Fraser was warned on Lebanese Muslims (1 Viewer)

mr EaZy

Active Member
May 28, 2004
punchbowl bro- its the best place to live !
ihavenothing said:
He is a populist, go figure. However he proclaimed Islam a great religion for some reason when it is clear that it along with Christianity is one of the most ridiculous ideologies someone has ever made.
one of life's great mysteries: Why are there soo many evangelical athiests in the modern world; both islam and christianity had nothing to do with this issue (make the distinction : islam and muslim- "nobody has ever interviewed islam" Malek Al tikriti at parliament house 9th dec 2006 by correspondence (he was refused in by immigration).


he made that statement after the 9/11 attacks i believe, it was a day after GWBush visited a mosque in the US, at a time when muslims there were being victimised and people in the southern states were out and about ranting on about arabs in the USA

so a few days later, john decxided to make an impromptu visit to a mosque in the ACT, a few people were there, but a lot of the media followed him in anyways and he made that statement

but both GWbush and himself in later years warned their countries of "islamofacism" and other jargons they came up with to tell people not to get complacent about muslims - coz we need to keep this war running, and its better to give the public the idea that whilst most muslims are good, some are not really human, and so we should do whatever we can to round them up.... well thats one way you can look at it:worried:

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