回复: Re: general UNSW chit-chat
ah, math1231 people are getting unsettled.
but then i wouldnt do math1231 or anything during summer whether i fail or not. i would miss out alot. i stress this to myself alot.
this was my motivation not to fail.
but omie jay dude!
how can you not solve 2nd order homogenous ODEs?
its just a matter of solving like a quadratic and the solution is in various forms of exponentials as Iruka caringly explained
Iruka said:
As far as the DEs stuff in first year goes, I think that there are only four techniques that you need to know:
1) Solving second order linear ODEs using the characteristic equation. You should know how to deal with all three sub-cases - 2 distinct real roots, repeated roots and complex roots. You also have to know how to deal with homogeneous and inhomogeneous equations. This is probably the largest part of the topic, simply because there are so many different cases and subcases.
2) Separable equations.
3) Integrating factors.
4) Exact equations. (Do they still do exact equations?)
yes they still teach exact equations from my experience in session 2 2008, im assuming the separable ODE must satisfy the conditions that the partial derivative d
2H/dxdy = d
2H/dydx if i remember correctly.
Omie Jay said:
Any general tips for the for-while loops question? And the geom3D question too:
A(1,2,3), B(-2,3,4), C(1,3,2), L1 is line thru A and B, P1 is plane thru C with normal (1,-2,1), P2 is plane of eqn x + y + z = 1, L2 is line of intersection of P1 and P2.
Find (in rads, 10 sig fig) angle between L1 and L2, and find distance between L1 and L2.
Watch your signs like greater than or less than when meeting conditions in for-while loops.
if it asks you to compile a piece of code to generate the first number (like according to a formula) which is LESS than 1 milllionth, write code that must tell Maple to keep cycling through numbers WHILE it is GREATER than 1 milllionth
(which means it will cease to continue once it has met the condition the number is LESS than 1 millionth)
and what do you know, you got the Sample A worksheet!!!
my code below:
Question 4
> restart;
> with(geom3d):
> point(A,[1,2,3])


> line(L1,[A,B]):
> plane(P1,[C,[1,-2,1]]):
> plane(P2,x+y+z=1,[x,y,z]):
> intersection(L2,P1,P2):
> evalf(FindAngle(L1,L2),10);
the angle should be 0.5494672456
and the distance should be 17√6 / 18
uhawww said:
man if they respond, they respond - don't get pushy
lol ive been playing metal gear solid and out on mayhems, paintballing, sunburnt, etc...