Local and relative relief are the same thing. Local relief = Highest pt minus the lowest measurable point.
Think of a scale like one does with a model car. If something has a scale of 1:1, then it is at normal size. That is the largest scale. The smallest scale is smaller, if it is a 1:200, then it is 200 times smaller. So, the picture that looks closest to real size is the largest scale, the one that looks like it belongs in a miniature museum (really far away) is the smaller scale.
Vertical Exaggeration is the Vertical Scale over the Horizontal scale, shows the exaggeration of the height of objects in order to make it visible (take a cross section of australia for instance, if you were to have a vertical exaggeration of 1, then the cross section line would appear flat (2.228km high across about 3000km wide).
I use The GBR as a case study and Stuart's Point as a backup (coastal dunes) for ecosystems,
I use mexico city, cairo and mumbai as case studies for mega cities, they have different challenges and solutions, and therefore are all v useful.
And I do Viticulture/Winemaking, and use Banrock Station (in S.A) as my local.
Finally, i'm off to bed, good luck everyone tomorrow - I bet everyone has worked hard for this, and the knowledge will come to you tomorrow in the exam. DON'T PANIC.
And lets all pray for a nice, broad, simple set of extended responses.