Unfortunately, you're in a faculty where the majority of students are self-serving, arrogant and fickle. Law students are mostly career-oriented workwhores who seem to enjoy the prospect of one-upping each other in terms of hoarding notes and higher marks and then asserting their superiority afterwards. Which is ironic as many who persue a career in law afterwards are then forced to maintain ridiculously high marks for a grad position in a firm with as many glass ceilings as a fucking skyscraper. On top of that, they'll mostly be doing lame-ass administration work for a number of years before they're taken seriously by the old, white, male partners if such a graduate was fortunate enough to be born as WHITE and MALE. I really can't see how apparently awesome it would then be to put myself through years of shit just for a higher paycheck. Even then, I'd probably be working so much as a bitch to the organisation that I wouldn't even have a chance to utilise my earnings effectively. And once more, I'd be forced to live in a high-pressure environment with all the niceties of having to deal with people who are probably even more self-serving, arrogant and fickle than they were in their university life.