Got most of my exam results back today... Pretty stoked considering i thought i did really badly in all of them except english due to only night before cramming at 2 in the morning for evrything!!
This is wat i got...
Adv Eng- 94%... 1st by a long shot (mite go up by 2 or 3 marks... head teacher remarking most papers coz the other teachers marked them down for things ur not supposed to be marked down for... & symbols and abbreviations for texts) 1st overall
Ext Eng- Find out tomorrow...
Geo- 88% 1st 1st overall
Ancient History- 86% 1st 1st overall
History Extension- 76% (Yewwww! thought i'd fail!!) 1st 1st overall
Chemistry- 77% 2nd 1st overall
General Maths- 75%

unsure of rank/s!
Can't wait for the HSC to be over!!!