Economics uses quite a bit of maths in older years - I know to do honours you need to do maths subjects, but i don't think thats required of just someone who merely wants to major in, and since everyone is pretty much in your boat or a more sunken one, they do go over what is necessary of course!
Its kind of like "how long is a piece of string"- yes there is maths in it, but just like at school, if you need to learn it you'll learn it. There are maths learning centres to help you if necessary. There are people who did general/2u doing commerce so i wouldn't be overly concerned. Anything of great importance will be taught to you.
Metrics isn't as bad as it is made out to be - a lot of is statistics which wasn't done at school anyway and the tutors/lecturers can be pretty helpful if you go to them with questions.
I wouldn't *not* choose to do the degree because of the maths - it really isn't *that* much (yet...i am only first year), but its incrememental, they teach you what you need to know. For microeconomics they occasionally used calculus to find maxima/minimas in graphs and have yet to use maths really in macro.