Fraser was warned on Lebanese Muslims (1 Viewer)


Dec 16, 2005
EDIT: Re-reading the thread, I don't think I was fair on Aryanbeauty. The post is withdrawn.
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Dec 16, 2005
Nousiainen said:
God, I'm sick of people supporting Cronulla. How fucking uneducated and stupid does one have to be?
I second this. I don't agree that "anti-PC conservatism" is a front for racism, and I think it makes sense to have a rational discussion about how well Muslims are fitting in; we need only look at the Sheik al-Hilali episode to see that the views held by some in the Muslim community are flatly incompatible with Western notions of tolerance and equality. But the violent, racist Cronulla riots, which were about as far from a rational discussion as one can go, should be condemned in the strongest terms. Anyone who thinks an apt response to un-Western intolerance in the Muslim community is an orgy of un-Western intolerance from the white side is a total idiot.


Active Member
Dec 12, 2005
Meanwhile another homegrown muslim terror plot is busted up:

STOLEN Australian Army rocket launchers are in the hands of a home-grown terrorist group which planned to use them to attack Sydney's Lucas Heights nuclear reactor, police allege.

The Federal Police Commissioner, Mick Keelty, said a man arrested in Leumeah yesterday and charged with possessing stolen weapons was linked to a group that had planned to attack buildings in Sydney, including the reactor.
Mr Keelty would not publicly link the man, Taha Abdul-Rahman, directly to a plan to target the reactor, referring only to "evidence of a proposed target", and saying:

"Clearly, there was a plan for the use of the weapon."


Aug 15, 2006
Bayview Heights
Nousiainen said:
Who the hell said I was hiding behind political correctness? Is your definition of not living up to political correctness chasing people that look like Middle Easterners on the street (which include groups such as most Muslims, Mediteraneans, and even Jews!). I actually understand that there are a select portion of thugs in the Lebanese community that do commit crime, but to fight back in an openly racist, disgusting and practically fascist way would only bring these people on PAR with the Lebanese thugs. If they wanted to "fight back", then "ethnic cleansing unit", "Wog free zone", and the fact they chased ANY ONE of this supposed Middle Eastern appearance would quash the "fight back" statement which gives off an impression that they did the right thing. Were the Lebanese retaliatory attacks after Cronulla considered "fighting back" then also??

Also, the fact that shirts even SAID "Ethnic Cleansing Unit" would give me the impression that it was NOT only against Lebanese thugs but against any non-Anglo ethnicity in this country! THAT is what I find extremely concerning and most especially embarrassing!

For the record, I told my cousin "One group of stupid people did a stupid thing, another group of even stupider people put themselves on par with these stupid people and did stupid things - let's leave it at that. How's Winter?"
To fight back in an openly racist and extremely violent attacks on lebs were the only way to let them know that their violence towards other australians are not tolerated. They only language they speak is violence and the best way to deal with them is violence. If they ever attack me I will always retaliate them in the harshest possible way and that is my way. I respect other cultures and other people, I do not attack other people for no reasons, I believe in racial harmony in which people live together in peace. The rest of australians of hundreds of ethnicities live together why cant these lebanese/arab live just like other australians. I am not claiming other ethnicities are free from crime and violence but when was the last time a group of chinese violently attacked a white man, when was the last time a group of Indian attacked other ethnicities on the basis of their race? Tolerating their violence means you are encouraging them. They definitely learnt a lesson at Cronulla and I have NOT heard a leb calling aussie beach goers sluts or them attacking lifesavers ever since.

Now, STOP claiming Lebanese/arabs are victims of australian white people's racism. They are the perpetrator of racism as much as they are the victim. They are extremely racist towards other ehtnicities. The only good thing is they don't have political/number powers here in australia.
I will assume you're Jewish because you have an Israeli flag in your avatar and signature (the fact that they are there means that you are most likely a product of multiculturalism and contribute to it). So given this assumption, I don't see how you could even remotely have hinted that such a day is nothing to be ashamed of, as when they were attacking anyone that looked Middle Eastern, also went after a Greek girl as well as a JEWISH person! I know there are some Jews that do not look Middle Eastern, but I know there are also a sizeable portion that do, so if you had been there, I don't think you'd find it very safe.

Also, given that the riots were ALSO largely driven by white supremacist beliefs, white supremacists basically are anti-Jewish also, so it's so wise of you to claim that such actions were of them fighting back!
I also have American flag in my avatar and USS Reagan in my signature, does that make you assume that I am an american too? I know how the rioters went on to attack other non whites which I did not condone, on the otherhand it is NOT surprising given the anger/drunkeness and a lot of them being white supremacist. The fact is many australian actually support that kind of fighting back, regardless of whether they are racist or not.

Just because I might be a jewish or an asian or negro does not mean I should naturally support minority people. I support what is right. I know the arabs/lebs are wrong in the first and that is why I supported australians showing they will no longer tolerate lebs thugs romaing around Sydney attacking others as if it were Lawless bombed out Beirut. There is no similarity whatsoever in the situation of racist attacks on jews in Europe vs racist attacks on Lebs in australia except both of them are at times victims. I cant find even using google where a jewish thugs attacked a native person of that country, france, UK , USA or Germany to provoke them. On the contrary I have seen countless attacks on australians (all ehtnicities) by lebs on TV and newspaper. Therefore your attempt to bring me in your line of I am white therefore I must be the wrong one because whites are racist while other ethnicities are the victims" miserably failed purely because I am not racist and I do not support racism.
And no person has supported the stupid thugs committing crimes in this thread, so it is a very mute point! For the record, I am JUST as bloody pissed at this sizeable portion that seem to not give themselves a good reputation at all, but supporting Cronulla was just wrong! It was irrational, and if these yobbos really had gotten their way, ethnic cleansing would be a public policy which would include both me and you. You can oppose the actions of these stupid asshole thugs, but supporting Cronulla means you support absolute stupidity (and are most likely extremely stupid anyway), white supremacy, racism (no, it's not a politically correct term in this case!), and facsism
I am not supporting the riot on the basis of its racist overtone. I support it because I believe it was right to show to the lebs thugs that their violence is no longer tolerated. Yes the message works like magic and there has not been a single incident in which lebs thugs attacked lifesavers at Cronulla. I believe cronulla was an outlet of whatever anger that has been accumulated over the past decades. No one said it done any good to australian reputation abroad, it was a necessary evil. Being safe from Lebs thugs is more important for australian than what people from other countries think about australian being racist. If you tell them the complete story almost everyone said it is understandable, regardless of the extreme intent of some racist rioters.

torrentperson said:
I wouldn't assume that. On the contrary, Aryanbeauty is obviously a troll who's trying to implicate the Jews in his ridiculous racist rants. It's absurd, not just because Jews have sided overwhelmingly with persecuted minorities throughout history (e.g., in the civil rights movements of Australia and the United States), but also because white supremacists tend to make a point of excluding Jews from the definition of "white" and spreading calumnies about them.So if Aryanbeauty were really a white supremacist, he would vilify the Jews, not support them, as white supremacists have done throughout the history of white supremacy. In truth, he's just an ugly troll.
I love it when my fans talk about me:rofl: So I am a jew because i have Israeli flag, then I am not a jew because I am not a that kind of typical white submissive, pacifying , self-blaming, apologetic tree hugging hippy?


Dec 16, 2005
Aryanbeauty said:
So I am a jew because i have Israeli flag, then I am not a jew because I am not a that kind of typical white submissive, pacifying , self-blaming, apologetic tree hugging hippy?
OK, I'll make it simpler for you. You are not a Jew because Jews are Semitic, not Indo-Aryan, and you are an "Aryanbeauty".


Aug 15, 2006
Bayview Heights
torrentperson said:
OK, I'll make it simpler for you. You are not a Jew because Jews are Semitic, not Indo-Aryan, and you are an "Aryanbeauty".
So I am not a jew because I have the name Aryan which implies that I am Indo-Aryan? :rofl:


Aug 17, 2006
In regards to what both AryanBeauty and Nousiainen has said, the Cronulla Riots was seemingly racist, and it was an event that could only negative consequences among Australian relations and among the concepts and policies of multicultarism and racial tolerance. However, it was neccessary to show that that the muslims lebanese's intimidation of the anglo-saxon australians was not right and that they would not stand idly by.

However, there are aspects of thet Cronulla Riots that we're not examining close enough. If you watch the cronulla riot videos on Youtube and as you've seen it on T.V - have you ever noticed the white versions of the Australian flag (where the blue is replaced with white) and the t-shirts with "ethnic clensing unit" on them? Now, these things didn't come by themselves, they had to be produced and prepared for the Cronulla Riots. This indicates that there were racist and white supremist elements in the Cronulla Riots from the very beginning.

Now, let's look away from the Cronulla Riots. Now, i live quite close to places that are pre-dominately all inhabited by anglo-saxon Australians and i have to admit they are quite racist towards me and my family. The other teens often give me cold looks and sometimes you feel kind of isolated. Its these kind of feelings that work against multi-cultarism and in turn, actually add more racial tension towards either group. This also applies to asian groups as well, who counteract this by forming tightly bonded groups of their own.

One thing i've realised, is that when i've with a group of friends who are all Egpytian (or "lebanese" from the ignorant public's viewpoint), they seem kinda scared almost, they must think that we're in a "gang", (despite the fact that we're well behaved and we don't cause any trouble) and this probably encourages, not only muslim lebanese - but even some Christians lebanese who feel the isolation and ignorance of anglo-saxon Australians in turn seem seemingly hostile towards them, that gangs are the way to go.
Its also partially due to our culture. You have to understand that we're often emotional (when someone gets killed or dies its a lot harder for us to take it then most) and even little things (like the slight signs of isolation) can have profound effects on us.

Just a bit of insight for everyone to understand regarding the Cronulla Riots.


Aug 17, 2006
Aryanbeauty said:
The rest of australians of hundreds of ethnicities live together why cant these lebanese/arab live just like other australians.
Bear in mind that its not the race that really matters. There are plenty of arabic people who are devout Christians and are kind, tolerant people. However, they are all mixed into the same bag by anglo-saxon Australians who define them as "leb" and classify that all lebanese and all those who are of "middle-eastern apperance" all must be the violent, "aussie"-bashing lebanese thugs that plague our streets. Besides, turks are known to have been just as involved in these things as lebanese, and as you know, turks are not arabs in the same way that persians are not arabs ( I know that you're not ignorant of these things)

When dealing with middle-eastern people. Its religion that matters, not race.


Sep 2, 2005
Now, let's look away from the Cronulla Riots. Now, i live quite close to places that are pre-dominately all inhabited by anglo-saxon Australians and i have to admit they are quite racist towards me and my family. The other teens often give me cold looks and sometimes you feel kind of isolated. Its these kind of feelings that work against multi-cultarism and in turn, actually add more racial tension towards either group. This also applies to asian groups as well, who counteract this by forming tightly bonded groups of their own.
It's the fact that minorities exist, and that it is in the nature of a majority to marginalise the minority that makes multiculturalism something to aim for. In the multicultural society, the minorities gather in "ghettos" (to put it in pejorative terms). When they do so they become part of the majority in their ethnic communities. In terms of social justice, the multicultural society develops the best outcome, because it marginalises the least number of people. If an individual chooses to be part of the dominant ethnic group, they can do so by ghettoising. Communities become homogenised and very few members of minorities remain in communities where they are in the minority. Those that choose to do so probably have features in common with the dominant groups, and prefer to gather with the dominant groups.

Obviously Howard is against multiculturalism because he wants the anglo aussies to be dominant in all communities. It's always a power struggle. With every policy and philosophy there are winners and losers.
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Active Member
Dec 12, 2005
S1M0 said:
Bear in mind that its not the race that really matters. There are plenty of arabic people who are devout Christians and are kind, tolerant people. However, they are all mixed into the same bag by anglo-saxon Australians who define them as "leb" and classify that all lebanese and all those who are of "middle-eastern apperance" all must be the violent, "aussie"-bashing lebanese thugs that plague our streets. Besides, turks are known to have been just as involved in these things as lebanese, and as you know, turks are not arabs in the same way that persians are not arabs ( I know that you're not ignorant of these things)

When dealing with middle-eastern people. Its religion that matters, not race.
I have heard from some Christian lebanese that I know that there is a great deal of anger among the christian lebanese about the damage the muslim lebanese have done to lebanese-australians reputation as a whole. One guy was telling me that there has been a large christian-lebanese community in australia since the late 60's that has been as well integrated as the italians or greeks and ironically many of them had come here because of the muslim/christian strife in lebanon. Than in the late '70's and early '80's there was an influx of muslim lebanese who began to damage the reputation of lebanese-australians.


Nov 22, 2004
Darling It Hurts!
It may also be due to many of the Muslim Lebanese community being inbred, many of them had married cousins, whilst this is not new, it may explain the violent streak in their behavior and lack of intelligence and employability.


Dec 16, 2005
Aryanbeauty said:
So I am not a jew because I have the name Aryan which implies that I am Indo-Aryan? :rofl:
Yes, that your name is "Aryanbeauty" implies to me that you are claiming to be "Aryan" -- or more correctly, Indo-Aryan.

HILARIOUS HOW DID I GET THAT IDEA LOL!!11 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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Feb 2, 2005
ihavenothing said:
It may also be due to many of the Muslim Lebanese community being inbred, many of them had married cousins, whilst this is not new, it may explain the violent streak in their behavior and lack of intelligence and employability.
Or it could just be the way they were treated by the local aussies.

Cronulla riots are well and truly over, and I have argued that the incident have dampened Australia reputation globally.

I mean look at the incident with Australia winning the Champion Trophy in India, with Marytn pushing the BCCI president and nominee of ICC Chairman/president? (arguably the most powerful figure in cricket, he is also government official of India that incident cause huge media speculation which resulted in huge dampening the australian cricket team just over a slight push.

So just imagine a riot at a beach? and the way it was handled afterwards??


Nov 22, 2004
Darling It Hurts!
HotShot said:
Or it could just be the way they were treated by the local aussies.
Not all of them, their behavior had already seemed to predate this. They don't understand how well treated they are here than in other places in the world.


Feb 2, 2005
ihavenothing said:
Not all of them, their behavior had already seemed to predate this. They don't understand how well treated they are here than in other places in the world.
But they cant afford to travel all over the world to find out 'how well treated they are?" can they>

Most people come here because it is their only choice - they would have applied for other countries as well>


Active Member
Dec 12, 2005
HotShot said:
But they cant afford to travel all over the world to find out 'how well treated they are?" can they>

Most people come here because it is their only choice - they would have applied for other countries as well>
yeah other western countries. Funny how none of these refugees get taken in by the asian countries and of course they aren't interested in going to third world countries. It's the suckers in the west who get laden with them.


Sep 29, 2005
banco55 said:
Funny how none of these refugees get taken in by the asian countries
Riiiiiiiight, because refugee arabs would have applied to enter countries in which they had no familial ties or knew nothing about the language/culture. :rolleyes:

banco55 said:
and of course they aren't interested in going to third world countries.
Oh yes why not go to a third world country! Where your standard of living is worse than what is was in your homeland!
You amuse me banco55. :rofl:

mr EaZy

Active Member
May 28, 2004
punchbowl bro- its the best place to live !
Optophobia said:
Even if Johnny did believe this (as opposed to simply saying it to win votes).. What's he going to do about it? Who is in a better position to change things than him? But no, he'll never change anything. What does he suggest be done to take on this "challenge"? The challenge of these troublesome Muslims? He offers no solutions. He's simply point scoring.

It must be a case of masochism for Howard (inflicting pain on oneself) because this 'unprecedented problem' which he speaks of is getting worse! Not only does he believe that they pose a problem, but he increases the amount of them being let in! (so we can see that he is really genuine in his concern about these troublesome immigrants).
true, the man hasn't made an attempt to understand minority communities, and has been expecting them to conform with the processes that he puts forward- the aboriginal community has complained about the same problem with him, we'll see how the new system works out for them

with the muslim community, his strategy is a failed one, i wouldnt want to be involved with it because they are based on false assumptions. He doesnt really have a strategy; at the moment its based on him listening to "muslim" views - but he chooses people unknown by the muslim community- so theres a lack of leadership problem there (who is my leader syndrome)

I read one of his media releases- he says that he met with muslim leaders and he's interested in how they can solve the problem of intolerance and isolation. In other words, he sees it as a unilateral problem, and expects one side to solve it , rather than get the social scientists in there and carry out research on the issue like UTS' shopfront has been doing...

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