alot of people have been complaining about public schools- I feel pretty lucky that my schools grad stuff is pretty awesome even though we're public (selective)
Monday: Most of the day taken up by "rehersals" for graduation dinner- ie how to walk up onto the stage to recieve a certificate :S
plus our final year assembly
Wednesday: Preparations, reherals, auditions for a concert organised by year 12- mainly year 12 acts, but a lot of junior school stuff as well- awesome fun
night- said concert
Thursday: maybe meet my friends for breakfast then show up at around 10:00 for morning tea for yr 12 + teachers
final school assembly with speeches, year 12 sing a song together, get "clapped out" and then walk back into the school ...coz we head over to place where we have our grad dinner- MORE FREAKING REHERSALS
then night- grad cermony, prizes, speeches, sing our song again, slide show of photos of groups/memories from camps + people baby photos with photos of them now, dinner
Friday: no school- I don't think muck up day has ever actually happened at my school, at least not in the past 6 years I've been there....we're too law obiding and
*sigh* even though year 12 has been pretty stressful and just plain exhausting at times, and I'm REALLY excited about much I love and will miss my grade is really starting to sink in