Hands up if you haven't started studying! (1 Viewer)


Sep 24, 2013
All these people throwing around statistics have no idea what they even mean. UWS does not necessarily have a lower employment rate because it's bad, it has a lower employment rate because due to its lower ATAR requirements it will draw in people with less motivation and ambition and who are thus less likely to get a job.

It all comes down to you. If you think that you have to get into ANU or whatever other high ranked university to be successful then you're kidding yourself and I feel sorry for you. It's gonna be a shock when you apply for a job with your fancy degree and are rejected for someone from a worse university but better experience or motivation. Employers look at far more than just where you got your degree. And if you define success as being "the best" then oh dear. Good luck.

EDIT: Dude above me has it. Degrees don't guarantee jobs, no matter where you get them from. They don't necessarily even put you above people without degrees. An employer will take someone without a degree but 10 years of experience in the field over someone with a degree, PhD or whatever else and no experience any day.

What they do guarantee is they put you above someone with similar experience but no degree, and they also raise the starting point for pay.

This is SO true, having a Phd doesn't mean you're gonna get a job and it doesn't even give them an "edge" over other employers, lmao. Where do people get these ideas from? Having a phd or sometimes even a degree from any uni just makes you look overqualified to employers. Why would they hire someone fresh out of uni when they're only in their 20s when they can hire someone with 10+ experience, even if they went to a low ranked uni. Less money spent on training and they won't fuck up on their first day. Going to a lower ranked uni will NOT disadvantage you in any way. Employers that DO however judge you on what university you go to, which will rarely happen and has happened to some people I know are total fuckwits. One even asked, "prove to me you're smart". That's when you politely thank them for your time, get up and ask them to call you when they're serious.


Apr 15, 2010
Grr, why can't the exams come already!? I am sick of revising the same stuff over and over and over again! Especially English :/

In regards to unis, I've been in the "Besides the G8 nothing else exists" mindset for too long. I am sure that's not entirely fair to the other institutions but I still find I am more attracted to the big 8 because of their established reputation, and I think many others are too. Hence, the big unis do better in the end because they attract more academic students that in turn get high marks and maintain the status of the uni and this attracts the next generation etc...it's just a cycle. No, they may not be perfect and don't have an 100% employment rate (which no uni has anyway). Two friends of mine recently got into Business and Law at Woolongong through early entry. They claim there is no benchmark ATAR. Now, compare that to Usyd or UNSW that has a cut off 95+ for both courses and that would naturally attract people of a higher academic caliber.
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Jan 30, 2013
Grr, why can't the exams come already!? I am sick of revising the same stuff over and over and over again! Especially English :/

In regards to unis, I've been in the "Besides the G8 nothing else exists" mindset for too long. I am sure that's not entirely fair to the other institutions but I still find I am more attracted to the big 8 because of their established reputation, and I think many others are too. Hence, the big unis do better in the end because they attract more academic students that in turn get high marks and maintain the status of the uni and this attracts the next generation etc...it's just a cycle. No, they may not be perfect and don't have an 100% employment rate (which no uni has anyway). Two friends of mine recently got into Business and Law at Woolongong through early entry. They claim there is no benchmark ATAR. Now, compare that to Usyd or UNSW that has a cut off 95+ for both courses and that would naturally attract people of a higher academic caliber.
Your friends are lying. The ATAR benchmark for Law and Comm/Law at Wollongong is 90. Also, Wollongong uni is in the top 2% in the world (at least last time I checked statistics it was)... just saying

(it's a pretty derro place though haha)


Active Member
Jul 30, 2011
Who ever was talking about getting job experience, that's obvious mate, that's why everyone tries to get internships, co-ops and cadetships during uni. You're a joker if you think you're more likely to earn more money without a uni degree than with, and yea you can point to a few outliers but i can point to the MILLIONS of people who prove my point. The average salary with a uni degree >>>>>> without a uni degree.

Get a uni degree (most of the time) and get work experience as well, and make yourself social and able to to interact with others you'll be in a far better shape than most others.

Also, the uni matters so some extent. Going to a better uni, on average, is better than going to a worse one, but it is definitely not the only factor on whether you are employable. Extra ciriculars, job experience, interview skills, grades all factor in heavily too.

And as for unis, UNSW=USYD (new south probs has the edge but will make neglible difference) > UTS > UWS. But if you do happen to go to uws you can still become anything, it's not gonna limit you unless you let it.
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