well other than screwing up a few big questions and the MC which is always rotten im hoping for a band 6 - can't help feeling ive screwed up everything so far....
that was an alright test....i section 3 :AMS and MS was way easier than section 2..what the fuck is project management strategies for regional people?...i swear i was hoping not to get those type of question..... other than that pretty gud test...
OMG SDD xam 2morrow..i am gonna fail that for sure.:S
Multiple Choice is the best, most of the time don't even need to know any IPT stuff. It's just using logic to work out which of the four options it is
Screwed up the Drawing the table for Normalisation though
This exam was just damn annoying, i was expecting different types of questions. At least something communications as a key point (Microwave, sat, ect), same with DSS wasnt expecting the questions they gave.
I just kept drawing a blank on the answers, ended running out of time as they just were so annoying
multimedia option questions always screw me over grr....
decision support system option was greattttt
overall....question 23 was the best!!!! multiple choice i found quite hard...i hate analysing so many graphs for one mark...such a waste of time lol....it was a pretty fair exam i found...
yeah i agree.. it was a fair exam pretty resonable... multiple choice was awsome, bit too much thinking for some questions though for only one mark.. i felt there was heappps to write in only a 3 hour period but. hand was caining afterwards ouch! overall though ill be happy with band 5
I reckon it was alrite cos i didnt even study dat much 4 IPT cos i had Ancient History b4 it. It was realli different 2 d past HSC exams but luckily i reckon i will jus perform the way i did in my trials. Hoping 4 a band4/5!!
it was a shit exam! well for people like me who actually studied through out the year. Because you didnt really have to know much to answer the questions, you could just BS your way through it.