textbook said:
would you break up with them? Think about it. A lot of relationships stay together because of sex. A lot of people break up because they have conflicting views. It's easy to say that you will stay with them no matter what, but in reality it doesn't seem to happen. Wanting to go to the same level of sexual things seems to be a big factor in whether people stay together.
For me i have had sexual relationships and going out with someone but nothing serious.My opinion is you have to be your friend with the person and so on before you ask them out and so on.
Sex is horrible sometimes because it complexes the relationship. More males now a days think it is important to have sex any any given time but but because their hormones are saying that and depending on who the FEMALE chooses gets the bad news or the good news.
Lets go back in time for a second. Once apon a time dating/relationships wasnt so sophisiticated.The only way that someone would date you would be through your scent.If it was different from your's then the recipient would have a higher chance going out with you and also when you ( females did the choosing here ) you where finding a batchelor you also did it to find a mate ect. Thats why many guys cant controll it because it is in their DNA to do so.
Any how getting back on the topic. Sex shouldnt be the number one thing on your list. This person your should be dating should be your friend more then anything else, someone you can come to for advice... If that main structure isnt their and there is no communication in the given relationship about hot topics (for eg, love, people cheating, what you want- kids , lifestye, ECT ) then of course it would never pan out.
And take it from me if you break up with them pressuring for sex then they will prolly not talk to you again.
okay theres my two cents

have a nice day.