Poor Martha. When she was crying at the end, in the rain as well

She was brilliant today.
Paul's acting (no offence baby) was crap today. I cringed. "I am a police officer" i would have cracked up if i was there.
But Jack and Martha were sooooo cute, esp when Martha was sitting on the car and Jack was standing on that thing looking for his place or whatever. That was adorable.
oh well, tomorrow i get my Martha and Geoffy scene, so im not complaining
Jazz is really prettier on H&A than she was in Neighbours. Her and Drew look perfect as mother and son.
Ada was brilliant today as well. Alex is a loser. Im glad Leah told him wear to go.
I love Jules. That last Jules/Cassie scene was adorable, when he pecked her lips <3
Ummm...what else happened -thinks- thats all i can think of
Cant wait till tomorrow. Oh great, more Rachel <_< She needs to leave already, im sick of her.