Intro to Law seminar questions week 2 (1 Viewer)

= Jennifer =

Active Member
Oct 11, 2003
sydney's inner west
Cape said:
lol. I think I've scared you all too much now :p you can ask other people, but just don't rely on other people to do all your work for you.

yeah i was not relying on others to do my work they were the only questions i was stuck on


Forza Ferrari!
May 1, 2003
Not here!
Then its fine. As long as you dont copy word for word. Sorry for scarying you :p


Jul 25, 2004
The Hills
But we just discuss 'em in class.

We don't hand them in. We all write each others answers down from class.


guys - dont stress bout being 'caught" sharing homework answers..

i was talking to a friend bout this coz he's 4th year so i figured he might know and he said it doesnt extend to homework, unless that homework is research for an assignment...
so eg - hw about ourc ase studies u cant share around stuff but text book questions is fine...

and besides, as if the lecturers are gonna walk around the room and check.... i mean, they dont have the time and i seriously doubt they care, at least i doubt my lecturers do..they just seem happy if you do the hw..

and i guess in a way if u dont do ur own work, ur just disadvantaging yourself in the longh run, coz if you leave it u p to other people to do all your work, you'll be sooo lost when it scomes to assignments and exams:p


Forza Ferrari!
May 1, 2003
Not here!
Well my lecturers checked and two guys got caught. Simple as that. Anyway, at uni, you should be doing your own work anyway. I just gave them a warning - like I said didn't mean to scare you all :p


Cape said:
Well my lecturers checked and two guys got caught. Simple as that. Anyway, at uni, you should be doing your own work anyway. I just gave them a warning - like I said didn't mean to scare you all :p
geez ur lecturers musta either been really bored, really hates the guys or ur lectures are ridiculously small and lacking stuff 2 do 4 them to have the time to bother doing that...coz i just find that so ridiculous to waste time on that when the uni clearly has bigger problems....
i mean, yeah assessmnet u hafta check that stuff,but hw?

and that totally goes against what they've told us far as we were told if u miss a lecture, copy notes off someone else - which is why im not saying your bs'ing but i find it very hard 2 believe ppl would get caught "plaigiarising hw" when we were straight out told to copy stuff from other people if you miss lectures or need to catch up on work..

its exactly the same thing so how can they tell you "yeah sure copy other peoples work if ur sick" but if u share hw "oh no thats plaigarising that's banned...".. the whole things illogical..


Read this (extract in italics below) - basically it says plagiarism is when work is presented or submitted, which means handed up to be marked - ie it is an assessable task..this includes prior research be it as a group or individual but NOT textbook homework tasks that are unrelated directly to assessment work - if u still dont believe me, read the entire plagiarism policy and ask a lecturer or someone because i did to make sure you weren't right - and you're not because no where is there any mention of homework tasks or tasks otehr than those that are assessable in uws' plagiarism policy....

so, Cape, if ur story about the 2 ppl in ur lecture being caught plagiarising is in fact true, which im beginning to doubt, then they have been unfairly treated and should and will successfully appeal as it is not covered in the plagiarism policy.

I emailed a teacher from my high schools partner, who is a lecturer at uws who said that plagiarining does not extend to basic homework which is not an assessable task or part of the research for an assessable task....

And no - im not some nut who felt like being a bitch for the sake of it before you feel like coming back with some lame bitchy response -
I looked it up and checked up what i thought was right to let people know so they don't panic or go to ridiculous levels to avoid being 'caught' when it isnt necessary because what you have said is not entirely true.

so geez everyone - calm down and dont stress! you're not gonna get kicked out of your course for sharing homework activities:p

Plagiarism involves submitting or presenting work in a course as if it were the student's own work done expressly for that particular unit when, in fact, it was not. Most commonly, plagiarism exists when:
the work submitted or presented was done, in whole or in part, by an individual other than the one submitting or presenting the work
parts of the work are taken from another source without reference to the original author; or
the whole work, such as an essay, is copied from another source.

Plagiarism refers not only to academic writing, but also to other forms of presentation for assessment such as performance, design, composition, electronic media, etc.

UWS 2003 Academic Misconduct Policy
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Forza Ferrari!
May 1, 2003
Not here!
Its true ... thanks for basically calling me a lier. They failed tourism systems cause they were caught copying each others work for weekly seminars. You will find that weekly homework is often being assessed towards your final grade. And I don't appreciate you accusing me of something, which I know more about than you. I'd think I'd know if they were caught ... considering they are my friends.


Cape said:
Its true ... thanks for basically calling me a lier. They failed tourism systems cause they were caught copying each others work for weekly seminars. You will find that weekly homework is often being assessed towards your final grade. And I don't appreciate you accusing me of something, which I know more about than you. I'd think I'd know if they were caught ... considering they are my friends.
far out - as i said, i just found it hard to believe given it is no where in the uni's policies, i have been told by l ecturers that its not against uni policy to share hw...

i was straight out told - u can only be penalised if the homework is part of research for/leading up to an assessment...

thus, it would be obvious that you can assume that ordinary text book exercises, which i was told by lecturer you can copy if you are sick or whatever to catch, are not able to be penalised...

and im sorry but your course must be very differnt to the rest of the u unis business, communications, law etc etce courses then... we have very clear outlines that assesments equal certain percentages, exmas equal the rest and the only othe rthings we can be "assessed" on is class participation for seminars and tutes....and we cannot be assesed for anything not outlined in the assessment guide, ie homework

thus it hink it is fair to say it is not likely at all that i will find my weekely homework being assesed...

never has any mention been as to checking of homework etc etc etc or assessing or homework - thus, it is against rules for us to be penalised for something we are not made aware of.....

excuse me for not taking the word of a single total stranger against that of the uni's policy/lecturers/numerous other students


Forza Ferrari!
May 1, 2003
Not here!
Seminar participation including weekly homework is worth anywhere between 10% - 25% of the final mark. My course is not different. Its the same structure as any other course. Don't bag out my course - just cause it isn't the most popular course doesn't mean anything :mad:


Cape said:
Seminar participation including weekly homework is worth anywhere between 10% - 25% of the final mark. My course is not different. Its the same structure as any other course. Don't bag out my course - just cause it isn't the most popular course doesn't mean anything :mad:
as i said - my course. seminar participation is not assessed as a % of final marks - u are given an unsat or sat assessment and if you get unsat you fail..

it has nothing to do with you rmarks.
you can get HD's and fail is you get an unsat..

and the unsat is more about whether you turn up to lectures...they can give u an unsat for not participating but its rare and they dont go around checking hoemwork because we use up the full 2 hours as it is so there isnt time...people openly said today in the seminar that they hadnt done the readings so their answer was just a guess and she didnt care one bit

and since when did i bag out ur course?

all i said was it must be a different structure to other courses since all my friends and my bro n myself have the course structured the smae way and the way you desrcibe yours, it sounds different..

i dont know anything about your course nor do i give a shit a bout it to be honest.. all i was saying is that given what you said about hw being assessed etc, it must be different to my course and the courses of my friends at the uni as in our this doesnt happen


Forza Ferrari!
May 1, 2003
Not here!
I don't give a fuck about whatever you do. And dont come on here trying to cause trouble either. All i did was give warnings cause some lecturers do check homework and my friends got bustered. Maybe I shouldn't warn people anymore. Just stop complaining and whinging and go and do something productive. And whatever you do, don't come on here complaining that you get low marks at the end of semester cause you didn't do your own work. And I'm sure most people in the uws section appreciate my advice, so shut up!


Cape said:
I don't give a fuck about whatever you do. And dont come on here trying to cause trouble either. All i did was give warnings cause some lecturers do check homework and my friends got bustered. Maybe I shouldn't warn people anymore. Just stop complaining and whinging and go and do something productive. And whatever you do, don't come on here complaining that you get low marks at the end of semester cause you didn't do your own work. And I'm sure most people in the uws section appreciate my advice, so shut up!
dont make fucking assumption! im not a moron.,...i dont need nor intend on stealing other peoples work to get a good mark i can do it on my own!

and i'm not trying to cause trouble!
i am just telling people that i have been told the total opposite by people of authority so they should know rather than taking your word as gospel and panicking because its only 2nd week and there are plenty of things already to worry about

and you have no right to tell me to go do something productive - im not the one with 3000+ posts on an internet forum - i have a life outside of the i nternet.

so in future - fine - ppl can take ur word as gospel - i'll be happy to be right on my own and not be going nuts stressing whilst people who listened to you are


Forza Ferrari!
May 1, 2003
Not here!
Did you happen to look at my join date before you assumed that I have no life? I have a life, thankyou very much. I help people of BOS with productive questions and I study at the same time. I know its hard for you to comprhend that I can multi-task, but i can. Since you came on here you have been causing trouble - do you have something against natstar and me? jesus, we have sat here for months helping first years, even if they repeat the same questions over and over again. I suggest that you talk to other people in the uws section and see what they think of us!


Cape said:
Did you happen to look at my join date before you assumed that I have no life? I have a life, thankyou very much. I help people of BOS with productive questions and I study at the same time. I know its hard for you to comprhend that I can multi-task, but i can. Since you came on here you have been causing trouble - do you have something against natstar and me? jesus, we have sat here for months helping first years, even if they repeat the same questions over and over again. I suggest that you talk to other people in the uws section and see what they think of us!
i did not say you had no life and if you read what i said carefully you'll see that - i said simply you must have spent a lot of time on here as ive been on for a year + but have nowhere near the amount you avge post in a year so you therefore must spend way way more time on here th an me...

i have nothing against you and natstar - if you go back and read everything, i simply stated one comment which you both took it upn yourslef to take as personal attacks, when they werent...

and how the hell can you say since i came on here i'v been causing trouble? why dont u take ur own advice an dhave a look at my othe rposts, which are all useful advise for other people - i dont see why someone would rep me and say "thanks for the help" if im such an evil person as you're making out..

i dont need thousands of posts to have valid comments

as i said over and over - i simply stated what i heard from lecturers and the uni policy - ie a more reputable source than a student, as to the policy and what they said conflicted with what you said so i told people so they could check it out and see which is trus rathe rthan worrying unneccessarily

just because you've helped people out alot doesnt mean you cant be wrong about one point - being right about 50000 things doesnt mean you're going to be 100% right about this because its a totally different matter

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