I dnt think the hsc existed in 1921 - trollwow... what can i say.. what the hell is wrong with all of you? that exam was easy.. by far the easiest exam in the past 5 years... i have done every past paper from 1921 onwards and this was easy peasy... Q10 was a joke, finished it in 5 minutes... why did everyone think it was so hard? 115+/120 for surei love math
Dude chill, I don't think OP meant literally.you are an idiot!
1. ext maths has only 7 questions
2. there was no specific ext topics in that test, coz it is a 2 UNIT test.
3. it wasnt hard enough for it to be ext. ext 1 is soooo much harder than 2 unit
what rong mate? one application of Simpson's rule required 2 subintervals i.e. 3 function values , hence 7 values require 3 applications of the rule..there has to be an odd number to get the 14241 pattern happening
There was a green day in the office.What the hell was that 4 isosceles triangle ? Who does BOS think we are @_@
close.Definetly one of the toughest papers.
Band 5 75/120?
omg 178!! i got that.glad to know i wasnt the only one who found it SHIT
i didnt even get to finish Q10... ran out of fucking time, left 6 marks worth of questions blank
that fucking time repayments question.... when we had to find n, i found n = 178 (or somethin like that), and then i was like "ohhh, 178 years wtf!!! that cant be right!" so i crossed it out and wrote 17.8 years WTF!!!
then i got out of my exam and realised that it was MONTHS, and that i was right (according 2 the maths coordinator).... sooo pissed
Q9 was sooo rushed so i probably lost heaps of marks there
i reckon the most i can get is about 100/120
fucking devvo
maths was my last hope to get an ATAR above 90!!!!!
goodbye band 6...... goodbye ATAR 90+.....