anniea89 said:
I did Genre: REvenge TRagedy and found pretty good.
anniea89 said:
Hey our class did revenge tragedy as well... how many schools actually do it? what set texts did you use? I used Medea and The Revengers Tragedy... The essay was quite good and the story no real challenge... Think i may have been a bit short on detail for my related texts though... it sort of went
Evolution of genre
Rambo: first blood
Hope everyone at L.C.C.C went well...
Thats a bad lie Lachlan Moulton. You infact want everyone to die slow painul deaths at Lumen (you know who I'm talkin about...). Icedog9 sick dog, I thought it was good. My story lacked a cathartic ending when in fact the man said PENS DOWN! The best i could get was "I did unto her what her father did unto my babies. And now I am here. Forever" Here referring to jail, he was meant to be found the next day hanging from his prison cell but those bloody examiners and their timing. The essay was good, good, good. I might do a very boredofstudies thng and say I did ... lets see ... 123.96 pages. Cause that is possible in an hour...

The essay was good, refered the texts well hopefully. My related were KIll Bill and Man on Fire. I'd like to thank the academy...