doing econ241 as well don't worry. This taken from blackboard message:
"The ECON241 lectures are currently full due to an unexpected 35% over-enrolment. Steps are being taken to find extra lecture capacity. If you are enrolled, but not registered in a lecture, or if you are unable to get a seat at the lectures in the first week, you can view and listen to the lectures on i-Lecture."
"For all problems with ECON241 lecture and tutorial registrations, or access to the ECON241 web-site, please contact the ECON241 Teaching Assistant (TA) and Web-Master, Ariadne Katsouras. For Ariadne's contact details, click on the Staff Contact Details link below. (Ariadne's phone number has changed. Her previous phone number was 9850-8495. Her new phone number is 9850-8489.)"