product of contexts. You are a victim of context.

Now, I see you are studying History Ext. - I could be as ignorant and say, "oh why do you bother with that subject? live in the present and stop wasting your time with the past"

I would say History itself is an extension of English. Everything is derived from English.
Yes, everything like that is derived from English, but not of the Board of Studies' version of English. That's my point. The viewing of the texts can be done by the individual, as I said, and therefore all of those things can still be found. You don't need to write an essay on a book to take in its meaning. And no, textbooks won't teach me anything in English, and why would I want to read a textbook when I can get information for myself?

And yes, context is everywhere, and I enjoy contexts, and contexts go hand in hand with emotions. English tries to sever that bond. So, where exactly did I say anything denouncing texts in general?

Both the histories that I do I love. But they [apart from sometimes in Ext. Hist., which at such times I do not like] do not deal with emotions at all. They deal with trying to understand events given certain amounts of information. It is a subject which does not deal in emotion yet try and neglect it, like English.

And no, parabola's and the like are rather useless unless if something you plan on doing later in life requires them. You don't get taught that in everyday life. On the other hand, everything you learn in English which would in some way benefit later life [aside from becoming an English teacher] you should already know, aside from perhaps putting a lable on certain things like metaphor.

Triple777ER said:
You will realize the importance of English wehn it comes to the interviews.

Most employers want their employees to have studied English at school
Most people who have traveled outside their place of study and English classroom know how to correctly project and sell themselves for employment. I don't know about you but I didn't need to do HSC English to know how to use a vocabulary and other communication methods. Drama would be far better for that anyway.

stephpad said:
i agree that english is a waste of life, and you dont have to be failing in the subject to thinkso

i hate how the teachers tell us that the texts we study are "open to our interpretation" well no they're f****ing not! we have to think a certain way about what we read/ see, and make farfetchd suggestions about the techniques used. GRrRrRRRR! i just keep telling myself- just half a year to go, just half a year to go

yay my first post :p
Exactly... ever tried to answer a "Why should we study this text next year?" question with a "We shouldn't. ...", for example?

Congratulations... :lol:

scaredytiger said:
when your teacher says your work is at a university standard but gives you band 5s still, i think theres something wrong.
There are a few of things which could be wrong:

  • the teacher is still alive
  • the teacher has a job
  • the teacher is a "teacher"
  • the teachers family just left the teacher and they were grumpy when marking
...Just a few possibilities.
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Active Member
Mar 21, 2008
Aerath said:
And I bet that this view only stems from you doing not so well in English. You'd be saying the same thing about Maths/Chemistry/Physics/Eco/whatever subjects you do if you screwed them up too.
If you weren't good at/interested in those subjects then you shouldn't have chosen them. Just like how if you weren't good at/interested in English you shouldn't have... oh wait.

imo if they're gonna make a subject compulsary, then, especially if it's not obvious, they should explain how it would help you in life/why it's compulsary etc.


Aug 23, 2004
*sigh* there's always some thread about the worthlessness of English every year. It's all about developing your skills. I'm not sure what they do in other Year 12 certificates but most probably they'd require you to study the mother language of that country/certificate anyway, and probably it will be the same. Why should you have to study a language you should be proficient in by the time Year 12 rolls around? It's because of the skills. Now I know Year 12 English is very restrictive and not at all based on what university English is like, so you're just gonna have to play the game. Basic things like writing essays--you'll need them. Even as a science student I have found the need for essays, or at least the ability to write coherently and think logically when writing short answer questions.
Aug 11, 2007
coordinates: bookshop
lala2 said:
*sigh* there's always some thread about the worthlessness of English every year. It's all about developing your skills. I'm not sure what they do in other Year 12 certificates but most probably they'd require you to study the mother language of that country/certificate anyway, and probably it will be the same. Why should you have to study a language you should be proficient in by the time Year 12 rolls around? It's because of the skills. Now I know Year 12 English is very restrictive and not at all based on what university English is like, so you're just gonna have to play the game. Basic things like writing essays--you'll need them. Even as a science student I have found the need for essays, or at least the ability to write coherently and think logically when writing short answer questions.
the QCE (queensland certificate of education) has one level of english for those intending on tertiary study. this is very society based - youth representation in media etc.
there is an extension course which does critical analysis of texts etc, but it is not compulsory.


Kim Jong-Il
Aug 7, 2007
The Shire
lala2 said:
*sigh* there's always some thread about the worthlessness of English every year. It's all about developing your skills. I'm not sure what they do in other Year 12 certificates but most probably they'd require you to study the mother language of that country/certificate anyway, and probably it will be the same. Why should you have to study a language you should be proficient in by the time Year 12 rolls around? It's because of the skills. Now I know Year 12 English is very restrictive and not at all based on what university English is like, so you're just gonna have to play the game. Basic things like writing essays--you'll need them. Even as a science student I have found the need for essays, or at least the ability to write coherently and think logically when writing short answer questions.
Which skills does HSC english provide which I don't already have?

Essay writing is necassary, yes, but essays for every subject are quite distinct, and to say that you need English to learn how to do essays is a phalacy. Learning how to write logically comes from logic and reasoning, which can be found in many communal situations and other subjects, most certainly not just in English. There is NOTHING worthwhile English provides which is not found elsewhere.

scaredytiger said:
the QCE (queensland certificate of education) has one level of english for those intending on tertiary study. this is very society based - youth representation in media etc.
there is an extension course which does critical analysis of texts etc, but it is not compulsory.
What you descirbed - the Youth Rep. in Media, is actually quite useful, because a) it's applicable to us, and b) that is very relevant to different social studies and journalism.

What a shame most levels of administration in NSW are plagued by morons :(

[EDIT] -how I wish our critical analysis of texts wasn't compulsory... that'd make English better.

Forbidden. said:
English gets Arts graduates a job.

Then I encourage those who desire to do an arts degree to do English at their own displeasure, or rather, we just adopt the QLD version :)
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Get Behind Me Satan
Apr 30, 2007
Castle Hill
You know what I'm sick of hearing from whiney high school students? "English is a waste of life". God fucking sakes, how the hell are we supposed to know our own language? If you don't want to, go overseas, learn Arabic and then blow yourself up. English is the most respected language in the world that has the best words in it, like "Go fucking kill yourself you emo cunts if you don't like English". You may not like the texts involved in any level of high school English studies but in the long run it comes in handy for arguments against say..."Brave New World was a shitty book" you've read the book and then you can argue. It's only an idle example and it teaches you basic grammer and spelling that is a life skill that you use everytime you open your mouth and you're not opening it to breathe.

Fuck, you high schoolers are stupid and blind when it comes to the basic subjects that are implemented by the board of studies, like maths for an another example. Again it's a life skill that you use everyday.

Also doing well in such subjects gets you a place in a university which gets you places further down the track in life and gets you off the sidewalk in places like Kings Cross. Unless, that rocks your boat, getting STI's from strangers.


Kim Jong-Il
Aug 7, 2007
The Shire
Born2baplacebo said:
You know what I'm sick of hearing from whiney high school students? "English is a waste of life". God fucking sakes, how the hell are we supposed to know our own language? If you don't want to, go overseas, learn Arabic and then blow yourself up. English is the most respected language in the world that has the best words in it, like "Go fucking kill yourself you emo cunts if you don't like English". You may not like the texts involved in any level of high school English studies but in the long run it comes in handy for arguments against say..."Brave New World was a shitty book" you've read the book and then you can argue. It's only an idle example and it teaches you basic grammer and spelling that is a life skill that you use everytime you open your mouth and you're not opening it to breathe.

Fuck, you high schoolers are stupid and blind when it comes to the basic subjects that are implemented by the board of studies, like maths for an another example. Again it's a life skill that you use everyday.

Also doing well in such subjects gets you a place in a university which gets you places further down the track in life and gets you off the sidewalk in places like Kings Cross. Unless, that rocks your boat, getting STI's from strangers.
Quite a few people here, such as myself, would be perfectly happy with English if it was spelling and grammar. Unfortunately, though, it's not. Furthermore, in the time spent reading shithouse books like BNW, people could read for themselves. Also, spelling and grammar have nothing to do with talking, so... obviously in your extensive love of English you forgot to learn logic. You must be "stupid and blind" [may I enquire as to your sensory understanding if you think blindness has something to do with anything you've said?].

On your second paragraph: well, pretty much what I said above, I have no gripe really with anything other than textual studies, which isn't a life skill.

I'd also like to point out that the reason we are complaining is because we ARE doing it... so perhaps you should reconsider implying that we have a choice. Furthermore, if we did have a choice, we could then pick a much less fucked up subject and do better! How about that!

Sorry reguarding your personal experiences in Kings Cross, but given how much of a douche you are; it doesn't really suprise me that your arse is to loose to prevent you from soiling yourself frequently.

Have a good life!

[EDIT] -you seem to be having a few problems with grammar. Are you sure you should be telling people like me that I need English to teach me grammar? Apparently it didn't work for you, because if you've learnt where to put a comma in a sentence then it should come naturally; talking on the internet is no excuse... epsecially when trying to tell other people they need to learn grammar. I think it's back to the drawing boards for you.
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Apr 10, 2008
^^ lol you do advanced english. :D

anyways the way i see it - you can complain and whine on a forum about how much you think english is irrelevant or you can accept it and remind (or trick) yourself (into thinking) that it is beneficial. however i do warn you the first option will do nothing.
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Kim Jong-Il
Aug 7, 2007
The Shire
melanieeeee. said:
^^ lol you do advanced english. :D

anyways the way i see it - you can complain and whine on a forum about how much english is irrelevant or you can accept it and remind (or trick) yourself (into thinking) that it is beneficial. however i do warn you the first option will do nothing.
Of course I do Advanced English... I'm not a moron, and I have a little self respect.

And why would I try and change my attitude towards it, I'm doing really well in it with no study, homework or classwork. If I can sit around destroying their subject and still have them unable to find a fault with my exams, well... I laugh all the harder the the mangy bastards. In fact, no... I like some of the English teachers at my school, so I'll correct that: I laugh at the mangy Board of Shitheads.

[EDIT] -I don't actually do Advanced English, I lied. I actually do Advanced Engrish, if you care to note.
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Apr 10, 2008
prichardson said:
Of course I do Advanced English... I'm not a moron, and I have a little self respect.

And why would I try and change my attitude towards it, I'm doing really well in it with no study, homework or classwork. If I can sit around destroying their subject and still have them unable to find a fault with my exams, well... I laugh all the harder the the mangy bastards. In fact, no... I like some of the English teachers at my school, so I'll correct that: I laugh at the mangy Board of Shitheads.

[EDIT] -I don't actually do Advanced English, I lied. I actually do Advanced Engrish, if you care to note.
because you cant change it by complaining on a forum. either go write a letter to bos or drop out already if you hate it that much.


Get Behind Me Satan
Apr 30, 2007
Castle Hill
I did both yr 12 and yr 11 Adv. English and I apologise for poor grammer, I am currently unwell.

For your information, like as previously stated, English gets you into Arts and it got me a place at CSU with a BA. Well, I don't know that it happens in every case, again, it's the basic skill to a lifetime. I wish it was just spelling and whatnot, but you have to learn texts for a reason. And one them includes, it teaches you new words. Like before I read BNW I didn't know what the word vicarious meant. You had the chance to drop out at year 10 suffer the consequences of staying on to the further years.

Stop whining. It only proves you have no life.


Kim Jong-Il
Aug 7, 2007
The Shire
melanieeeee. said:
because you cant change it by complaining on a forum. either go write a letter to bos or drop out already if you hate it that much.
Or keep not doing anything, and by complaining I can vent my wrath, which invloves much less blood that my other plans for the BOS.

Furthemore, dropping out would be unproductive, I like my other subjects, so why would I let English destroy even more than it already has?

And also, writing letters to anything affiliated to the state government is about as useful as buying paper just to throw it out. Their heads are quite firmly lodged up their anus', and they asked Hancock to do it.


Apr 10, 2008
prichardson said:
Or keep not doing anything, and by complaining I can vent my wrath, which invloves much less blood that my other plans for the BOS.

Furthemore, dropping out would be unproductive, I like my other subjects, so why would I let English destroy even more than it already has?

And also, writing letters to anything affiliated to the state government is about as useful as buying paper just to throw it out. Their heads are quite firmly lodged up their anus', and they asked Hancock to do it.
that is exactly my point. you cant change it. hence stop whining and start studying.


Kim Jong-Il
Aug 7, 2007
The Shire
Born2baplacebo said:
I did both yr 12 and yr 11 Adv. English and I apologise for poor grammer, I am currently unwell.

For your information, like as previously stated, English gets you into Arts and it got me a place at CSU with a BA. Well, I don't know that it happens in every case, again, it's the basic skill to a lifetime. I wish it was just spelling and whatnot, but you have to learn texts for a reason. And one them includes, it teaches you new words. Like before I read BNW I didn't know what the word vicarious meant. You had the chance to drop out at year 10 suffer the consequences of staying on to the further years.

Stop whining. It only proves you have no life.
Your first paragraph is about at silly as blaming murder on ADD, and you're certianly hoping for a reduced sentence.

Okay, English gets you into Arts. I condoned English changing in a previous post. Anyway, advanced maths gets you into engineering... is advanced maths compulsory? You pick your subjects (hopefully) for a reason. You know I also once decided to read a book on my own, and I probably used to find a few words I didn't understand too, and sometimes I still do. That's hardly (in fact it's just a plain bullshit reason) to sopport English as it currently is.

Given what I've already said, your awesome l0lz0rz you had when telling me I could have dropped out is about as stupid as you, and I would say as stupid as English... but that would be unfair. The only thing really comparable to English is people who believe in the NWO.

And as for whining, well, my last post explains that one. Though, we could also consider you own life, since you've finished school and you're still hanging out on the BOS. Stuck in nostalgia over you English lessons? =)

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