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Help me with the right weight exercises to lose weight and pump up muscles (1 Viewer)


Aug 26, 2008
Anyone know any good exercises to do that makes you chest look better with two dumbells ( spelling).

Also whats the best way to make the bum and legs ( thighs ) smaller.



Active Member
Jan 4, 2008
Shoom said:
Anyone know any good exercises to do that makes you chest look better with two dumbells ( spelling).
..dumbell chest press and fly's
Shoom said:
Also whats the best way to make the bum and legs ( thighs ) smaller.


arent these things obvious? lol


New Member
Jun 28, 2006
HalcyonSky said:
..dumbell chest press and fly's


arent these things obvious? lol
no not quite obvious in fact ur wrong, running is a poor choice for weight loss,


1. Smashes ur joints esp if ur a heavy guy (at 75kgs and 10% bf, i trained for oxfam trail runner so i ran 20kms a day in my final 3 weeks, my joints were clinking my the end of it)

2. Catabolic (ie it BURNS ur muscles + fat) yes it does burn fat, it does take a lotta calories/kilojoules off but it also burns the shit outa ur muscles. (but what about usain bolt u say? hes jacked! yes that is true i'll get onto that later)

3. most people dont know how to train- they just put on their joggers and hit their streets run mayb 4-5kms (if their not a quitter) at low intensity.

4. Truth is if u wanna lose fat with minimal lose of muscle u should engage in HIIT (high intensity interval training) or what the football players call "fartlek" (swedish word), ie short sprints then jog then sprint rather than long slow cardio, look at the sprinter's physique compared to a marathon runners. As i said running is tough on the joints, you can try HIIT on biking, or even in the pool

5. You need to hit the weights, do ur squats deadlift and bench, love the big 3 of strenght training

6. diet is key, learn about nutrition, dont go around eating rabbit food or 2 big macs (the 2 extremes) no point doing cardio then eating 3 big macs OR doing weights then eating a salad.

Learn what protein,fats and carbohydrates are and how to use them.

so no, its not obvious.

about me: casual weightlifter
Med student
(once in a lifetime endurance runner ( i vow to never run 100kms again))

yeah i know i got heaps of typos , but deal with it
Last edited:


buff member
Sep 18, 2008
Shoom said:
Anyone know any good exercises to do that makes you chest look better with two dumbells ( spelling).

Also whats the best way to make the bum and legs ( thighs ) smaller.

ok basically, building muscle at its core is about tearing muscle fibre through exercise, which causes your body to build it back up and then a bit more on top of the original to compensate for the stress levels. also, your body adjusts to what you do, so you always need to shake up your routine, alternating between bar and dumbells, other chest exercises, push ups, etc. otherwise, your body will just get used to the exercise you are doing and won't continue to build itself up.

its sort of strange to think of the body as like its own organism, but it sort of is in a way.

ok basically chest flys, lying back on a flat bench. put the dumb's up above your face with your arms straight, with the dumbs parallel to like, the length of your body. now bend your arms a little bit, so they arent entirely straight. but not too bent. only a tiny little bit. now slowly spread your arms out to the sides with the weights, always keeping them parallel, and bring them back up. thats your basic fly.

also dumbell press is like a bench press with dumbells. start by holding the dumbs parallel but the other way. so they are like []-[] that. from your point of view i mean. hold them not too far away from your sides. keep them parallel, and push them up from your chest till they almost meet, dont hit them together, because that takes away from your control of them because they like bounce back a bit for when your going to pull them down, which is like easier, which is bad lol.

also, do these two exercises on an inclined bench which works more of the top of your pecs, which is a good thing to do because its the part of your pec that looks good if your wearing a V shirt haha.

about the working size off your legs stuff, you really need to get a personal trainer to set up a program for you. theres no one way to do it. you just need to find the way that works for you.

julia terrace

New Member
Nov 15, 2008
The best thing you can do to keep fit is eat well and exercise. Your exercises dont have to be intense. Just go for runs and do medium stunts withweights.


Jun 11, 2008
Kanny said:
no not quite obvious in fact ur wrong, running is a poor choice for weight loss,


1. Smashes ur joints esp if ur a heavy guy (at 75kgs and 10% bf, i trained for oxfam trail runner so i ran 20kms a day in my final 3 weeks, my joints were clinking my the end of it)

2. Catabolic (ie it BURNS ur muscles + fat) yes it does burn fat, it does take a lotta calories/kilojoules off but it also burns the shit outa ur muscles. (but what about usain bolt u say? hes jacked! yes that is true i'll get onto that later)

3. most people dont know how to train- they just put on their joggers and hit their streets run mayb 4-5kms (if their not a quitter) at low intensity.

4. Truth is if u wanna lose fat with minimal lose of muscle u should engage in HIIT (high intensity interval training) or what the football players call "fartlek" (swedish word), ie short sprints then jog then sprint rather than long slow cardio, look at the sprinter's physique compared to a marathon runners. As i said running is tough on the joints, you can try HIIT on biking, or even in the pool

5. You need to hit the weights, do ur squats deadlift and bench, love the big 3 of strenght training

6. diet is key, learn about nutrition, dont go around eating rabbit food or 2 big macs (the 2 extremes) no point doing cardio then eating 3 big macs OR doing weights then eating a salad.

Learn what protein,fats and carbohydrates are and how to use them.

most of what you sad was gd, but one small problem. If you're running 20km a day 3 weeks out of a trail run then your screwing yourself over. you would expect your knees to konk out esp if this is one of your first times running that distance repeatadly. at that time you'd be looking to reduce your training for the race..

so take the rest of this advice onto account, running is good, but the key is varying your training. so one day go for a longer run at a medium pace, adn the next time a faster pace but shorter distance and eventually increase distances. and intervals are also great, but dont take too long of a break between sets


May 8, 2006
What point you didnt pick up on that he made is that long slow distance running is not the best although it is better then nothing. Infact it lowers the metabolism, slightly, which is what burns your wieght all through the day. So really for wieghtloss running is good while your doing it but then when you stop it is not soo good. So you should do fartlek or interval training which is where you do the bursts followed by a recovery period this (along with building muscle) ups your metabolism which helps you to burn the wieght even when you arent doing any exercise.


New Member
Dec 16, 2008
Running makes you lose weight, any exercise potentially can - burn more calories than you use (running burns A LOT) = weight loss

Omie Jay

Nov 8, 2006
in my own pants
As long as u burn more calories than u consume. Then u gotta make sure u know how many calories ur eating. Know ur foods and numbers and stuff.

Try doing pushups too, good for chest, shoulders, upper back. Find out how many pushups u can do before u get exhausted and go numb and are unable to do any more. However many that is, be it 30 or 40, do a bit less than that, regularly. For example, maybe subtract 10, so if u can do 40 till u drop, then do 30 every day, slowly increase the amound by 5 or 10 after a few weeks, whenever ur capable. This really cuts up your shoulders/upper back/chest. I did this, eventually i could do 100 pushups non-stop at one time.

Then for more chest stuff, just do chest presses with dumbells, that would make ur chest nice and big.
Like mine =)

edit: but u CANT reduce bum fat AND increase chest muscle at the same time.
To gain muscle: consume more calories than you burn.
To lose fat: burn more calories than you consume.
Obviously u cant do this at the same time, so its probably a good idea to gain muscle first, then after ur satisfied, get rid of ur excess fat.


i'm sorry for your face.
Dec 7, 2003
somewhere better than you
Kanny said:
no not quite obvious in fact ur wrong, running is a poor choice for weight loss,


1. Smashes ur joints esp if ur a heavy guy (at 75kgs and 10% bf, i trained for oxfam trail runner so i ran 20kms a day in my final 3 weeks, my joints were clinking my the end of it)

2. Catabolic (ie it BURNS ur muscles + fat) yes it does burn fat, it does take a lotta calories/kilojoules off but it also burns the shit outa ur muscles. (but what about usain bolt u say? hes jacked! yes that is true i'll get onto that later)
yeah so the clinking joints is more likely from poor running form than actual running. look into it. it's been shown joint problems are from incorrect form, or even the shoes, not running. (esp if you're not adapting your foot stroke to the distance that you are running.) depending on where i am in my training, i can be doing 20km+ a day, 6 days a week. i only ever have knee problems when i've been slack with my ITB stretches and quad exercises and i'm allowing myself to overpronate - or my shoes have reached the 500km mark.

and yeah well 2, you're not going to build muscle unless you do resistance training, but it doesn't destroy your muscle that bad, unless you want tree trunk legs, then long distance running isn't going to bulk them up.

but i was doing acrobatics and gymnastics and my daily long distance running didn't affect my muscle bulk.

and if you're a fatty, you're going to have to burn off that fat if you want to see your muscle. running is one of the best ways to do workout your entire body.


New Member
Jan 26, 2009
Anyone know any good exercises to do that makes you chest look better with two dumbells ( spelling).

Also whats the best way to make the bum and legs ( thighs ) smaller.

Well first i suppose the biggest question is how old are you ? Because im telling you if your under 17 , dont even bother with weight training it will do more harm than good ... and your muscle mass will not increase unless your up for supplements or others :S .

Chest , well the good old push up works wonders in that department and you can really get some variety out of it for free. I advise you to do slow and good form pushups , not some sloopy joe that anyone can do a million of. Which basically means 3 seconds per push up.. so 1 second down , 1 second on the way up and 1 second inbetween with a straight back. At first you might only be able to do roughly 3-5 depending on your weight. But eventually you should be able to do a full set of 12 x 3 .

or variation..

by seperating your hands at different lenghts you target different areas of your chest. The closer your hands , the more strain on crest inbetween pecs and the further apart the more strain goes on the lenght of the pec. By leaning forward a little you fo the top of you chest. But their freaking hard lol.

Or you could start doing little jumps , pauses , or switching of the hands , or a twist as you come up. All are good. Also push ups are good for your stomach area.

have fun.

then again you can also hit the machines at the GYM. Your cable cross overs , bench press , incline bench etc. Note that most chest exercises if not all , will work your tricep and sometimes bicep aswell.


New Member
Feb 12, 2009
Here are some tips that you will find are working for you in your fat lose program.

Tip 1: Find out how many calories you need.
Tip 2: Eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day
Tip 3: Watch for Portion Size
Tip 4: Do not Skip Meals
Tip 5: Go for wholesome fresh foods
Tip 6: Don't be overly-restrictive
Tip 7: Understand Food Claims and Labels
Tip 8: Watch for the sugary drinks
Tip 9: Keep a food journal
Tip 10: Exercise - 30 - 60 minutes of physical activity a day

Bodybuilding Workouts - Buns and Thigh
Hips, buns and thighs Video Workout
Fat loss treatmaent
Jun 28, 2008
you can basically work your whole body out using nothing more than a standard bench, a barbell, and two dumbells + weights of course.

use the link that pacet provided. it's pretty fucking awesome.

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