Re: The UTS 'Secks and omg back to uni noooo!' Thread
In my semester my tutor picked Question 3 (classification of an asset or expense) and Question 10 (adjustments, adjusted trial balance, income statement).
Don't take this as what you will get though lol- because it will be randomly chosen.
I cannot say for sure that they will pick an adjustment one or not. But in saying that, Questions 7-10 all involve a couple of adjustment transactions- so you better know how to do them!
I have notes for the whole subject- but they are very theory based, and much better for preparation for the final. They way to study for the mid-sem is to practice doing all of the questions and memorise them going into the exam. You only have 1hr to do them (your 2 question) - so you won't be able to sit in the exam and think about the questions that long.
If you have prepared all of your answers, I'd recommend doing the practical one first and take like 15-20mins, and then take the remainder of the time for the theory one, because the theory one is the one they mark harder in my opinion. Using alot of examples and quoting from AASB will score you high marks.
The mid-sems are the same format every semester. All Tiru does is change the numbers.
Feel free to rock up to one of my U

ASS sessions lol. Even though it says my session is all booked out- only like 6 people come every week. We are in the process of cleaning up the registrations (deleting those registrants that don't turn up), but in the meantime you can pretty much drop into my session and I won't really care if you are registered or not =)
My U
ASS Sessions: KG 2-3PM, City 3-4PM. Locations: