Hi , I wanted to ask this question in the holidays before trials
The question is : Do we need to find a related text for every module ?
Every module meaning : Area of Study - Belonging , Module A, B, C ?
All i was told by my teacher was to get 2 related texts for AOS , and we are doing module C now.
Any past students that know the answer, could you kindly tell me
As i am on this page too . Im kinda screwing up / getting crap marls for standard english . So my course mark for the half year was below 50 , and i want to improve. As i approach Trials / HSC , my teacher said i could improve if i did well in trials, do any of you have any tips for a noobie like me in Standard English ?
My other friends just told me to practice essays
but where do i get the questions from ? i should get them from past HSC papers right ??
. hopefully, something magically happens in the Trials/HSC
The question is : Do we need to find a related text for every module ?
Every module meaning : Area of Study - Belonging , Module A, B, C ?
All i was told by my teacher was to get 2 related texts for AOS , and we are doing module C now.
Any past students that know the answer, could you kindly tell me
As i am on this page too . Im kinda screwing up / getting crap marls for standard english . So my course mark for the half year was below 50 , and i want to improve. As i approach Trials / HSC , my teacher said i could improve if i did well in trials, do any of you have any tips for a noobie like me in Standard English ?
My other friends just told me to practice essays