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Everyone today is concerned with the morbidly obese and morbidly good-looking.. (1 Viewer)


flied lice
Nov 4, 2004
rika__ said:
hey look... just relax k, sure ppl are kinda having a go at you for expressing your opinion but dun u rkn that if u just sed it (without so much passion) and just stick to the facts ppl may actualli appreciate ur view of the media

btw.. insulting ppl isnt exactli a great way of resolving this, jus try to relax
Hey thats true but I didn't insult anyone until they insulted me. I've calmed down now.


Mar 9, 2004
imhere4themusic said:
Whats so good about my life Sashathe Man is that I don't need to hear about all the depressing stuff going on in the news....I mean, yes, there is worse people off in the world; what with the tsunami, the people living on rubbish dumps in the phillipines and in ethiopia, but I don't want to hear about it everyday. I am an average Australian teenager, I can't afford to donate to all those causes, plain and simple, sounds greedy but then I won't be able to make a life here for me, and hearing about that on the news knowing that it's "current affairs" isn;t going to make me feel a whole lot better.
So what you're saying is that you're a better person because you don't need to be informed..... the sole purpose of being informed isn't to open doors to make you feel like a better person, or for entertainment. It prevents you from being so self-centred. Think of England in the 1800's. Think Jane Austen time. If we were so closed off with issues then we will always be looking inwards, and this is what I find contradicting about you saying that your life "is good" because you don't need to hear about "depressing stuff". Bad news, imhere4themusic, it's reality, or certain parts of it anyway.

imhere4themusic said:
Do you notice how the blockbuster stories of the news fade in and fade out but there's never any real resolution?
I actually cringed when you say "blockbuster stories". I kinda almost ALMOST took offence, as if you thought they were petty plots, overblown for people's entertainment when you talk about Osama, Saddam and all things related to war. But anyway...

imhere4themusic said:
First it was Sept. 11, then it was Osama, then they couldn't fin him so there was Saddam, then he fazed out and then came all those media buzz words; falujah, terrorists, axis of tyranny.. so on. Then came that massive tidal wave that people like to call tsunami, bcoz it sounds better. It just annoys me that the news isn't the news anymore. News programs are becoming more like entertainment programs, not information, and when it is information i hear nothing about whats happening to my city or my people but somewhere else and someone else. People convince themselves they are compassionate because "we care" but all we do is watch the news, we don't help them. And I certainly don't and i feel guilty about it a lot.
How do you feel guilty? You CAN help.

Perhaps you can't be superman and bring people back to life, and build whole cities or whatever, but you can do your part. It's not SELFISH if you don't give your lifesavings to them, but you have to think REALISTICALLY that you can help in a small way, because it does add up. We DO help. The amount of times someone has stopped me on the street (in one day since I walk from Town Hall, through Hyde Park to Crown St everyday) this year alone has been tremendous. Have you seen the figures that have added up? Several million. And although it may not put things back to the way they were, it does help.

I personally, like many others, on Sept 11th actually were empathetic, not compassionate, to the victims. I cried on that day I saw the footage. It moved everyone. If it didn't move some, I'm sure they would've paused for a moment. People started rearranging their priorities, and I'm sorry if you have already rearranged them back and see it as "entertainment", or the news' potrayal as "entertainment".

imhere4themusic said:
I was in the city the other night and channel 7 has installed a new scroll text informant board, just like the ones in times sqaure and other places, and what did I see? "Queen not to attend Charles' wedding." Who here can argue with me and say that is something that Australian people want to hear, especailly when the monarch has in my view become totally irrelevant. I admit it I'm totally left wing. But that's my view. I didn't accuse any of you people who replied to my first message personally. I don't have a vendetta against you. If you people have a problem with me I'm sorry, but that's your problem not mine. People get so heated up, do they think I'm accusing them? Whoever thinks that must be overly self-centred and paranoid.
Just because you don't want to hear that kind of news, doesn't mean the rest of Australia agrees with you. I understand where you are coming from. Some news are incredibly unreliable, with their priorities out of order, their need to grab a buck (but fuck, they're just doing their job in a competitive field). I totally agree, although you cannot possibly suddenly judge what Australia wants or doesn't want to hear. You can find Classical music boring, I'm investing my uni-fees in classical music. I find Hans Zimmer the best musician ever, you probably don't know who the fuck he is. Your taste in news is different to mine, so speak for yourself.

To conclude, the reason why I even replied is that your anger towards the media is too stereotypical, and you're only reacting to the mainstream. If you recognise certain media is "all fake" then good for you that you realise it. Why then, don't you turn to alternatives? You do it naturally, I assume, when you listen to mainstream music. Why not the same with mainstream media? Watch SBS, and even if it's still biased news, make your own judgements and be an independent thinker, not a damn sponge.
Last edited:


flied lice
Nov 4, 2004
Hans Zimmer is a film composer. He has composed music for recent films such as The Ring, The Ring Two, The Peacemaker, Gladiator, Pirates of the Carribean, Lion King (Though the amount of music-score he composed compared to the other original compositions such as the songs by Elton John in this movie is quite a lot smaller), he is also currently working or finished on the score for a new movie Kingdom of Heaven, he also did Matchstick Men, The Last Samurai, Mission Impossible 2, The Rock, and a movie called Spies witch I doubt you've ever heard of.. and that's just off the top of my head. Whos Hans Zimmer? He was a film composer.. now he has formed a 'film-composing-joint-project' called media ventures, and all his later scores are products of this company. His scores now feature bastardized electronic orchestras and over used themes. They are all the same, all generic, all sensationalised. Yes he writes shocking, gripping, nice-to-hear stuff but there are a lot better musicians out there and especially film composers. But what would i know? You obviously know all about me.. I don't know shit about music I dont even know how to read it!! How wrong you are.. When did I mention Hans Zimmer or classical music in general? How much a week do you invest into your career??

Yes what a great observation I'm reacting towards the mainstream media. My views, if you want to percieve it that way, are typical teenage angst lashing out at society. But I have different values to you. And is that so hard to believe? Of course I knew they were stereotypical views, but does that make me somehow less smart? I figured it out for myself, I'm sorry I can't stand all that bullshit but I can't. I don't feel the need for alternatives. I don't need to feel informed, I don't need to read Jane Austen, I'M NOT self centred.

I don't think the stories are entertainment, but they are sensationalised for the general public. It's funny, I guess it's why I sound stereotypical.. but the exact same war propoganda goes on today that has been going on for centuries. I'm not claiming to know everything, I'm not claiming to be right, I'm not claiming to have gone and experienced any catastrophes that you see on TV. I'm trying to get my point of view across. We are so far from where we started out. Somewhere between the birth of jesus and now, or whatever you want to believe, something went wrong. Why is it that the worlds most powerful country has one of the worlds lowest standards of living. Why am I worse off than John Howard? Why does the channel 7 Today Tonight person get paid more than me? Give me a logical answer, not a political one. I'm a bitcher. Always have been, always will. And I'm good at it. I'm the person who tells you you're fucked when you're fucked and trips you over and then yells at you to get up. I'm the little annoying thing in your head that says you can't do it. So fucking kill me!!! Don't worry I'm not heated up, or suicidal, though I know you want me to be. Jeez, that would make a great news headline.

Keep reading to hear all the deatils about the nice boy, but with a dark secret...

Stay tuned folks!


Mar 9, 2004
imhere4themusic said:
Hans Zimmer is a film composer. He has composed music for recent films such as The Ring, The Ring Two, The Peacemaker, Gladiator, Pirates of the Carribean, Lion King (Though the amount of music-score he composed compared to the other original compositions such as the songs by Elton John in this movie is quite a lot smaller), he is also currently working or finished on the score for a new movie Kingdom of Heaven, he also did Matchstick Men, The Last Samurai, Mission Impossible 2, The Rock, and a movie called Spies witch I doubt you've ever heard of.. and that's just off the top of my head. Whos Hans Zimmer? He was a film composer.. now he has formed a 'film-composing-joint-project' called media ventures, and all his later scores are products of this company. His scores now feature bastardized electronic orchestras and over used themes. They are all the same, all generic, all sensationalised. Yes he writes shocking, gripping, nice-to-hear stuff but there are a lot better musicians out there and especially film composers. But what would i know? You obviously know all about me.. I don't know shit about music I dont even know how to read it!! How wrong you are.. When did I mention Hans Zimmer or classical music in general? How much a week do you invest into your career??
that sounds familar.... kinda like a website i've been to


imhere4themusic said:
Yes what a great observation I'm reacting towards the mainstream media. My views, if you want to percieve it that way, are typical teenage angst lashing out at society. But I have different values to you. And is that so hard to believe? Of course I knew they were stereotypical views, but does that make me somehow less smart? I figured it out for myself, I'm sorry I can't stand all that bullshit but I can't. I don't feel the need for alternatives. I don't need to feel informed, I don't need to read Jane Austen, I'M NOT self centred.
did i say you were? did i say that you shouldn't not stand it? get over your paranoid self you self-centred freak. i really thought you were discussing a proper debate here but now with the millions of questions, it just sounds like a "what the hell?" sort of "get off my back!" sort of whine.

imhere4themusic said:
I don't think the stories are entertainment, but they are sensationalised for the general public. It's funny, I guess it's why I sound stereotypical.. but the exact same war propoganda goes on today that has been going on for centuries. I'm not claiming to know everything, I'm not claiming to be right, I'm not claiming to have gone and experienced any catastrophes that you see on TV. I'm trying to get my point of view across.
so was i. it's why we're here...?

imhere4themusic said:
We are so far from where we started out. Somewhere between the birth of jesus and now, or whatever you want to believe, something went wrong. Why is it that the worlds most powerful country has one of the worlds lowest standards of living. Why am I worse off than John Howard? Why does the channel 7 Today Tonight person get paid more than me? Give me a logical answer, not a political one. I'm a bitcher. Always have been, always will. And I'm good at it. I'm the person who tells you you're fucked when you're fucked and trips you over and then yells at you to get up. I'm the little annoying thing in your head that says you can't do it. So fucking kill me!!! Don't worry I'm not heated up, or suicidal, though I know you want me to be. Jeez, that would make a great news headline.

Keep reading to hear all the deatils about the nice boy, but with a dark secret...

Stay tuned folks!
have a waa you blind psychopathic internet freak, i was one of the few who discussed with you properly rather than abuse you like many of the others.

yes take it out on the person who was sane enough to debate with you.

i should've opted for name calling instead.


Nov 22, 2004
Darling It Hurts!
imhere4themusic said:
Hans Zimmer is a film composer. He has composed music for recent films such as The Ring, The Ring Two, The Peacemaker, Gladiator, Pirates of the Carribean, Lion King (Though the amount of music-score he composed compared to the other original compositions such as the songs by Elton John in this movie is quite a lot smaller), he is also currently working or finished on the score for a new movie Kingdom of Heaven, he also did Matchstick Men, The Last Samurai, Mission Impossible 2, The Rock, and a movie called Spies witch I doubt you've ever heard of.. and that's just off the top of my head. Whos Hans Zimmer? He was a film composer.. now he has formed a 'film-composing-joint-project' called media ventures, and all his later scores are products of this company. His scores now feature bastardized electronic orchestras and over used themes. They are all the same, all generic, all sensationalised. Yes he writes shocking, gripping, nice-to-hear stuff but there are a lot better musicians out there and especially film composers. But what would i know? You obviously know all about me.. I don't know shit about music I dont even know how to read it!! How wrong you are.. When did I mention Hans Zimmer or classical music in general? How much a week do you invest into your career??

Yes what a great observation I'm reacting towards the mainstream media. My views, if you want to percieve it that way, are typical teenage angst lashing out at society. But I have different values to you. And is that so hard to believe? Of course I knew they were stereotypical views, but does that make me somehow less smart? I figured it out for myself, I'm sorry I can't stand all that bullshit but I can't. I don't feel the need for alternatives. I don't need to feel informed, I don't need to read Jane Austen, I'M NOT self centred.

I don't think the stories are entertainment, but they are sensationalised for the general public. It's funny, I guess it's why I sound stereotypical.. but the exact same war propoganda goes on today that has been going on for centuries. I'm not claiming to know everything, I'm not claiming to be right, I'm not claiming to have gone and experienced any catastrophes that you see on TV. I'm trying to get my point of view across. We are so far from where we started out. Somewhere between the birth of jesus and now, or whatever you want to believe, something went wrong. Why is it that the worlds most powerful country has one of the worlds lowest standards of living. Why am I worse off than John Howard? Why does the channel 7 Today Tonight person get paid more than me? Give me a logical answer, not a political one. I'm a bitcher. Always have been, always will. And I'm good at it. I'm the person who tells you you're fucked when you're fucked and trips you over and then yells at you to get up. I'm the little annoying thing in your head that says you can't do it. So fucking kill me!!! Don't worry I'm not heated up, or suicidal, though I know you want me to be. Jeez, that would make a great news headline.

Keep reading to hear all the deatils about the nice boy, but with a dark secret...

Stay tuned folks!
Can we have sex?


flied lice
Nov 4, 2004
Hey guess what you can get any information from the internet. Don't however, suggest that I picked the Hans Zimmer stuff from the internet though.. Yes get off my back please, I didn't mean to offend anyone when first starting the thread, but in replies I got a barrage of insults and name calling. So I just thought I'd assimilated, that what everyone wanted anyway, that was the main reason I was talking, just the slightest thing different from someones sense of self they are scared of, and repulse, I know I don't like people not like me. So yes I am self centred, but I'm not the only one. And once again, what I'm not: paranoid, internet freak. Thanks for being nice to me at the start, no serious I'm not actually being mean here.. I guess I just get heated up when someone like you, who doesn't know a thing about me, tries to tell me what I think, especially what type of music I like. You never answered my question anyway. What do you go to the con for?


flied lice
Nov 4, 2004
ur_inner_child said:
if you're angry in your next reply, i'll reduce to name calling so you can apologise to me like you did to the other name callers :)
I apologise because I feel bad in dishing out at what i get from everyone else :) guess it's just my personality. Just like you crying for the people in Sept. 11 I guess.


Mar 9, 2004
imhere4themusic said:
Hey guess what you can get any information from the internet. Don't however, suggest that I picked the Hans Zimmer stuff from the internet though.. Yes get off my back please, I didn't mean to offend anyone when first starting the thread, but in replies I got a barrage of insults and name calling. So I just thought I'd assimilated, that what everyone wanted anyway, that was the main reason I was talking, just the slightest thing different from someones sense of self they are scared of, and repulse, I know I don't like people not like me. So yes I am self centred, but I'm not the only one. And once again, what I'm not: paranoid, internet freak. Thanks for being nice to me at the start, no serious I'm not actually being mean here.. I guess I just get heated up when someone like you, who doesn't know a thing about me, tries to tell me what I think, especially what type of music I like. You never answered my question anyway. What do you go to the con for?
i do a b music (composition).

i do agree with some points, i'm just not sure if you've articulated it properly. Then again, we're not writing an essay here.

I'm kinda concerned with the tsunami funding. Other such charities that are more local, ie Australian based will definatley suffer this year. So you're right about some aspects.

I'm not sure about how you'd like to feel informed etc, considering I'd feel like a damn fool if i didn't know there was a tsunami, or an earthquake, or that sept 11th happened.... so there are some degrees of being informed that I can't seem to understand, unless you meant it differently, but yeah, each to their own

i don't think hans zimmer has the same repeated themes. He likes to use certain techniques again, but themes? wow, it's a pretty broad term don't you reckon? You mean the "epic" feel to it? I can understand that.... if that's what you meant

Listen to "of the earth." It's a sort of humbling, and not as epic.

I have the general gist that your questions are very "what is the meaning of life?" "why are we here?" "why do i need to conform to the system of struggling not to be alone, get a job and slowly die?"

i have a friend like that, she's a beautiful girl, (and you really need to be informed by it of course?) but I don't know if it's really the media to blame. can we say, out for a fast buck?


flied lice
Nov 4, 2004
ur_inner_child said:
i do a b music (composition).

i do agree with some points, i'm just not sure if you've articulated it properly. Then again, we're not writing an essay here.

I'm kinda concerned with the tsunami funding. Other such charities that are more local, ie Australian based will definatley suffer this year. So you're right about some aspects.

I'm not sure about how you'd like to feel informed etc, considering I'd feel like a damn fool if i didn't know there was a tsunami, or an earthquake, or that sept 11th happened.... so there are some degrees of being informed that I can't seem to understand, unless you meant it differently, but yeah, each to their own

i don't think hans zimmer has the same repeated themes. He likes to use certain techniques again, but themes? wow, it's a pretty broad term don't you reckon? You mean the "epic" feel to it? I can understand that....

Listen to "of the earth." It's a sort of humbling, and not as epic.

I have the general gist that your questions are very "what is the meaning of life?" "why are we here?" "why do i need to conform to the system of struggling not to be alone, get a job and slowly die?"

i have a friend like that, she's a beautiful girl, (and you really need to be informed by it of course?) but I don't know if it's really the media to blame. can we say, out for a fast buck?
If that means we stop arguing then yes. Thank God! Call me a punce but I'm apologising again, now I see someone does actually understand me out there! No name calling.. handshake. My teacher did composition, left last year. I go to the con three or more times a week. Thanks for the nice argument, I thought I was stubborn! Good luck at the con.


Mar 3, 2005
google earth
imhere4themusic said:
everyone today is concerned with the morbidly obese, morbidly good-looking and morbid propaganda that is the o.c and current affairs new!

It's all entertainment! It's all pop-propapganda! It's all fake!

Am I the only one to realise that this world has gone on such a fake materialistic "R'n'B" tangent that it's hard to believe we actually one day didn't have TV or "The X factor" or "Good ol' George W".

Entertainment for the masses.. well if you wanted it it's been acheived! But at what cost?

Save my humanity! Save my dignity! Good-bye cruel Andy Warhol! Good-bye Pink! Goodbye Ray Martin! (no fear, no favour! What a stupid saying)

Looks like there really is no God after all. Humans like todays contemporaries in the media and who everyone likes do not deserve free will. People becoming school captain shouldn't be a judge of who has the biggest muscles or the smallest dick. Morning news programs should never be associated with the names Channel 7, David Koch or even news for that matter. I'm finished now. I hope you're happy.
btw yes there is a God, because apparently the bible predicts how lame people will get. yes, lame. you usually get hit by how lame humans are when u see animal rights activitists who get concerned more with animals than humans, because they have nothing better to do (and pride themselves on). pride kills. the world is just a distraction, most of the things you engage yourself in, is just a distraction...from yourself. every movie, tv show, song you consume smothers the true reflection you should be seeingin the mirror, the real you. you're better than this rubbish that the world feeds you. btw, you should find it blatantly obvious what exactly is wrong with this world when you see children worshipping (yes, when they spend the majority of their time declaring the worthiness of) popular culture. i'm glad u snapped out of it, took you quite some time, as with everyone else.

it's sickening. it reminds me of butt-fuckers. they do it for no reason,without using their brain to think, just to try something 'new', they are really just packing shit with their dicks trying to have 'fun'

people in this world tend to think there is no God because this world sucks, but the answer to their doubt is already found in their parents. the world wants this, the world wants that. it wants wealth, sex, power....superficial peace (duh, no one wants to die, how many people who suicide never hesitate?).

you see, doesn't the world sound like the stupid teenager whinging to their parents to get the latest ps2 or whatever stuff that theyll surely get over, before you can say the word 'lame'. sure, the kid thinks his/her parents are gay for not spending ridiculous amounts of cash on the latest gadget, but when that kid finally reaches maturity, they'll realise they should've thanked the parents for not giving the child such useless distraction and that giving the gadget wouldn't be an act of love...but stupidity.

you see, when you say the world sucks, you just haven't got what the world made you want, and you blame God (or the lack of). Would you blame your parents for not giving you that latest ipod (or whatever)?

oh yeah, it's Mother's Day tomorrow! man i need an idea... i have never got her a present... not too expensive or take up too much effort/time, i got exams coming. any ideas people?

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