OMG i feeel so evil right now, i laughed sooooo hard that i started to cry when Jack fell over and wet his pants, and typing this makes me laugh so much. mean, how could i say i love him when i laugh at him when his in trouble. But the last scene i was sad, i wanted to cry, the poor baby just needs a big hug, and Sam will do that for him tomorrow. Ok, and now what is with Martha and green tops, i swear in the past month, she has worn a green top in like almost evey single episode, gosh. But she wore my fav Martha top today, the brown one. Anyways, what the hell is wrong with her, as if she forgives that loserface, lying, cheating, money stealing, untrustworthy, scum bag, sorry excuse of a human being, thing, GOSH! I just wanted to slap her, listen to Auntie Morag dammit, and dont fall for that idiots words. Grrrrrrrrr...i hate Martha so much right now, but it was sweet when she was with Jack and he gave her that kiss *awwwwwwwww* I want more of that. Thank the lord she didnt kiss idiotface in tonights episode, or did she, i forget *thinks* I hope he is not in anymore episodes this week, because i dont think i could handle seeing him again. Awww...tomorrow, poor Jacky baby

And Amanda and Peter *yaaaaaaaaaaaay*
Tonights ep was good overall, except for the idiotface and gorgeous but stupidhead part where she forgives him