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Flag Burners (1 Viewer)


Feb 2, 2005
I agree with agent pollifax on some points too, but it really depends how u see the flag doesn't it? i mean, yes, im sure in the right sense, we can see that the flag represents us. but the background of the flag-imperialism, destruction, draining, atrocities against aborigines....are all those things representative of the Aussie people in this day and age? i know the kid wasnt thinking of all this when he burnt the flag however...
Thanks for agreeing with me on the points you do, but when you mention things in our history which you associate with our flag that are negative, you also have to think of the positive things: the diggers, freedom, democracy, security, wealth, happiness, and the list goes on. I'm certain that the list of positives is far greater than the negatives. If it weren't we'd be living in a quagmire.

If the flag represents our past, and our present, then it must not be a representation of only the negatives, which are really a small part of the big picture.

When you think about it, for a colour (or flag, banner, etc) touched the ground, it meant an army had been conquered. burning the flag takes that to a whole different level.

Most countries' flags have definite meanings such as in the US flag;White signifies purity and innocence, Red, hardiness & valour, and Blue, the color of the Chief [the broad band above the stripes] signifies vigilance, perseverance & justice.(wiki). Most students in the US knew what the flag stands for and what it represents. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to The Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. If those basic knowlege are not taught in australian schools I am not surprised that many australian are confused about their national identity such as many australian citizens, born here but not consider themselves australian or a part of it, or despise it! I seriously support an overhaul of australian school system and revision of curriculum. I'm wondering whether they taught civics subject at all in school?
The problem with that is, we aren't allowed to follow that trend, for instance, we cannot say we are one nation under GOD because the Constitution says we aren't. I agree with you however that in year 10 or something, the flag should be in the syllabus for HSIE, so that students can learn what it stands for, and the history behind it.

People born here should feel and see themselves as Aussies. The sad thing is some don't. BUT the problem is a 2 way thing... events like Cronulla, etc...well doesn't that isolate minorities making them feel even less Australian?

When the us-and-them attitude can be disposed of from every faction in Aussie society, only then will a lot of people come forward and say they're Australian. After the Cronulla riots, I bet a lot of people possibly went into reflection(?)...about who they are...what they stand for etc...and that's not a bad thing.

The flag is sacred enough, but there are obviously deep seated issues which need to be resolved first before we go on about burning a kid at stake for fucking up a flag. I say we MAKE them feel more Australian, before isolating them. We can't simply say "he burnt the flag to hurt the AUstralain people". I mean, he IS Asutralaian. Let's make him see that(don't ask me how)...hope this made sense
If people don't see themselves as Australian, they can burn their passports and citizenship documents which represent their Australianism, not the flag which represents the Commonwealth as a whole.

Insulting your betters will get you nowhere.
Well, your majesty, so much for the freedom of expression you are defending and the parliamentary privilege in debate.

The flag represents different things to different people. I am prepared to accept that ordinarily, the flag represent the nation of Australia, although not necessarily the values of the nation. The nation as an entity is not as significant to many compared to other units such as family, religion or a universal notion (such as peace or love). There are exceptions to that in certain situations. A particular act of burning the flag is only visible to a limited number of people unless it is broadcasted through some medium. When a protest is made out to those people, they are generally aware of the intention of the specific protest - whether against racism, war, government or monarchism (personally I'm a monarchist btw). The fact that they may interpret the burning as an insult to the nation appears far fetched and will be outweighed by the message of the protest. After all, it is merely an insult and not an actual infliction of harm.

Even if it is accepted that the gist of flag burning is insult to the nation, I don't feel that it is sufficient to deem the action a crime. A blanket ban on insulting the nation is a coercion of the population into loving the nation. If the nation is so great and fantastic to all, there would not be many occurrences of flag burning within that nation, given the constant that flag burning is allowed as an freedom of expression in the first place.
It doesnt matter what kind of a gathering it is, it could be a girl scout bake off for all I care, once you burn that flag, you are showing your distain for the nation by destroying in flames its most sacred national emblem.

Once the lighter goes near the cloth, that turns the gathering from peaceful assembly, to a riot with the intention to incite hatred.

"Was" is the operative word in this. I understand your nostalgic conservative sentiments. Times and priorities unfortunately change, and in present day there is a greater emphasis on multiculturalism, internationalism and gender equality (for example) than patriotic symbols. Again you may disagree with or despise such concepts and I feel sorry for the internal hurt it may be causing in you.
Greater emphasis on multiculturalism, ey? So that would mean we need to be more caring and considerate of other nations, yes? So what would happen if I went into the middle of Baghdad and set fire to the Iraq flag, because I protest the use of militia? Would I be praised for expressing my thoughts? I think not. What would happen if I even went to Sydney and set fire to the Lebanese flag? I'd probably wake up several months later in intensive care. Why is it that we are moulding ourselves around other people? Why should Australians have to change to suit others? Why must we forget that we are Australian because we don't want to be politically incorrect?

Wake up, Australia and be proud.

Also, kudos to the members of Parliament who not long ago told muslim clerics that if they wanted to abide by allah's law before Australia's law, they can leave.
Aug 13, 2004
agent_pollifax said:
What would happen if I even went to Sydney and set fire to the Lebanese flag? I'd probably wake up several months later in intensive care. Why is it that we are moulding ourselves around other people? Why should Australians have to change to suit others? Why must we forget that we are Australian because we don't want to be politically incorrect?

Wake up, Australia and be proud.
you can't make that comparison. The people who burnt the australian rsl flag were born in australia. It is their flag, they didnt go burn a foreign flag.
You see australians with lebanese background as foreigners. The problem is not Lebbos arabs muslims middle easterners terrorists coming here off a boat and burning flags hating australia and wanting to change it,

the flag burning was a once off incidence caused by anger following the cronulla riots, the cronulla riots said, "we australians hate you", and thats how they got back at them.


Aug 15, 2006
Bayview Heights
the flag burning was a once off incidence caused by anger following the cronulla riots, the cronulla riots said, "we australians hate you", and thats how they got back at them.
Australians hates them for a reason, a reason that you always try to avoid. They are the one who is racist against white australians, they are raping and attacking whites on the basis of race. If they dont want to be treated byCronulla rioters like that, then they should not attack and anger the white majority. They should learn to live as a minority, respect others in the way they want to be treated. Asians, Indians, Chinese are not whites, they respect and learnt how to live as minority. They have no problems. We don't buy we are muslim we are discrimianted by whites as an excuse. Indian Hindus have similar or darker skin colour and have very different religion too, and there have never been an incident in which a gang of Indian hindus attacked whites or other race.

Yeah you said they are australian yet they run around flying lebanese flags attacking white australians , burning australian flags. If they are born australian and want to be considered one they should not be attacking white australians on the basis of race, burn australian flags.

What we see here is absolutely no condemnation from muslim/lebanese. They said they are racially villified, in fact they are the one who attacks other australians, gang rape, calling aussie sluts and such. What we see is minority racism against majority white people. When was the last time you heard a muslim/lebanese girl raped by a white australian? When was the last time you heard a muslimlebanese man attacked by white australian? IT IS RARE

The recent speech by the muslim leader blaming women for rape is a confirmation of muslim/lebanese mindset.

Elen said:
And I'll repeat a quote I found that really explains my problem with the kind of rose coloured, tears in eyes patriotism you are promoting, that really applies quite well to the current situation in America and Australia
You don't have to run in to a burning house to save your flag. I suggest that many aussie learn more about your country's constitution, including but not limited to the flag, what it represents and what it stands for. Your civic rights and duties as an australian citizen. Those are very very basic thing and knowlege that you can do for your country.


Apr 12, 2006
Aryanbeauty said:
Asians, Indians, Chinese are not whites, they respect and learnt how to live as minority. They have no problems. We don't buy we are muslim we are discrimianted by whites as an excuse. Indian Hindus have similar or darker skin colour and have very different religion too, and there have never been an incident in which a gang of Indian hindus attacked whites or other race.
Victoria Police has an "asian squad" for those crazy asian gangs that go around slashing and stabbing people.

Indians have crazy people who gang rape and then you have doctors like Patel.

All nationalities have strange people.

Muslims seem to be targeted more than others from what I've seen. After (the attacks) in the U.S. in (11/9) 2001, it has become acceptable for muslims to be denigrated and isolated.


Oct 18, 2006
codereder said:
you can't make that comparison. The people who burnt the australian rsl flag were born in australia. It is their flag, they didnt go burn a foreign flag.
You see australians with lebanese background as foreigners. The problem is not Lebbos arabs muslims middle easterners terrorists coming here off a boat and burning flags hating australia and wanting to change it,

the flag burning was a once off incidence caused by anger following the cronulla riots, the cronulla riots said, "we australians hate you", and thats how they got back at them.


Aug 15, 2006
Bayview Heights
turtleface said:
Victoria Police has an "asian squad" for those crazy asian gangs that go around slashing and stabbing people.

Indians have crazy people who gang rape and then you have doctors like Patel.

All nationalities have strange people.

Muslims seem to be targeted more than others from what I've seen. After (the attacks) in the U.S. in (11/9) 2001, it has become acceptable for muslims to be denigrated and isolated.
Did those asian gangs target whites? Can you give us a proof where a hindu indian gangs rape white australian women? proof :rolleyes:


Recession '08
Apr 19, 2006
inner west
Aryanbeauty said:
Did those asian gangs target whites? Can you give us a proof where a hindu indian gangs rape white australian women? proof :rolleyes:

here's an isolated incident......please dont come up with anymore of your stupid generalisations...the fact that there are nuts in a community means nothing.

asian gangs, like any gangs, will target damn anybody, i trust you've never been to cabramatta......


Aug 15, 2006
Bayview Heights
Oh you are giving us a murder incident in New Delhi, INDIA to justify lebanese/muslim crime in Australia? Nice try!

The fact is you cannot find Hindu Indian, Buddhist chinese or thai , or even non religious asian gangs targeting whites in Australian because of their race.

Yes there are criminals in all societies and race but Indian australian, Chinese australian, Thai australian DO NOT TARGET WHITES FOR THEIR CRIME.

Lebanese/muslims attack whites on the basis of their race, and that is racism and that is why you are hated by white australians.


Recession '08
Apr 19, 2006
inner west
Aryanbeauty - Australians hates them for a reason, a reason that you always try to avoid. They are the one who is racist against white australians, they are raping and attacking whites on the basis of race.

no they dont, they rape them because they are sex deprived horny little buggers...not every action against someone is racially motivated
"hey ahmad bro....we cant rape her because she's Swede.....not her she's Canadian...oh perfect....an Aussie!" - your damn stupid. there sexual predetors the last thing they do is discriminate.

If they dont want to be treated byCronulla rioters like that, then they should not attack and anger the white majority. They should learn to live as a minority, respect others in the way they want to be treated. Asians, Indians, Chinese are not whites, they respect and learnt how to live as minority. They have no problems.

thats the whole point of a democracy...."its a lot more than just majority rules, its about minority rights..." (Bill Clinton). what the hell are you on about Asians have no problems...are you living under a rock? lets see, drug trafficing and gang violence. every community has its issues. "they have no problems" - any little credibility you once had has just gone out the window....your pathetic.

We don't buy we are muslim we are discrimianted by whites as an excuse. Indian Hindus have similar or darker skin colour and have very different religion too, and there have never been an incident in which a gang of Indian hindus attacked whites or other race.

disproven - refer to previous post

Yeah you said they are australian yet they run around flying lebanese flags attacking white australians , burning australian flags. If they are born australian and want to be considered one they should not be attacking white australians on the basis of race, burn australian flags.

who's "they" and what "flags" - it was one person who burnt one flag - a person much of the lebanese community im sure would rather detach themselves from.

What we see here is absolutely no condemnation from muslim/lebanese.

wtf? yes there has.

They said they are racially villified, in fact they are the one who attacks other australians, gang rape, calling aussie sluts and such. What we see is minority racism against majority white people. When was the last time you heard a muslim/lebanese girl raped by a white australian?

ive heard of young aussie men invading muslim girls privacy through stripping them of their sacred clothings....being spit on...called names. it only means we have a social problem and have to work together to educate people

When was the last time you heard a muslimlebanese man attacked by white australian? IT IS RARE

last week...so what?

The recent speech by the muslim leader blaming women for rape is a confirmation of muslim/lebanese mindset.

the entire muslim community has called for him to be sacked....what are you talking about..it has nothing to do with lebanese or any nationality.
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Recession '08
Apr 19, 2006
inner west
Aryanbeauty said:
Oh you are giving us a murder incident in New Delhi, INDIA to justify lebanese/muslim crime in Australia? Nice try!
thats not the point..it shows an indian has the capacity to commit a crime against an aussie..whether its here or india or china or in africa
edit: im not justifying any crime and please dont speak or misrepresent my words
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Aug 15, 2006
Bayview Heights
Yeah because you cannot find an Indian australian whose number equals roughly the numbers of lebanese in australia or chinese who are more than lebanese committing a crime on whites because of their race. You have to find an incident in a foreign land where aussie is a victim to convince us that lebanese australian are innocent. You will be deluded if you convince yourself with that.

There are countless incidents in which Lebanese attacks white australians leading up to Cronulla riot, yet blamed whites for standing up against lebanese thugs and criminals.
the entire muslim community has called for him to be sacked....what are you talking about..it has nothing to do with lebanese or any nationality.
The Lebanese Muslim Association says they will review the speech first before making decision. No they have not called on for him to step down
Lebanese Muslim Association (LMA), which runs the Lakemba Mosque in the city's south-west, said it would give Sheik Alhilali the benefit of the doubt until it had reviewed his address.
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Recession '08
Apr 19, 2006
inner west
i think someone's pissed off at lebo muslims because the IDF got hammered by a guerilla army!
again....for the slow one....please dont misrepresent my words. im not defending any criminal action by anybody.
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Recession '08
Apr 19, 2006
inner west
lets try and simplify this
another example
christian priests are reported for the most sexual misconduct....does that mean all priests are sexual predators...
OF COURSE NOT....because it goes against jesus's teachings
congratulation aryan, im going to nominate you for some social prize....for putting it all together..."all lebanese muslims are criminal minded" - thanks for clearing up - now im going to get off to do some maths before you make me any more stupid!


Apr 12, 2006
Aryanbeauty said:
ha ha yeah after killing 500+ terrorist and perhaps another 700 terrorist supporter lots of reason to get pissed off
Hammered by what was essentially a forward legion of the Iranian army? Not so much... I'm fairly sure the Israeli's killed a RIDICULOUS amount of Hezbollah soldiers defending their own territory against terrorists that want to restart the ottoman empire.
This is really sick. These supposed "terrorists" (more likely civilians based on the IDF's history) may or may not be scum, but to measure success based on body count is really disturbing.


Aug 15, 2006
Bayview Heights
I did not say "all" but feel free to include yourself.

Yes, we agreed that priests are responsible for many sexual misconducts and many of them are facing jail term, and no one deny they are wrong and there have been many rehabilitation process going on. On the other hand we have people like you who never accept guilt or the need to reform despite mounting evidence that lebanese muslims are racist and are responsible for many racial attacks in australia, instead you blame whites for fighting back. Borrowing the disgraced Sheikh's mindset, I would say white people's attitude towards muslims/lebanese in australia is actually invented,invited and asked for by the lebanese muslims themselves. If they don't want these so called discrimination, then they will behave like any other ethnic minority would.


Oct 18, 2006
again your speaking about the whole ? you cant justify it so stop talking nonsense


Active Member
Aug 8, 2005
Aryanbeauty said:
I did not say "all" but feel free to include yourself.

Yes, we agreed that priests are responsible for many sexual misconducts and many of them are facing jail term, and no one deny they are wrong and there have been many rehabilitation process going on. On the other hand we have people like you who never accept guilt or the need to reform despite mounting evidence that lebanese muslims are racist and are responsible for many racial attacks in australia, instead you blame whites for fighting back. Borrowing the disgraced Sheikh's mindset, I would say white people's attitude towards muslims/lebanese in australia is actually invented,invited and asked for by the lebanese muslims themselves. If they don't want these so called discrimination, then they will behave like any other ethnic minority would.

Dont spend too much time trying to tell that to the overwhelming population of leftist youth here, even when presented with the fact that 10% of the UK and 70% (thats not a typo) of the French prison popluation are muslims, its still head in the sand, hope that it goes away. Its a shame there are so many people who view the world and its inhabitants as they want to view them, rather than what they are in reality.


Feb 2, 2005
Nolanistic said:
Limiting the sacrifices of Soldiers and the ideals of our country to a piece of cloth is stupid.

We should get upset because he burnt someone else's property. Slap on the wrist seems appropriate.

A speech + indoctrination session on values seems a bit much.
No one said that the sacrifices of soldiers are limited to the 'piece of cloth'. In most parks you can find a cenotaph (probably graffitid by some stoned little prick) in som eyou can find memorial gates, in all RSLs there is an Honour Roll, and if you've been to Canberra, you may have heard of something called "The Australian War Memorial".

The ideals of the nation are not limited by 'the cloth' either. The Union Jack does not tell us how to run our country and the stars don't tell us what to believe. The ideals are held by all the people in all the demographic ranges which make up Australia.

The 'piece of cloth', however represents the nation. As I have said before, it represents everything that goes together to make our nation and it represents the nation as a whole. To burn it is to tell people visually that you want to burn the nation.

you can't make that comparison. The people who burnt the australian rsl flag were born in australia. It is their flag, they didnt go burn a foreign flag.
You see australians with lebanese background as foreigners. The problem is not Lebbos arabs muslims middle easterners terrorists coming here off a boat and burning flags hating australia and wanting to change it,

the flag burning was a once off incidence caused by anger following the cronulla riots, the cronulla riots said, "we australians hate you", and thats how they got back at them.
Of course I can make that comparison. Are you saying that it is justifiable from the fact that they were born in Australia, but they have a different heritage? Oh I see how it works. So if my parents migrated to Lebanon before I was born, I'd be free to burn Lebanese flags until the cows come home.

If these 'Australians with lebanese backgrounds' don't want to be seen as foreigners, then why do they call themselves Lebanese Australians? Either you're Australian or you're not. If they can't make up their mind, then maybe they should think about it over a nice hot baklava.

This particular flag burning 'incident' was not a once off. It's happened frequently and what has happened every time? Diddly squat. The nation gets in an uproar but some hippie in the decision making process believes that discipline will only harm the free energy or some crap of the creative mind and makes it impossible for these delinquents who viciously express their hatred for our nation to get their cummupence.

Also, don't make out that the Cronulla riots were incited by Australians because they simply weren't. I gave a presentation on the riots to my legal studies class and a source of information was first hand from a cop who was there. There is no doubt that it was started by the 'ethnic party' (We need to be politically correct now don't we). And don't anyone dare say "ofcourse the police would say that. they're being racist".

As I'm sure I've stated, there is no reason to burn a flag (the most solemn and highest symbol of our nation) in order to protest anything, ever. The political process is free enough that protests can be done in a sensible manner.

And just so that everyone knows, the Australian Army is the guardian of the national flag, so if they see you desecrate it at all, they will be quite within their rights to give you what's for.

Yeah you said they are australian yet they run around flying lebanese flags attacking white australians , burning australian flags. If they are born australian and want to be considered one they should not be attacking white australians on the basis of race, burn australian flags.

What we see here is absolutely no condemnation from muslim/lebanese. They said they are racially villified, in fact they are the one who attacks other australians, gang rape, calling aussie sluts and such. What we see is minority racism against majority white people. When was the last time you heard a muslim/lebanese girl raped by a white australian? When was the last time you heard a muslimlebanese man attacked by white australian? IT IS RARE

The recent speech by the muslim leader blaming women for rape is a confirmation of muslim/lebanese mindset.
I could not agree with you more.

no they dont, they rape them because they are sex deprived horny little buggers...not every action against someone is racially motivated
"hey ahmad bro....we cant rape her because she's Swede.....not her she's Canadian...oh perfect....an Aussie!" - your damn stupid. there sexual predetors the last thing they do is discriminate.
That's not his point. The point is, you don't hear about when white Australians attack Lebanese/Muslims etc, it is always the other way around. Why? Because it happens like that more often.

the entire muslim community has called for him to be sacked....what are you talking about..it has nothing to do with lebanese or any nationality.
Again, you miss the point. When he speaks, he does so on behalf of the entire muslim community. When Ken Moroney speaks, he does so on behalf of the entire NSW Police. When ACM Houston speaks, he does so on behalf of the ADF. When your principal talks, they do so on behalf of the entire school. It is the exact same principle. When the Cleric talks about women and refers to them as "Uncovered meat" which the cats (muslims) then come and eat (rape) and blames this on the meat (women), he is peaking on behalf of the muslim community, whether they agree with him or not.

i think someone's pissed off at lebo muslims because the IDF got hammered by a guerilla army!
again....for the slow one....please dont misrepresent my words. im defending any criminal action by anybody.
What the hell are you talking about? Not only does this have nothing to do with flag burning, the Israeli Home Guard (Under the IDF) is the most elite fighting force in the world. They never got 'hammered' by any guerilla army. They were getting in strife for bombing the fuck out of the insolent shits and teaching them a lesson, which, on a smaller scale, is happening right here right now. Anyone who wants to teach punks a lesson, end up getting in shit themselves.

Originally Posted by Aryanbeauty
I did not say "all" but feel free to include yourself.

Yes, we agreed that priests are responsible for many sexual misconducts and many of them are facing jail term, and no one deny they are wrong and there have been many rehabilitation process going on. On the other hand we have people like you who never accept guilt or the need to reform despite mounting evidence that lebanese muslims are racist and are responsible for many racial attacks in australia, instead you blame whites for fighting back. Borrowing the disgraced Sheikh's mindset, I would say white people's attitude towards muslims/lebanese in australia is actually invented,invited and asked for by the lebanese muslims themselves. If they don't want these so called discrimination, then they will behave like any other ethnic minority would.

Dont spend too much time trying to tell that to the overwhelming population of leftist youth here, even when presented with the fact that 10% of the UK and 70% (thats not a typo) of the French prison popluation are muslims, its still head in the sand, hope that it goes away. Its a shame there are so many people who view the world and its inhabitants as they want to view them, rather than what they are in reality.
You both are making extremely good points. Aryanbeauty, I think you're my new best friend.

All, returning to the topic at hand - Flag Burning

Read the following poem, and understand what its trying to say:

It's the Soldier
Charles M. Province

A protest raged on a courthouse lawn,
Round a makeshift stage they charged on,
Fifteen hundred or more they say,
Had come to burn a Flag that day.

A boy held up the folded Flag,
Cursed it, and called it a dirty rag.
An old man pushed through the angry crowd,
With a rusty shotgun shouldered proud.

His uniform jacket was old and tight,
He had polished each button, shiny and bright.
He crossed that stage with a soldier's grace,
Until he and the boy stood face to face.

Freedom of Speech, the old man said,
Is worth dying for and good men are dead,
So you can stand on this courthouse lawn,
And talk us down from dusk to dawn,

But before any Flag gets burned today,
This old man is going to have HIS say !

My father died on a foreign shore,
In a war they said would end all war.
But Tommy and I weren't even full grown,
Before we fought in a war of our own.

And Tommy died at Sattelberg Hill,
In the jungle shadows, where he lies still,
Where good men raised this Flag so high,
That the whole damn world could see it fly.

I got this bum leg that I still drag,
Fighting for this same old Flag.
Now there's but one shot in this old gun,
So now it's time to decide which one,

Which one of you will follow our lead,
To stand and die for what you believe?
For as sure as there is a rising sun,
You'll burn before this Flag burns, son.

Now this riot never came to pass.
The crowd got quiet and that can of gas,
Got set aside as they walked away
To talk about what they had heard this day.

And the boy who had called it a "dirty rag",
Handed the old soldier the folded Flag.
So the battle of the Flag this day was won
By a tired old soldier with a rusty gun,

Who for one last time,
Had to show to some,
This Flag may FADE, but


Aug 15, 2005
this thread should serve as a reminder of the disease of nationalism and patriotism.

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