I agree with you about almost everything you just said.agentprovocater said:Hotshot's posts are fine. Some bits I agree with, some I don't.
Some of you are just bloody ridiculous. Yes, it is fun to point at a few minority groups, to blame for all the problems isnt it? Get.Over.It.
There are problems in all different groups/sections of the community. I still don't buy any justification for the Cronulla riots. If they were a legit protest then the text message "Lets go bash lebs" etc would not have circulated.pfft. legit protest indeed. As for anyone in a gang, go get your head checked.
A lot of people have mentioned that ''omg if u live here, ur australian, otherwise f*** off etc"". What's wrong with acknowledging your heritage? If someone has Chinese parents why shouldn't they say "I'm Chinese Australian"? We should do what the Americans do. Like, they say "Oh, I'm American Italian, or American Lebanese etc", instead of Lebanese Australian etc....does that make some sense? That way, minorites are Australian first before anything else.
People of all nationalities practice a bit of racism. Inexcusable, yes, but we have to FIX the problems..look at the socail issues...not just isolate and denigrate muslims and lebs. I oppose violence of any kind(except to defend oneself or one's nation etc).
And why the hell are we going on about the mufti in the flag burning thread? wtf? What he said was obviously ill informed and innappropriate.(i think he was trying to scare muslim chicks into covering up more, but no matter). No, those views are not reflective of the muslim community mindset. That's another amongst your plethora of generalisations. Nobody appreciated his comments ok?
Also, muslims arent just lebanese, there are Indians, Chinese, etc who are muslim...time for you to change your comment about the lack of problems in these communities into "only non-muslim sections of the Indian/chinese communities, will we never see problems".
I know this was a bit off topic, but wtf everyone has gone off topic way too much lol.
Flag burning=u shud be able to if its ur own flag(i still wudnt)
Kid=apologise and moved on(and so shud we)
RSL=should let kid march(fat chance it'll happen)
Us=Australians(all colours, shapes and sizes)
I agree with diebrundie about the flag burning comment. The Constitution has implied freedom of speech and communication etc so the if we can't burn it to make a protest etc, thats crap(but like i said, i dont condone it)
Elendil, the leaders are definitely there to be our servants. We elected them to represent us etc so I agree. Can leaders also be servants though?
I think leaders can be servants, (Jesus thought so too
especially politicians. They represent us. They are supposed to do what we want them to do.