Fully Sic Bro, CAR WORLD (3 Viewers)


UNSW Member
Jul 8, 2004
hey m3h_m3h thanks for the info on vtec...it was interesting : )
I believe you when you say that vvt, mivec etc isn't up to the same level..I was pretty disappointed when the FTO's started getting big around here when I went for a ride in one, and found out about their performance (but they still look hot).

ok needtostudy, you have got a few things a bit out here. Firstly, you are claiming that civics are running 9's, oh wait, what was your credible source for that? A HONDA forum lol...sure, post some non-doctored time slips if you can, otherwise its just talk.
If they run 9's in a FWD, then that civic would probably be the world's FASTEST FWD. Thats quite a statement, so lets see some proof.

I want to hear what kinda kW that b18c-r makes at the engine if its already making 120 kW at the wheels...must be enormous (not to mention power thats higher than several turbo cars that are quicker). Remember by claiming that that guy you know's civic runs 12's, you are saying that its actually faster than a professionally driven stock R34 Skyline GTR, Supra TT, Mazda RX-7, Porsche GT3, Evo 6, Ferarri 550 Maranello, BMW M3, Dodge Viper GTS and within tenths of a second away from a Lamborghini Diablo SV).

power to weight ratio is a good guide, how about posting up (with a source of course) what that person that is running 12's actually HAS (in terms of kW etc...if he's running 12's theres no way on earth its just simply the stock engine no mods). And if they are running 12's what kind of mods do they have to keep it from spinning uncontrollably when he/she wants to take off (with that kind of high power and light weight) ?

I don't underestimate vtecs. I just don't see the comparison between them and turbos for performance. As the vtec site that m3h m3h pointed me to, vtecs weren't -really- designed for just performance, moreso fuel economy and a smooth power delivery curve (which has its good and bad points).

ok sure, lets meet up one day, you're in Sydney right? Great, well as I'm sure you'd know, the runs are on on at Eastern Creek on Wednesday nights, so maybe you want those cars to come down and run some 12's that would be great. And sure, if you wanna line it up against a few turbo cars, feel free, I can certainly arrange that.

if you've seen 200's being whipped by type-r's, what kinda mods did each have? cos stock-for-stock the 200's are probably a bit quicker, and you said yourself that 200s respond better to basic mods than a type-r, so then are you saying that the car that won was a heavily modified type-r, over a non-modified 200? If so, wow. Like thats any achievement over a non-modified 200. Imagine how much that would have cost.

And how exactly does a Type-R keep up with a WRX around corners? Have you ever watched the targa cups etc on tv (the non-v8 supercup races) usually on Sunday afternoons I think. See how it mainly features WRX's,EVO's and RX-7s...imagine putting a modified Type-R against a WRX (4WD by the way). How on earth is a Type-r going to corner as effectively as a WRX 4WD, without encountering massive understeer...? Not to mention it can't corner at as high speeds as a WRX for the reason it will spin out (its not 4WD).

I never once said 'oh the 200sx is turbo thats why it will beat a type-r'. I was just going on the times that I'd read for both -stock-- cars. Put a 200sx against an S2000 and its much closer.

I'm not trying to start any argument here, just putting forward the facts + my opinions + my experience. As long as no-one takes anything here personally, then its all good : )


Jan 5, 2003
i will make this short as possible, i am tired of typing long stuff haha

its not a stock engine i never said it was, i said "worked", its got port polish, adjustable cam gears, higher compression, haltech e6k tuned and dyno by hybrid, shaving of the head, some aftermarket pistons, customs headers, eletronic turbo fan CAI, other mods which i cant remember from the top of my head and some other hidden internal modifications which was done by hybrid, the car was brought from them, the owner doesn't even know, i don't even know why its so quick but it ran 12.9, i don't have sheets with me but i will ask the owner to scan it if possible, he got the car for 18k which is quite a lot for a EG civic.

200sx vs ITR was both in stock form, they are pretty much neck to neck but as i said depends on the driver, i have seen 4 separate occasions of similiar line up all different owners, 3 times the ITR won, and the 200sx won once

i am not talking about track cars, i am talking about everyday joe blows with stockish cars that go on track, maybe we define "keep up" differently, i guess i should be more specific

turbo vs na of course its uncomparable, but i was just comparing a 200sx with ITR as they are neck to neck battles, ITR model is DC2R not the new ones to be specific, both i guess are better in different applications

my friend owns a ae86 4age and he chopped a evo4 at winding roads, its pretty unbelievable but it happened as i said all along its really up to the driver. this was at old pac

damn we having long posts at least we are getting out post counts up


Jan 1, 2003
Originally posted by Patricio
And how exactly does a Type-R keep up with a WRX around corners? Have you ever watched the targa cups etc on tv (the non-v8 supercup races) usually on Sunday afternoons I think. See how it mainly features WRX's,EVO's and RX-7s...imagine putting a modified Type-R against a WRX (4WD by the way). How on earth is a Type-r going to corner as effectively as a WRX 4WD, without encountering massive understeer...? Not to mention it can't corner at as high speeds as a WRX for the reason it will spin out (its not 4WD).
Ever seen BEST MOTORING ???

I don't think I have seen a WRX winning over a DCR2 or DCR5 if they were in the same race, and believe me the drivers involved racing these cars are all professionals (Keiichi Tsuchiya being one of them). That's gotta tell you something about just how well a Type R handles on the track.

If you doubt me, do get the chance and watch some BEST MOTORING videos with DCR2 or DCR5 partaking in races and you'll come to realise just how well these cars handle.

Heck of all the races i've personally seen in BEST MOTORING, generally it's the WRX that comes last in most races and taking the win is mostly likely one of the three which are Evo, GTR or NSX.

In one of the races was against two S15's and DCR2 one of the S15's being modified and the other a stocker, suprisingly the Type R was leading for quite a while during the race only to be overtaken in the straights by the S15 thanks to it's 2.0L compared to the 1.8L of the DC2R.
You gotta love being in VTEC territory while the two S15's are waiting for boost to kick in.

I know i'm reiterating what is already said, but i'm just giving the Type R the support it truely deserves rather than most people (doesn't mean you) thinking it's nothing compared to WRX's or S15.

Engine is one part of the car which can show potential, but overall package, I gotta say the Integra Type R's are damn good for handling and very rewarding to drive at the limit.

But for everyday use, I would doubt very much that alot of people would like to drive it at it's limits or rev past 5000rpms just to extract the power from it's VTEC engines, but I personally wouldn't mind winding out it's gearbox on the new DC5R's. :D

ITR's don't feel like FWD at all, except in wet conditions where it's tries to gain traction. But if you downchange and always leave it in the highend of the rpms, VTEC is like having boost, it gives you a mad kick in the ass and a lovely sound.

To sum it all up

ITR's = Exceptional handling, quite fast, don't feel like FWD car at all.
S15's = RWD, drift machine, a fraction faster than Type R
WRX = AWD, understeers just too much for my liking, launch it right quicker than S15, but failing that you get overtaken by them in the top end, but will never loose to a Type R in a straight line if launched adequately.

But any fool can go quick in a straight line, to go fast around corners is where the fun really is.

Oh here's a tip, never try taking on a ITR through a roundabout, you'll get chopped I tell ya. Friends tried in his MY03 WRX, off boost and never had a chance.

I'm just giving credit to a car that is severly underrated I tell ya.

Cheers. :)
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UNSW Member
Jul 8, 2004
that'd be cool to see those timeslips, good. Ok those mods sounded reasonable (I'm still not sure they are enough to run that time, but still, I'll take that back if there's proof), UNTIL i saw that it had an 'electronic blow off valve'. These are the funniest things in the world -its actually a little electronic player that plays the blow off valve noise through a speaker !!!! (Its only for those who have non-turbo cars, who still want that awesome sound lol...) I've seen a few cars with that (you can normally hear the difference -its not rev dependant on how loud / what noise it makes, just the same noise every gearchange...) I'm sorry but that's pathetic. Electronic blow off valves are the biggest 'rice' accessory ever (all the other mods sounded good though -its just i wouldn't say that the electric BOV was a mod, it just adds weight and does nothing for performance).


"only to be overtaken in the straights by the S15 thanks to it's 2.0L compared to the 1.8L of the DC2R. " Using this kind of logic, stock Holden Commodores would be very fast cars (some of them are 5L and above). Somehow I think its got something more to do with the whole engine rather than simply its capacity.

Yeh, maybe I'll check out Best Motoring, it sounds good. But one thing, you said that generally NSXs, EVOs and GTRs (im assuming you mean nissan GTR, not mazda GTR) win, well, they are in a completely different class to a WRX. Put as much money it costs for an evo, nsx or gtr into a wrx and then compare them maybe. Remember I was comparing the WRX to the type-r, not to anything else.

one other thing, "you gotta love being in vtec territory while the 200s are waiting for boost to kick in"?? Do you maybe mean the other way around?
The turbo kicks in pretty early on the s15s (as they are ball bearing and therefore spool up a lot quicker), and as I understand it, vtec kicks in later revs. So the point being that when the 2 are racing, well once 1st gear is finished, the s15 pretty much 'stays' on boost (if you rev it out), so it wouldn't be waiting for boost to kick in. If for some reason you're referring to 1st gear (ie from 0 or something), then the vtec kicks in a lot later than s15s spool up, so when exactly would u be in vtec territory whilst the s15 is still in lag ??

I still think that type-r's (the latest ones, not the 90s ones) look hot. Their shape is great, its just a shame that nearly every integra I see seems to have a 'type r' sticker on it...

cheers all


Jan 5, 2003
electronic turbo fan CAI is not an na bov....
its a cold air intake with a electronic fan installed between the cold air intake and throttle, it allows for more air to be sucked in because there is a fan sucking it in, when you press on the throttle you can usually hear a suction noise more then you would hear with a pod filter, the name "electronic turbo fan" i do not know why they called it that, but thats what it does, its rather funny, but it ain;t no rice feature... its actually a performance upgrade i think that CAI with the fan alone costs $1500 at shops alone, i know what a na bov its funny yes, a aftermarket bov on any turbo engine that makes that loud ppsscchhhh noise is stupid, they should stick to a stock one or go get themselves a external wastegate, after market bov's actually damage the engine in the long run, the longer the noise drags out for the more damage its causing.


UNSW Member
Jul 8, 2004
ah...thats cool, i've never heard of them...they sound decent tho, its just I thought you forgot to put a , between electronic turbo fan and CAI lol, and i thought here we go a fake BOV...but it sounds like a good mod now that you've explained it.
Hmmm you said the sucking noise is louder than a pod filter, but is it more effective?
If its $1500 thats a lot of money, you would want to make sure it was very effective as you can have a custom pod setup for around 200-300, and I was under the impression that that was as good as it gets (although illegal if the box isn't sealed up, which it rarely is hehe)...

why does an aftermarket BOV damage the engine in the long run? I was under the impression that its essential to upgrade the BOV to run higher amounts of boost (especially a lot higher than stock boost)...? As long as you vent the aftermarket BOV back into the engine (not the atmosphere), you won't be stuck with the pssssht or chu chu chu noise (but some like that though)...and won't get in trouble with the police.

Hey nice AWD drifting : ) I have an actual video clip of the best drifting to some nice song...and it has part of that clip in it. It seemed like that car was going damn fast, do you have to be going that fast to lose traction in an AWD ?...just wondering.
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Aug 24, 2003
Albion Park
This is like so outa place in 'ere ay cuz y'all goin on boutcha tupperware-ness... (fyi i mean your plastic cars)
Aint got a whole lot against em aye.. i mean they gots sum power (the 1z ur on bout) but im not a hell mainstream fellz.
I gotz a '77 Leyland Mini Panelvan..
atm itz only got a 1098cc in 'er... (a WHOLE 100cc more than orig :eek:) but i want more wen i.. got muny (im a poor broke man)
got twin suz to plug on er still.
Anyways.. talkn bout cars uz wana get.. i want so many cars it aint funy ... but im likn the idea of doin a dualcabber up in a way no1z dun it .. its all in here *taps hed*

neways fellz.. im interested in cars.. and if y'all trubleshootn em.. im real interested in the mechanics of it too..


Originally posted by Patricio

why does an aftermarket BOV damage the engine in the long run? I was under the impression that its essential to upgrade the BOV to run higher amounts of boost (especially a lot higher than stock boost)...? As long as you vent the aftermarket BOV back into the engine (not the atmosphere), you won't be stuck with the pssssht or chu chu chu noise (but some like that though)...and won't get in trouble with the police.

I *think* that needtostudy was referring to the atmosphere venting ones.


Apr 30, 2003
Castle Hill
MrMik. dude can u like type so ppl can actually read without having to think so damn hard. its frickin annoying.

anyways, i installed my CAI yesterday, and let me say, damn honda's r a pain in the ass. so many frickin regulators and uneccessary crap in the engine bay. on the stock intake, there were 3 loops/entrances where air just flows in a loop, for no purpose at all. took a fair bit of time to install it, but me and my friend r amatuer DIY car modders :D so yeh. but damn it was worth it. the vtec roars so damn loud now with the new CAI and pod. but i find my vtec kicks in very early compared to wat its supposedly spose to kick in wen quoted from factory. they say vtec is 4500-4800, but im findin mine starts at around 3500-3800. i dont have a vtec timer either. heh anyways its all good :D


UNSW Member
Jul 8, 2004
CAI = COLD Air Intake ...don't want the hot air going in.

Don't get a K&N panel, get a POD filter -more power, better sound (if your into that). Sure its defectable, but once you place it in a sealed box, its OK : )


Jul 1, 2003
yeah sorry CAI, was thinking bout it last nite, i figured it was COLD!

yeah i know its defectable, but pretty minor, where can i get the pipe/tubing from? i wanna run it to a opening on my front bar!


Originally posted by Patricio
Sure its defectable, but once you place it in a sealed box, its OK : )
Heh, that's if you've got room in your engine bay. I've got none. When i get a front mount, i'm gonna run some cold air up from where the intercooler is now. Hopefully when all the plumbing is redone they can make some room for a box too.


UNSW Member
Jul 8, 2004
Hey all,

finally got those stats for the cars:

2002 Honda Integra Type-R
0-100 7.4 secs, standing quarter mile = 15.3

Nissan 200SX
0-100 = 6.5, standing quarter mile = 14.7.

I wouldn't say that the 200 is a 'fraction' faster, as its around 1 second faster even in the 0-100. I thought that a type-r would have been faster, as even a 1990 Ford Laser TX3 does 0-100 in 7.5 and its 117 kW and 13 years old.
Thats a fair bit of difference actually -cos if you looked one second lower than a 200SX for the 0-100 you would be looking at a time .2 faster than a WRX, and around the same times as some NSX and GTR models (who would ever say an NSX or a GTR is only 'fractionally' faster than a 200SX??).

oh yeh, and nguyen, you said the type-r was a 1.8 ?
I thought it was a 2.0L DOHC I-VTEC.


Jan 1, 2003
You are basing your information from sites, i'm basing my information from actually seeing these cars race at Old Pac, Nasho, and some are from Videos such as Best Motoring.

It all comes down to the driver, but I guess anything you read on the internet must be right.

Like I said, any fool can go fast in a straight line. Put them both on a track and it's definately a close race to the end.

DC2R are the previous version of the Type-R with quad headlights at the front for the Aus Spec models. Those had the 1.8L engine.

DC5R are the new shape Integra with the 2.0L I-VTEC


UNSW Member
Jul 8, 2004
Nope, I'm not basing my info on sites actually. I only got the 0-100 and quarter mile times from the official Honda site, and then these were backed up with a few auto mags (no I wouldn't just post it if I got it straight from one of those mags -its just I don't personally know anyone with a type-r who has run it down the quarter stock).

No need to write stuff like 'i guess anything you read off the internet must be right' cos I never assumed that (apart from the times that Honda quoted). Does a bunch of videos make it any more believable? The track comes down to the driver much more than a 0-100 or quarter mile time, there's too many variables, mainly involving the skill of the driver.

I assumed you were referring to the DC5R (ie 2L) seeing as though we were comparing it to the s15 200sx, not the previous model.

How about a reply to what I asked u on page 14?..

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