Casmira said:
to an extent, but there's guidelines it sets such as lack of tolerance for homosexuality, its like saying having tolerance for murders we don't its same concept for homosexuality with bible
There's a difference. Murder is explicitally forbidden in ten ten commandments. Rules that are held dear for all Christian religions, even those that allow members to lie to others.
like i said in the other thread i totally dont like it, and am for all against it and would do anything to support someone to change but in the end i wouldnt force my opinion or will onto anyone i believe that everyone in this worlds entitled to their own spiritual and in this case sexual opinion
This case? You're not entitled to an opinion so easily in this case. Not when trusted organisations such as the WHO and various medical and psychological associations have specified that there's no disease and repression is wrong.
i believe you can change, with plenty of therapy of course and talking to an adult you trust like perhaps your parents?
Talk to your parents? That's one of the dumbest things I've seen from you. You're suggesting this girl talks to a woman who she's already mentioned would hate her for it? Others have mentioned that people have been kicked out because they spoke to their parents.
Seeking help
is a good idea, however. But for a different reason. Seek help to discover if you're really a a lesbian. A psychologist/psychiatrist can really help you clear your mind and find the answer. Then if the answer is yes, s/he can keep your confidence in tact and assist you in dealing with such a development.
but i mean you wouldnt do that so me preaching is pointless and will only get me flamed. so do whatever you like
Seeking help was a good idea. Your reasons were wrong, but the idea was good. Seeking help from parents was pretty foolish.