Mike Ockisard said:
how long'd it take u to decipher that one
That was just my bitter stab at society, dont mind me. The actual line means " not interested" but when girls say certain things hinting towards friendship i am always curious if they mean a real friendship [ in which case if its worth it, why not?] or as a hint of: not interested, which is what i usually take it as.
9/10 any sort of word like friend that gets thrown around means " not interested, so leave me alone/ you are wasting your time"
But every now and again a girl actually does mesh with your personality and wants to stay in contact... Those times where ive just dismissed them as a bitch or not interested, i could have made a nice friend out of.
If its just going to be a condacending friendship where she acts like you want her all the time and tries to use that to her advantage " oh i dont have any money left... can you buy me a train ticket?" well thats just not cool. i know girls have self esteem issues and need someone to reaffirm that they are gorgeous and a fantastic person, but it basically ruins the chance of a good friendship.