feminism (1 Viewer)

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do it
Apr 24, 2012
This is what it means to some people ...


you can find dumb signs about literally anything my god


how about you tell me your opinion not link me to other peoples


Apr 30, 2011
People saying they need feminism so they can 'justify' being fat and unhealthy and blame this on others is just sickening.

Also people being angry that they cant get a job with their gender studies degree is just idiotic as well


Just Bee Yourself 🐝
Nov 26, 2008
feminism isn't about treating people as individuals whose gender is unimportant.
Tell that to the people in those photos explicity syaing otherwise.

if modern feminism is "about" anything at all it is, at the very least, about recognising the socially constitutive role of gender divisions. gender is, therefore, supremely important.
I didn't say otherwise, you were talking about the historical oppression of women.

it's more about how the very fabric of society was constituted (i say was but to some extent it still is) in such a manner as to exclude, oppress, and undermine women.
Well if we're talking abotu how society currently is, then the historical dominance of man still seems irrelevant.

if you have a problem with any of them, feel free to explain. sure, some of them are outrageously dumb, like ""I need feminism because I contribute to rape culture without knowing it", where rape culture is in my humble opinion most often a particularly vile and tyrannical concept of feminism. but none of these people are spokespeople for feminism, and it means something different for each of them.
I have a problem with most of them, so perhaps you should explain which you think are reasonable. I don't they're all asa hilariously dumb as that example, but a lot of those that aren't are just vapid 'equality' slogans.


Just Bee Yourself 🐝
Nov 26, 2008
you can find dumb signs about literally anything my god

how about you tell me your opinion not link me to other peoples
you do realise that that sign is pro-feminist, right? If your point was to show that not just feminsits have dumb signs, you probably ought to have chosen an anti-feminist sign holder.


Mar 2, 2013
no one is saying that 'her story' thing isn't ridiculous

as i said, just because idiots exist doesn't ruin the 'vibe' of the movement

to me feminism is basically just another word for equality-- more than just the equal pay/equal opportunities bullshit but also with attitudes in society, especially in reference to sexual and physical ~norms~

women don't need to do shit thanks
how does her choosing not to shave her arms impact you in any way at all
those photos were taken in england
the problem is that she doesn't shave her arms, then men don't find her attractive and then its all us mens fault coz she wants to be different? get fucked! it does impact me by falsely labeling me a chauvinist

also from the pictures seen it is generally fugly looking women. these women dont end up having relationships with men because of this and thus, it is their (mens) fault for this...so they then send the rest of their lives hating men and everything that goes wrong is their fault. Also the men who hold up the signs are generally hipsters and hippies who argue for all radical ideas.

Trust me equality exists. Women only have these views because they are themselves against feminism. It takes a racist person to point out racism, same story here. Thus, they basically hate themselves lololol

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dvds didnt exist in 1991
Nov 5, 2006
Tell that to the people in those photos explicity syaing otherwise.
some of them might be, but it seems to be me the majority are protesting the social prescriptions of gender roles.

I didn't say otherwise, you were talking about the historical oppression of women.
it is important to recognise the historical oppression of women for the simple fact that it has not ended, and it continues to be informed by the history of oppression.

Well if we're talking abotu how society currently is, then the historical dominance of man still seems irrelevant.
discrimination and oppression didn't end on the day that women got the vote. it didn't end when married women didn't have to leave the public service anymore. it didn't end when women could choose to use contraception or have an abortion. have you not heard the expression "history matters"?

I have a problem with most of them, so perhaps you should explain which you think are reasonable. I don't they're all asa hilariously dumb as that example, but a lot of those that aren't are just vapid 'equality' slogans.
here's my play by play:

picture 1: guy is stoopid
picture 2: not sure what she's trying to say. if it is that women are the face or body or some other metaphor of poverty, i'd tend to agree.
picture 3: good point. society has certainly played a role in continuing to prescribe to women an aesthetic; this aesthetic changes, but i see no reason that this woman should feel that society tells her not to love her fat body.
picture 4: similar, but taken to the extreme of the woman in picture 3's. this woman, like many, feels that because she does not conform to the socially prescribed aesthetic, she is judged as less valuable.
picture 5: not relevant
picture 6: you'd have to wonder what her broader point is. i'm willing to consider that she isn't being an idiot; her point is, rather, that gender studies should be considered as of less value than, say, any other liberal arts major: history, sociology, art history, so on and so forth. i don't see the problem in that.
picture 7: kinda stoopid. you're complaining about never having been sexually harassed.
picture 8: i see no need for women to be subject to ritual and dehumanising abuse in public
picture 9: protesting the social prescription of "girly" and "manly" activities. right on.
picture 10: women should be free to wear what they want, within reason. women wearing trousers used to be considered abhorrent.
picture 11: probably stoopid
picture 12: right on. just because you're a woman doesn't mean you should know how to cook; or, that it is something that you regularly do. protesting socially prescribed values and roles. right on.
picture 13: this guy shouldn't feel unmanly for engaging in consensual sex with his girlfriend, no matter what they do together.
picture 14: this is an interesting one. here's an interesting video on the topic.
picture 15: again, protesting socially prescribed values and roles. women should not feel ashamed, nor should they be stigmatised, for enjoying or participating in activities that society considers to be male-only.
picture 16: yeah well if you want to do it then do it. she probably means she doesn't want guys to be put off by her doing so. fair enough.
picture 17: wut
picture 18: right on bro. due respect to the women in your life who helped you become who you are.
picture 19: pretty true. i'm guilty of this. it's hard to write about female superheroes.
picture 20: true again.


Mar 2, 2013
Also half these dont even make sense and just claim feminism is the answer to all our problems, past and present.

"British spend 43 weeks putting on make up" i dont really know how feminism would help this... they can walk around without make up if they like but dont expect to get attention from males. Its not males fault they arent attracted to this, through evolution we seek the best looking sposue to produce good looking offspring... its an evolutionary process and cannot be fixed by feminism


dvds didnt exist in 1991
Nov 5, 2006

considering how long the word is, the scrabble the word score for feminism is unusually low.

fuck the patriarchy


Mar 2, 2013
PATRIARCHAL get 68 points

PATRIARCH get 66 points

dem males


Just Bee Yourself 🐝
Nov 26, 2008
funkshen;6289471 [QUOTE said:
discrimination and oppression didn't end on the day that women got the vote. it didn't end when married women didn't have to leave the public service anymore. it didn't end when women could choose to use contraception or have an abortion. have you not heard the expression "history matters"?
Again, you're saying that it matters because things are still bad, but this still means that it’s a problem because things are bad now.

Picture 3: good point. Society has certainly played a role in continuing to prescribe to women an aesthetic;
Men evolved to prefer thinner women so they probably always will, more or less. It is wrong for her to expect that men find her attractive, which she does given her opposition to "beauty standards". This can also be thought to extend to things like models, actresses etc. being thin, but again this is based on what people like, so she's the one imposing her views on others.

I think it’s a bit whiny to claim that thin women in the media make her feel ashamed of her fat, and in real life it's unlikely she has experienced fat-shaming outside of school (where fat boys are often teased just as much). I wouldn't put it past her to have sought relationships/sex with men knowing full well they aren't attracted to fat women, and then use this as victimisation masturbation-fodder.

picture 4: similar, but taken to the extreme of the woman in picture 3's. this woman, like many, feels that because she does not conform to the socially prescribed aesthetic, she is judged as less valuable.
Obese men haven't exactly got it that much better.

picture 6: you'd have to wonder what her broader point is. i'm willing to consider that she isn't being an idiot; her point is, rather, that gender studies should be considered as of less value than, say, any other liberal arts major: history, sociology, art history, so on and so forth. i don't see the problem in that.
She doesn't say other arts degrees, she says anyone else's degrees, so I think it’s a fair assumption that she is expressing a similar sentiment to the photo above. She studied a degree that has not enhanced her employability beyond being a college graduate per se, and yet given her ideological attachment to what she studied she feels entitled to employment because of it. She's not just saying that she thinks her degree is good, she's saying she needs feminism, which almost certainly involves direct or indirect government subsidization of a job of hers, despite her lack of productivity.

picture 8: i see no need for women to be subject to ritual and dehumanising abuse in public
Nor do I. I clearly included it for the sake of juxtaposition.

picture 9: protesting the social prescription of "girly" and "manly" activities. right on.
This isn't really related to feminism, but if he's teased about being manly this almost certainly extends beyond his love of poetry, and is probably about being effeminate in general as men who like poetry are more likely to be. Which, you'll probably say he shouldn't be judged for, but the hilarious tragedy of feminism is that feminists themselves tend to be, romantically, very intolerant of beta males. This means more low-IQ alphas reproducing and less beta males having families to care about and raise high-IQ kids. So it’s in society's interests for him to act in a way such that others perceive him as being masculine.

picture 10: women should be free to wear what they want, within reason. women wearing trousers used to be considered abhorrent.
Used to be. Nobody is going to give them shit for not wearing skirts in the middle of winter (and yes, I'm familiar with the recent French ruling regarding trousers).

picture 12: right on. just because you're a woman doesn't mean you should know how to cook; or, that it is something that you regularly do. protesting socially prescribed values and roles. right on.
The 1950's called, they want their butthurt back.

Women aren't expected to be able to cook, and any man that publically says he expects women to cook for him will be instantly labelled a sexist.

On a remotely related note, couples in which men and women equally share the housework are more likely to divorce.

picture 13: this guy shouldn't feel unmanly for engaging in consensual sex with his girlfriend, no matter what they do together.
Fear of homosexuality is natural, so its natural he feels this way. Unless he goes blabbing about it to everyone and expects them not ot judge him, its dumb to say he "needs" feminism, or that it has to do with feminism in the first place as its more homophobia.

picture 14: this is an interesting one. here's an interesting video on the topic.
I've seen that video, and tend to agree with the top comment.

Being serious though, its fundamental human nature to disapprove of female promiscuity for what should be obvious evolutionary reasons.

Anecdotally, I don't think that it's entirely because men are judgemental of women who have taken heaps of cock (though they certainly are), but rather said women tend to make poor partners due to their personality and behaviours. So its not just because men don't like women who have had a lot of sex, they dislike the personality and qualities of women who happen to have a lot of sex (or possibly even lead her to having a lot of sex). Based on my personal experience, I agree entirely. 'Sluts' tend to be more aggressive, less friendly, less feminine and all-in-all less pleasant. Although this is about identifying 'sluts', I think in the process it elucidates the problems with them.

From a more objective and practical standpoint, it is known that there is a significant negative relationship between the number of past sexual partners a woman has had, and the length of her marriage. Thus, avoiding sluts can be thought of as socially beneficial behaviours. Of course, its easy to say that this is because of men's nasty slut-shaming personalities, but its almost certainly not, because one struggles to think why they would marry a slut in the first place. Rather, it is more likely that again, the personality types of women who tend to sleep around make them less suitable for long-term, monogamous partners, and its also likely that these women themselves struggle to maintain attraction to one man and sexually limit themselves to one man.

picture 15: again, protesting socially prescribed values and roles. women should not feel ashamed, nor should they be stigmatised, for enjoying or participating in activities that society considers to be male-only.
'I need feminism' suggests that this apparent double-standard is an example of injustice towards females. However, the exact same is true for men. Traits considered ideal for women make a man unmanly. And this is not just other men calling him a pussy; the vast majority of women are not attracted to effeminate men, quite the opposite.

And in making women just like men, they are diminishing the point of women altogether. If women essentially become "men with vaginas", why on earth would you expect relationships and families to work? When society does have strong gender roles in place, the accompanying masculine and feminine natures of men and women respectively were complimentary, leading to a greater harmony between the sexes (abusive husbands notwithstanding) and a stronger family unit. In modern times, in what can be described only as entirely predictable, we see a degradation of the family unit and a continual move towards becoming a bonobo mutual masturbation society where men and women increasingly have less use for one another, where people are not getting married and where existing marriages are breaking down and where women are experiencing hue rates f depression.

It is profoundly ironic that feminism, of all things, is so opposed to and takes such joy in the elimination of femininity.

picture 16: yeah well if you want to do it then do it. she probably means she doesn't want guys to be put off by her doing so. fair enough.
To the extent this is true (it’s absolutely not, every survey I've seen on the subject shows that men overwhelmingly like it when women make the first move), it's the fault of women. I mean there is literally a facebook group called "I'm the girl, you're the guy... You text me first. Or we don't talk today." And it CERTAINLY does not "need" a giant ideological revolution. Even if you think it's reasonable for her to want this (which it isn't really, most men would love the prospect of multiple women hitting on them and them getting to choose which women to respond to), its trivial bullshit, which is why its unreasonable.

picture 18: right on bro. due respect to the women in your life who helped you become who you are.
"who he is" looks like a fat faggot loser, who hilariously and almost certainly has extreme difficulty in attracting women (even controlling for his obesity). I have no idea, he might not have been raised by a single mother but in any case this picture implies support for such a thing, which certainly is bad (obviously not criticising widows, divorcees etc). And I'm not sure why this necessitates feminism?

picture 19: pretty true. i'm guilty of this. it's hard to write about female superheroes.
Who, male or female, gets their "superhero novels" seriously any way? Why does this "need" a giant ideological revolution?

picture 20: true again.
And why do you think that is?


Im a little confused. If your support for these things is based on some liberal-tarian "people should be able to what they want" and NOT on the practical implications for society, then why can't I just as easily turn around and say that people ought to be able to judge others and discriminate on the basis of past sexual partaers.
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Just Bee Yourself 🐝
Nov 26, 2008
considering how long the word is, the scrabble the word score for feminism is unusually low.

fuck the patriarchy
Masculinity only gets 2 points more despite containing three additional letters

taking stuff seriously


Oct 20, 2012
Any feminist or otherwise who argues that female 'oppression'/ patriarchal dominance still exists is plain stupid:
- Ohh, only a small % of females are in positions of power?... Maybe its because males are more economically efficient...A male will work 30+ years on avg UNINTERRUPTED, as compared to a female who will have her career distorted multiple times (presuming she will have children - which is still usually the case)
-Ohh, domestic violence is on the rise and its almost always men who are to blame? No... Women initiate up to 50% of domestic violence disputes and almost ALWAYS have an active role in the 'abusing process'
-Men are evil, unapologetic, heartless pedophiles and rapists! - What about the false rape cries? What about the amount of men who get screwed over by their wives? Who end up in divorce and forever face the burden of financial obligation, without even having an active role in the lives of their children? What about the climbing rates of male suicide? What about the unjustifiable mockery of men in the media?

Hey, kick him in the groin... hilarious..... Don't touch her... that's abuse!

Why don't we ever hear about 'misandry' - the discrimination against men based on gender; why is the term 'misogyny' thrown around like its actually pervasive in society?

IMO Feminism does not stand for equality, feminism stands for a progressive and unjustifiable demonization of men, accompanied by a pedastalisation of women. IMO Modern Feminism is pro-woman, and inherently anti-man

Youtube, 'manwomanmyth' and enjoy the red pill


do it
Apr 24, 2012
you do realise that that sign is pro-feminist, right? If your point was to show that not just feminsits have dumb signs, you probably ought to have chosen an anti-feminist sign holder.
cbf arguing with the rest because i'm un-opinionated and also really shit
and you do raise some good points too and i am not a ncap-er

but that sign is pro-life which is inherently not feminist
it's saying women shouldn't be allowed to have abortions

but women should be allowed to do ~~~anything~~~~
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Oct 20, 2012
the number of butthurt feminists unable to construct coherent arguments who solely rely on rhetoric and strawmanned logic is also rising, at that!


do it
Apr 24, 2012
the number of butthurt feminists unable to construct coherent arguments who solely rely on rhetoric and strawmanned logic is also rising, at that!
i apologise for taking the time to find and source proper statistics for a response to you
how about i save myself the time, as i can guarantee you'll just reply "lol ur on the rag lol"


Oct 20, 2012
On the topic of degree discrimination: is a gender degree, history degree, sociology degree; any arts degree in general, not inferior to a specialized degree? From an employers perspective, a Commerce degree majoring in finance is a lot more valuable as compared to an arts degree majoring in psychology; ESPECIALLY in the business world (which is the type of career Arts student will pursue)... IMO a trained engineer > well read literature lover, especially in terms of economic worth in the workplace


Oct 20, 2012
Nobody asked you to cite anything, and relax, my comment wasn't directed personally toward you. BUT, as with any form of argument, I think if a feminist (or any other 'ist' for that matter) is going to argue a point, they should have some form of data or logical hypothesis to support their argument.

Unfortunately most feminists rely on emotionally swayed rhetoric and reject any form of objective analysis
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