cassie and jules were still kissing and making out in the car when a torch shone on them....alf and brad were there, and then we see them at home getting told off by sally and brad, to which cassie was apologising and jules saying that it wasnt her fault. then brad asked ric to see what was wrong with the turned out the spark plugs were faulty, but it was more likely to be deliberate, and brad gave jules an ultimatum saying that if he doesnt tell cassie what happened, brad will himself to and tell cassie what happened.
lucas still hassling naomi and keeps asking her why shes ignoring him, and saw naomi and tony on the beach arguing, and lucas asks his dad what happened at the beach and goes off at him, which he later apologised for.
tony writes a note and drops it in naomi's caravan door, but when alf told lucas that he saw his dad acting all weird, he went to naomi's caravan only to find the letter on the door, to which he curiously opened, saying that he felt sorry about their one night stand....and thats the end of it me thinks
oh cassie think jules is a jerk now for what happened and threw orange juice at him

interesting week should be even better