Let me begin by trying to clear the air here. I believe people are accenting and (bolding) words to highlight their point/stance. The wording of the question is always important, and I'll just go through this thread and have a look through the replies to see the general consensus.
Media - in that question - refers to CD, Website, Powerpoint Presentation etc, right? Like, they wanted us to describe how she could have presented her portfolio?
It's been awhile since I (we) sat for the IPT exam, so I can't remember exactly what I had written for this question, although knowing me (who better to know me, than me!

) I should think that I covered both
file types and
mediums of storage/display. File types would refer to your images, text, audio, video and numbers - they are your file types as defined by IPT. Mediums (plural: media) refer to storage and/or display options, which have a relationship with the file type selected.
That is, if you had opted for the "file type" train of thought, then you would have had to mention the use of text, audio (her soundtrack, from memory) and the use of images (I believe she had a photography camera or some scanner? I'm a little hazy here, since I've had a good 5 exams following IPT itself, but I digress). If, however, you had selected the "media" (speaking of mediums), then you would have spoken about floppy disks, CD-ROMs, DVDs and reasons for selecting them (I believe she had a CD-burner/writer in her laptop, and used PowerPoint on a given projector, from the board/interviewers).
i think the key word "in her" multimedia portfolio means , text audio... if it said to "present her" multimedia portfolio then i would put powerpoint
Without defining media, it's a little difficult for students to come to a common agreement on what they perceive media to be - whether it is misinterpreted and misunderstood to be "file types" (which *should have* been used, instead of "media" if the BOS had wanted students to speak about text, audio, images, numbers and video), OR they should have removed the word "
in her portfolio" to "
for her portfolio". 'In' implies that Anna is using differing file types in her portfolio, however "for her portfolio" would give the implication that she would need to use (real) media - differing MEDIUMS (optical storage, magnetic tape, etc).
I was always under the impression that 'media' meant CD, Website
It does. With English you should look at the "mode, form and medium of production" among others, which can be equally misleading and 'deceptive' (as I've said in another thread, somewhere... the BOS are deceptive LOL!

I think the wording of that question is unfair. I was confused as to what they meant by "media". Did they mean media like text, video, etc or did they mean cds, powerpoint, etc? They could have made it a bit clearer
This is exactly my point, thank you Lundy (sorry I couldn't be here, I had 8 exams all up... had my hands tied down, and it wasn't of the sexual nature too haha

The BOS *should* understand that there are (dangers if misinterpretation and misrepresentation) when communicating, even in (traditional) forms of messaging such as text, telegrams and the written word (note to self: IPT is over, Huy rofl but I'm still reading and posting in the IPT forum as I want to read what I've missed out on while I was out for a few weeks).
nar it is all dat.... text / images/ animation and audio crap....
it says different types of media.. and how she ewould incorporate it into her... multimedia portfolio.....
its not all dat CD and website crap...
I'm not too sure myself, which is why (I think) I covered all bases by writing about both, rather than taking my chances and risking the loss of 5-6 marks (however many it was worth).
It was an ambiguous question, yes. But with your logic, you're restricting other (possible) definitions of media, when used in IPT. The items you have listed are referred to as "file types" (or "data types" in databases/a DBMS). Media, by my definition (and I believe the common definition), when used "in her portfolio" (which
does not necessarily, and literally mean INSIDE and contained WITHIN her portfolio, as you can still refer to Anna's portfolio being external to Anna, external to the MEDIUM, and generally - used as a method of storage (a medium)). However, having said that, if you take the wording to be literal, you would tend to think "in her portfolio" means: inside the portfolio, inside the powerpoint display, inside the files and taken on the file-type level: stored as numbers, text, audio, images and videos. But if you were to read it "normally" - you would probably think something along the lines of reading the question:
Describe the different types of media that Anna could use in her multimedia presentation.
* Different types of media = CD-ROMs, website, PowerPoint, forms of storage
Then you might say: "Okay, they're asking for different types of media, media refers to the medium of storage, of presentation, be it on floppy diskettes or CDs, accessible via the Internet on a website or otherwise" - she could still use such mediums - but contained within each medium are file types, (the aforementioned images, audio, text, etc).
nah its like paper-portfolio, booklet, slide show, video tape, like other media, tv show even if she was able too website, art exhibit......
u get a hint, by the second part of the question also, if ur wandering...
and also it doesnt say data types.....whoever posted before meeh.....
I agree with what you've said JS.
There is a clear distinction between asking for:
(1) "Different file (data) types" eg images/audio/text/numbers and asking for
(2) "Different mediums which Anna could use" eg CDs/Internet/Diskette/Tape.
isn't cds, all that kinda shit, the MEDIUM not MEDIA?
Medium = singular
Media = plural
So it is, when you ask for media, you are asking for many mediums (the media: print media eg newspapers, magazines and other forms of media eg radio, television, and so on, all form part of "the media"

Im sure if Huy was here, he'd agree with me.... hehe it sounds like hes dead or something... (not that the idea of a dead Huy is funny)....
I'm here now, although it's too late as I had missed out on the active discussion/exchanging of ideas.
I (was) dead for a while, I had left the Thursday before the HSC began (the 17th or 18th, I believe of October). I came back for one evening straight after the IPT exam to post and talk about the paper, then I had to leave to revise for Maths/Ext Maths and the Physics paper that (second) week. So I did have a little bit of a hiatus away from BOS for a few weeks - up until my final exam (yesterday), the Ext Eng paper.
Hehe, so I haven't been around for a number of (as I see) great threads, which I would have liked to partake in.
Now that I think about it... (therefore meaning: forget what I said above, it's all mindless crap LOL!), here is my reasoning:
* It is a Multi
Media option topic
* Contained within the multimedia option topic, you have the core component of a
multimedia system - the combining of different
media - using AT LEAST three different "media types" - data and file types will include numbers, but
media types continue on and can include animation, audio and video, as well as text and images.
Now, I think I've typed so much that I'm beginning to lose it - just like Viper.
So this is what I'll say, my "final word" per se (see: Jerry Springer).
If you are answering a multimedia option topic, you'll be required to know the media types. These will refer to text, audio, images, hypertext, numbers, and animation. For the second part of the question,
interactivity was the buzz word to use, as it is the major advantage when comparing multimedia portfolios (productions) to print media. Then you would have talked about hypertext, hyperlinks, hypermedia, video/animations and other advantages over the print medium.