I went to a small (and not very good) private school in Beecroft for primary and whilst they didn't teach me much, the one thing I did learn was to touch type. The teacher when I was in year 3 (this would've been 1996) made us do all the Q-A-D, W-S-X, etc... and then dictation typing tests). Fast forward to 2009 (some 13 years later) and I type according to various online typing sites between 130wpm and 150wpm (or around 750wpm on 100% accuracy). I think I hold top 10 records on sites like typercj and usually beat most of my friends on the FB app.
In all honesty, the best way to learn is just through regular computer use. For me I spent my (sad but true) high school life multitabbing on MSN Messenger (yep MSN Plus 1.6x by Patchou), forums, IRC and of course, the good ol' command prompt games (PQ, KQ, HQ by Sierra).