Siz is still here. Wow, you guys talked a lot.
I know it was hours ago that you guys were talking about this stuff, but I want my say!
Work: From about half way through year 12 up till January of this year I worked in a video store the next suburb over. It was all cash in hand, so the pay wasn't that great ($10), but as some of you know, I spent most of the time on my laptop on this very site, so it was a great set-up. That and I got movies for free! Rent, burn, return was my policy

When I worked there, I usually did Thursday and Sunday nights, for about 7.5 hours each... So for you math nerds out there, I came home with about $150/week, which wasn't much.
Now, however, after having been unemployed for nigh on 3 months, I work 2 jobs. I work in EzyDVD at Bansktown Square, and at a Bottle Shop in the next suburb over. The pay at EzyDVD isn't great, ($12), but again, I'm getting that cash in hand. The pay at the bottle shop is great, and I'm loving it. If I work there for one night, 7 hours, I get about my weekly earnings at the old video store.
Needless to say, I don't pay for much at home, I just pay for what I use... Apart from groceries. I've offered to pay for the Internet bill, but Mum won't have a bar of it.
As for what my Mum does, she's a nurse, and has been her entire life. Unfortunately, even when I'm not employed as anything, I also don't qualify for Youth Allowance.
TV Size: In my bedroom, I have a cute little 51cm LCD screen which we actually won from the PowerHouse Museum in Sydney. In the lounge room, my mum has bought a 37inch (something centimetre) Plasma screen. Beautiful. In the garage, which is my study/games room, I also have a 51cm flatscreen TV, but it's big and chunky.
You guys spoke about a few other things, but I'm bored of typing at the moment.
I'm going to fall asleep looking at photos.
Goodnight, everyone! :wave: