^Yeah i read that in some mag like 1 year ago, an she decided she wanted to act instead f study or something like that :|
I cant believe you guys wrote so much
tasha what about Thomas...

[BB] he isnt bad. Agree with you on the rest
Oh i cried, only when Tony was telling Mattie about Beth... her reaction

aww felt bad for her..
And adrian Mattie is like 16 turning 17 this year i think..
tasha, Jack is younger than Hugh?? How old is the guy...far out they're all old!
I cant believe you guys mentioned Martha, Belle and Mattie is the hottest girls on H&A but left out Amanda
Tim got out? everytime i saw him he was good [in the commercials

] Remember whn Daivd was there :mad1: the guy couldnt have been any more shocking!